World History/Age of Exploration/Chapter 19.1

p. 529-535

1. Why were merchants able to sell spices at a high price?

2. How did the Muslims unintentionally help the Europeans take over trade with eastern Asia?

3. How might the phrase “God, glory, and gold” summarize the Europeans motives for exploration?

Portugal Leads the Way

4. Why did Henry found a navigation schools as a means to gain access to the riches of East Asia?

5. Look at p. 531. What is a caravel?

6. Why did inventors and sailors develop better tools for navigation?

7. How did Columbus expect to get to Asia by sailing west?

8. How might Columbus have mistaken the Caribbean for the East Indies?

9. What is the treaty of Tordesillas? How did it ease tensions between Portugal and Spain?

Trading Empires in the Indian Ocean

10. Why were the Portuguese determined to prevent Muslim traders from continuing their spice trade?

12. Look to page 534 at the map. Trace de Gama’s route on the map from Lisbon to Calicut. How far did da Gama travel?

13. Why would a fort at Hormuz help the Portuguese to stop trade between the Arabian Peninsula and India?