Meeting Minutes - 3/21/13

69 Attendees

Roger New – Opened up the meeting welcoming everyone and introduced the 2013 MCEPS Executive Committee

Safety Conference Information – Pamela Doty- Embry Riddle Aeronautics Univ. – Pam provided information about Embry-Riddle background. Embry-Riddle is looking to partner with industry to provide a safety conference to be held in the OKC area. Suggested topics for the Safety conference were shown on Pam’s power point presentation. Members are invited to a steering meeting in April to start discussing additional topics for the Safety conference. For more information about the safety conference you may contact Pam. Her information is included in the presentation provided.

Joel Heinen –National Oilwell Varco –Presentation on STV - Joel opened up his presentation by showing a video of employee working in derrick. STV (Stand Transfer Vehicle) is a Land Vertical Pipe Handling system which eliminates drilling personnel from working in the derrick. NOV developed the STV due to high percentages of injuries with derrickmen. STV adds values to operation by increasing safety, rig performance, and marketability of the rig. The would-be derrickman sits near the driller and operates the STV. Feedback from STV use: 1.5M+ feet tripped without any issues. NOV has been asked about using this STV on workover rig operations. STV has been in use for 5 years. If anyone is interested in cost, feel free to contact NOV directly. Videos of the STV can be seen at NOV’s website: NOV STV website

Jenny Faseler - ISNetWorld - Briefly spoke about ISNetworld and informed group that she would be able to assist with any questions or comments anyone had. Jenny left her contact information for everyone attending the meeting. For those that were unable to attend, here is Jenny’s email address:

Carl Rose – Burton Controls - Leadership in Oilfield Safety – Part 1- Understanding generational difference

· Why Leadership in Safety? Open Communication, Setting Examples, Getting others to practice safety when you’re not around, and Buy in.

· By 2014, 70 million baby boomers will enter retirement. Generation X will assume positions of leadership

· Traditionalist – key word: Loyal. They value logic & discipline & want to build a legacy

· Baby Boomers – key word: Optimist. They are a “ME” generation and want to build a stellar career

· Generation X – key word – Skepticism. They want to build a portable career and they are flexible and motivated

· Generation Y – key word –Realistic. Personal safety is #1 concern. Want work to be meaningful

Leading others includes respecting one another. There is a lot of knowledge in the safety field and communication goes a long way.

Six Practices of exemplary leadership: Carl will continue his series at upcoming MCEPS meetings

Group Discussion- Roger New – discussed minor vehicle incidents that have been happening at his company with pickups. Asked the group what driver training was being used. Smith System was mentioned by a member. NSC 9th edition driver training course was brought up by Roger and it looks to be a very good training course. OSHA has utilized NSC training course as well. Internal Journey Management programs can help with reductions in speeding.

David Bates – shared information on OSHA 5810 Hazard Recognition class. TEEX and UTA will be bringing the 5810 course to Drumright in May.

Information can be found at:

UTA OSHA Education center will be bringing a free course to OSU-OKC in April 22nd over Combustible Dust Hazards.

NIOSH has a rig check program to assist with rig inspections and other publications and checklists. These documents can be found at:

David also discussed FRC topic, OSHA has a new policy now, FRC citations have been put into a novel case process. Most FRC citations in OK have been on the service side of oilfield operations. Citations are mainly issued for employees not wearing FRC.

OSHA is hosting 1-5 instructors in April from the Chicago area and they will be making visits to the field.

April 23 - AIHA is having their Spring conference. One day seminar for EHS process. Seminar is being held at OKCCC - $150 for non-members. Sent email regarding the conference to MCEPS group on Tuesday 3/26.

Meeting Dismissed

Scribe: David Nixon, HS Advisor, BP America Production Co.