


1.  Review regional progress in implementing the Regional Action Framework and identify priority areas for action by countries and partners

2.  Consider and initiate a plan for guiding midterm reporting by countries (2019) and conducting regional review (2020) of the Regional Action Framework, including providing the secretariat with guidance on how to improve the reporting process

3.  Adjust the programme of work for the Regional Steering Group and the subgroups for the period of 2018-2019

4.  Agree on the focus of the progress report to the Commission at its seventy-fourth session

DAY 1: Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Session / Description / Chair / rapporteur
No. 1
MR- F / Welcome, adoption of agenda and introductions
§  Mr. Hongjoo Hahm, Deputy Executive Secretary, ESCAP
§  H.E. Ms. Rosy Akbar, Minister of Health and Medical Service, Fiji / ESCAP Secretariat
No. 2
MR- F / CRVS as a priority, national plans and the SDGs
National CRVS strategies and coordination mechanisms – where we are and what works, Ms. Tanja Sejersen, Statistician, Statistics Division, ESCAP
Establishing political support for improving CRVS in Fiji, Mr. Iliesa Ravuci, National Health Information Officer, Ministry of Health and Medical Services, Fiji
Linking CRVS and SDGs in a national context, Ms. Editha Orcilla, Assistant National Statistician, Philippines Statistics Authority
Setting up the national multi-sectoral CRVS coordination mechanism in Armenia and making it work, Ms. Ani Mkhitaryan, Head of the Civil Acts Registration Agency, Ministry of Justice, Armenia
The development of the national CRVS strategy, Ms. Lina Hang, Director General, National Institute of Statistics and Chair of the Cambodian CRVS coordination mechanism
CRVS coordination mechanisms and strategies – experiences from Africa, Mr. Kassahun Asres Admassu, Statistician, UN Economic Commission for Africa
Plenary Discussion:
-  What country actions are required for well-functioning coordination mechanisms and national improvement strategies?
-  What actions can be taken to initiate/accelerate the establishment and development of coordination mechanisms and national improvement strategies?
-  How can a broader range of countries leverage the emphasis on SDGs to secure political, institutional and financial support for CRVS improvements both domestically and with donors?
-  What types of regional support can further country actions with respect to the above scenarios? / Session Chair:
Chair of the Regional Steering Group (RSG)
Carla AbouZahr, Bloomberg Data for Health Initiative
10:30 / Coffee break & Group Photo
No. 3
MR- F / Progress on Goal 1 – universal registration of births and deaths
What do we know about registration completeness and coverage in Asia and the Pacific? Mr. Hong Pum Chung, Associate Statistician, Statistics Division, ESCAP
Introduction to the United Nations methodological framework, Mr. Srdjan Mrkic, Chief, Demographic Statistics Section, United Nations Statistics Division
Contemporary methods on assessment of coverage and completeness of CRVS with national examples, Dr. Chalapati Rao, Associate Professor, Department of Global Health, Research School of Population Health, ANU College of Health and Medicine
-  Establishing baselines for the CRVS Decade, Ms. Lina Hang, Director General National Institute of Statistics and Chair of the Cambodian CRVS coordination mechanism
-  Using surveys to assess registration completeness in Indonesia, Mr. Maliki, Director of Population Planning and Social Protection, Ministry of National Development Planning, Indonesia
Expected outcome:
-  Shared understanding of the concept of completeness and coverage, the main ways of measuring the current situation in Asia-Pacific / Session chair:
Vice-Chair, Ms. Editha Orcilla
Jonathan Marskell, World Bank
Public Foyer / Lunch Event: CRVS eLearning course
No. 3 [cont.]
MR- F / Progress on Goal 1 – universal registration of births and deaths
-  Practices in assessing registration completeness, wrap up, Mr. Srdjan Mrkic, Chief, Demographic Statistics Section, United Nations Statistics Division
-  Developing the Health Information Management system in Fiji, Mr. Iliesa Ravuci, National Health Information Officer, Ministry of Health and Medical Services, Fiji
-  Legal review in Malaysia to extend birth registration deadlines and improving access through allowing registration in different locations, Ms. Nazaria Baharudin, Deputy Chief Statistician, Department of Statistics, Malaysia
-  Improving birth registration through infrastructure improvements and legal review, Mr. Roderick Kidoe, Registrar, Civil Registration Office, Solomon Islands
-  Improving registration completeness through collaboration with the health sector, Mr. Anir Chowdhury, Policy Adviser, Access to Information (a2i) Programme, Prime Minister’s Office, Bangladesh / Session chair: Vice-Chair, Ms. Editha Orcilla
Rapporteur: Ms. Karen Carter, The Pacific Community
15.15 / Coffee break & CRVS Marketplace
No. 3 [cont.]
MR- F / Progress on Goal 1 – universal registration of births and deaths
-  Country experiences in improving death registration completeness, Ms. Karen Carter, Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Specialist, Statistics for Development Division, The Pacific Community
-  Improving birth and death registration completeness in Kazakhstan, Ms. Gulmira Karaulova, Head of Social and Demographics Statistics Department, Committee on Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan
-  Improving registration through notifications of death in Bhutan, Mr. Pandup Tshering, Director General of Medical Service, Ministry of Health, Bhutan
-  Practices in improving death registration wrap up and discussion, Mr. Srdjan Mrkic, Chief, Demographic Statistics Section, United Nations Statistics Division
Plenary Discussion:
-  What challenges do countries face in achieving the targets on universal registration of births and deaths as set out in their national CRVS improvement plans/strategies?
-  How can results of completeness and coverage assessments be used to inform national efforts in achieving universal registration? How can they be used to strengthen national CRVS improvement plans/strategies?
-  What is the way forward for ensuring more data is available on completeness measurements across Asia and the Pacific?
-  What are potential challenges and opportunities for countries to conduct completeness and coverage assessments?
-  What types of regional collaboration can enhance national efforts for achieving universal registration, including conducting completeness and coverage assessments? / Session chair:
Vice-Chair, Ms. Editha Orcilla
Rapporteur: Ms. Vibeke Oestreich Nielsen
Public Foyer / Reception hosted by University of Melbourne Bloomberg Philanthropies Data for Health (D4H) Initiative
DAY 2: Thursday, 19 October 2017
No. 4
MR- F / Recap of Day 1
§  Rapporteurs from Day 1 / Session chair: Chair of the RSG
No. 5
MR- F / Progress on Goal 2 – legal documentation
-  Overview of the progress toward achieving Goal 2 and related issues. Linking CRVS and ID Management, why is it so important and what does it mean for service delivery, Ms. Tanja Sejersen, Statistician, Statistics Division, ESCAP
-  Benefits, different models and challenges in integrating civil registration and national ID systems, especially for achieving SDG 16.9 on legal identity for all, Mr. Jonathan Daniel Marskell, Specialist, Identification for Development, World Bank
-  The importance and challenges of issuing unique national ID numbers at birth: The NIK experience, Mr. Maliki, Director of Population Planning and Social Protection, Ministry of National Development Planning, Indonesia
-  Thailand’s national IDs as a foundation for universal health coverage and healthcare delivery, Dr. Boonchai Kijsanayotin, Manager, Thai Health Information Standards Development Center (THIS), Health Systems Research Institute (HSRI), Thailand
-  Promoting financial inclusion and integrity in Bangladesh, Mr. Anir Chowdhury, Policy Adviser, Access to Information (a2i) Programme, Prime Minister’s Office, Bangladesh
-  Integrating birth registration and unique identification: Aadhaar-enabled birth registration pilot in Haryana, Mr. Anil Sant, Joint Secretary and Additional Registrar General, Office of the Registrar General, Ministry of Home Affairs, India
Plenary Discussion:
-  What country actions are required to achieve the targets of Goal 2?
-  What challenges and opportunities are offered to national CRVS stakeholders by the growing momentum in developing IDM systems?
-  How can the efforts to improve CRVS benefit from government programmes of service delivery? How can such links be more effectively communicated to key stakeholders to mobilize political, institutional and financial support for CRVS improvements?
-  What types of regional collaboration is required to enhance national efforts for the above issues? / Session chair: Chair of the RSG
Rapporteur: Kendra Gregson, UNICEF
10.45 / Coffee break & CRVS Marketplace
No. 6
MR- F / Progress on Goal 3 – vital statistics based on registration records and quality assurance of CRVS systems
-  What do we know about vital statistics based on registration records and quality assurance in Asia and the Pacific, Mr. Hong Pum Chung, Associate Statistician, Statistics Division, ESCAP
-  International methodological guidelines for civil registration and vital statistics with emphasis on quality assurance and assessment, Dr. Chalapati Rao, Associate Professor, Department of Global Health, Research School of Population Health, ANU College of Health and Medicine
-  The implementation of civil registration and vital statistics in Malaysia, Ms. Nazaria Baharudin, Deputy Chief Statistician, Department of Statistics, Malaysia
-  Progress on producing vital statistics based on civil registration records, Ms. Badamtsetseg, Director of Administration Department, General Authority for Intellectual Property and State Registration (GAIPSR), Mongolia
Plenary Discussion:
-  What measures can be taken by the national coordination mechanism to expedite the progress toward the targets under Goal 3?
-  What country actions are required to institutionalize the regular (annual) production and dissemination of vital statistics based on registration records, including:
o  Establishing clear responsibilities regarding the production and dissemination of vital statistics among relevant government, agencies to ensure coherence and consistency among data from different sources,
o  Integrating the tasks into regular work programmes of the relevant government agencies,
o  Processes and procedures of sharing civil registration records for the production and dissemination of vital statistics?
-  What measures are required to continuously improve the quality of civil registration records and vital statistics?
-  What actions are required to integrate CRVS improvements into National Strategies for the Development of Statistics?
-  What types of regional collaboration can enhance national efforts in achieving Goal 3? / Session chair: Vice-Chair, Mr Anir Chowdhury
Rapporteur: Martin Bratchi, Vital Strategies Data for Health initiative
Theatre / Lunch Event: Showcasing the OpenCRVS prototype
No. 6 [cont.]
MR-F / Progress on Goal 3 – vital statistics based on registration records and quality assurance of CRVS systems
-  Introduction to eLearning modules on vital statistics, Vibeke Oestreich Nielsen, Senior Advisor, Statistics Norway
-  Current and upcoming support for this area, (Partner inputs) / Session chair: Vice-Chair, Mr Anir Chowdhury
Rapporteur: Martin Bratchi, Vital Strategies Data for Health initiative
No. 7
MR-F / Introduction to the parallel focus sessions with guidance for the intended outcomes
-  Template for recording outcomes, Ms. Tanja Sejersen, Statistician, Statistics Division, ESCAP / Session chair:
Vice-Chair, Mr Anir Chowdhury
15.00 / Coffee break & CRVS Marketplace
No. 8
MR -F / Parallel focus session I
TOPIC A: Improving registration of hard to reach and marginalized groups
-  Introduction on the importance of registration of hard-to-reach and marginalized groups: Accountability for commitments to the Regional Action Framework, Ms. Kristen Wenz, Child Protection Specialist (Birth Registration), Programme Division, UNICEF
-  The upcoming Civil Registration Toolkit, Ms. Fleur Gervais, Project Manager, Regional Support Office, Regional Support Office of the Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime
-  Steps that have been taken to include those at risk of statelessness and refugees and asylum seekers within CRVS coverage, Khun Vichian Chidchanognarth, Director General, Bureau of Registration Administration, Thailand
-  Ensuring complete registration for all, out-reach to indigenous populations in Australia, Ms. Justine Boland, Program Manager, Health and Disability Branch, Australia Bureau of Statistics, Australia (via Webex)
-  World Vision ECPMC Project baseline results and learning, Mr. Julius Verdadero, EU Project Manager, World Vision Foundation of Thailand
TOPIC B: CRVS Digitization
Aims of the session:
-  Note the opportunities IT provides to reach the “hard-to-reach” and provide non-traditional means of accessing registration
-  Identify key challenges & risks countries face when planning and implementing sustainable and effective IT systems or upgrades
-  Identify potential solutions and regional tools for improving IT design and implementation
-  Recommend actions for the RSG (country led) and partners for supporting good IT decisions for CRVS
-  Introduction and Welcome, Edward Duffus, Plan International
-  Translating a vision into a national IT system, Mr. Anir Chowdhury, Policy Adviser for the Access to Information (a2i) Programme, Prime Minister’s Office, Bangladesh
-  Managing privacy risk and data protection, Ms. Ani Mkhitaryan, Head of the Civil Status Acts Registration Agency, Ministry of Justice, Armenia
-  Data sharing and interoperability with other sectors (i.e., health) / information verification, Dr. Boonchai Kijsanayotin, Manager, Thai Health Information Standards Development Centre (THIS), Health Systems Research Institute (HSRI), Thailand
-  Malaysia’s experience in CRVS digitization, Ms. Nazaria Baharudin, Deputy Chief Statistician, Department of Statistics, Malaysia
Plenary discussion:
-  What actions and resources at a regional level would help countries make better use of IT and encourage better planning for IT solutions.
DAY 3: Friday, 20 October 2017
No. 9
MR- F / Parallel focus session II
TOPIC C: CRVS in emergencies and disasters
Aims of the session:
-  Note the importance of effectively preparing for and implementing CRVS in emergencies.
-  How effective preparation can mitigate risks of the impact of emergencies on CRVS services.
-  Note the opportunity to “build back better”, both nationally and regionally.
-  Identify key challenges & risks that countries face when conducting CRVS during or after an emergency.
-  Identify key actions that countries need to take to effectively plan and implement CRVS in emergencies.
-  Identify regional tools to improve the design and implementation of effective CRVS in emergencies.
-  Recommend actions for the RSG (country led) and partners to support next steps for CRiE resilience and response activities.
-  Introduction and welcome, the need and importance for CRVS in emergencies, Ms. Sophie Shugg, Senior Child Rights & Protection Advisor, Plan International