Date of Meeting: / Thursday, April 21, 2011Time and Location: / 11:15 a.m. , Bond 295
Minutes Prepared By: / Becky Kyzer
1. Attendance at Meeting
Col. Steve Cotter
Dr. Al Lovvorn
Dr. Kathy Richardson-Jones
Dr. Margaret Francel
Dr. Wes Dudgeon (for Dr. John Carter)
Dr. Jennifer Altieri
Dr. Keith Plemmons
Dr. Joelle Neulander
Dr. George Williams
Dr. Angie LeClercq
Dr. Julie Lipovsky
Dr. Peter Mailloux
Dr. Jack Porter (for Dr. Terry Mays)
Dr. Wes Jones
Dr. Jim Hutchisson / Absent
Dr. Sam Hines
Dr. Mary Lou Yeatts
Dr. Paul Rosenblum
Dr. Kerry Lassiter
Ex-officio members & Guests
Dr. Steve Nida-Dean
Marcia Bonica-CGC
Rebecca Kyzer-CGC
Sylvia Nesmith-Registrar
2. Meeting Notes
Call to Order:
11:15 am by Dr. Steve Nida
Old Business:
Minutes from the March 2011 Graduate Council Meeting were approved.
New Business:
Minor curriculum adjustments, MAT Mathematics and MA Ed. Mathematics (for information only): COL Stephen Cotter presented course adjustments for both programs. The adjustments are as follows: for MAT Mathematics remove Differential Equations as a prerequisite, and for MA Ed. Mathematics delete the requirement for a comprehensive exam. The justification for the removal of Differential Equations is that the South Carolina Department of Education Teacher Certification programs do not require this course. The justification to eliminate the comprehensive core course exam for the four core MAE math courses (MATH 518, 542, 550, and 553) is that historically students have taken the exam several years after completing the core classes. The Mathematics Committee has created a more accurate assessment tool by using standardized questions on individual core course final exams.
Proposal for certificate program in Systems Engineering Management (tabled motion):
A motion to bring the proposal back to the table was offered by Dr. George Williams and seconded by Dr. Keith Plemmons. The previous minutes indicate that the motion was tabled in order to allow further discussion regarding similarities between PMGT 681 and CSCI 654. According to Dr. Plemmons, discussions determined that the course did not meet the same standards. For the record, Dr. Margaret Francel stated that she remained unconvinced that the courses do not have similarities. Dr. Wes Jones raised concerns about regard the use of the word “management” in the description of the program title. He explained that The School of Business’s accreditation body would possibly have concerns with the use of the word “management” by a non-Business program. A lengthy discussion was brought to a conclusion by Dr. Julie Lipovsky’s Google search that determined that the use of the word as part of a program title is widespread among similar programs. The motion to accept the Certificate in Systems Engineering Management was made, seconded, and approved unanimously.
Other Matters as Necessary:
Dr. Nida reminded GC to submit all catalog changes as soon as possible. He also requested that any GC members notify him of any changes in GC membership that would be effective with the start of the fall semester.
Dr. Bebensee e-mailed regarding the new meeting schedule effective Fall 2011. GC will meet every 3rd Tuesday.
Dr. Nida recognized Dr. Margaret Francel on her pending retirement and thanked her for all her contributions to GC over the years. He also took the opportunity to thank all of the Council members for their service during the 2010-2011 academic year.
Dr. Williams provided GC with information regarding his program’s Electronic Portfolio presentations, to be held Thursday, April 28, and Friday, April 29.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:07 pm.
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