Mayville School District
October 4, 2016 Facility Study Committee (FSC) Minutes
The FSC began at 6:35pm in the Mayville High School Library. It was joined by school board members Dick Fink and John Westphal; administrators Bob Clark, Janelle DeZarn, Becky LeBouton, John Schlender, Scott Zabol, and Lee Zarnott; representatives from Bray Architects and Trane Engineering; and facilitator Matt Gibson. There were no audience comments.
Business manager Janelle DeZarn completed presentation of the September 26 FSC finance exercise and presented highlights from the recent district annual report including membership and open enrollment data (119 regular education students in and 76 out; and 10 special education students in and 11 out). She noted that prior district debt is retired, anticipated mill rate is down from $10.54 to $9.03/per thousand of assessed valuation, and capital maintenance budget was increased in the 2016-2017 district budget.
All six subcommittees presented progress reports to include the following highlights:
• High school/community fine arts - Met with past and present staff, reviewed needs for new or renovated auditorium, will meet with community representatives, and are looking into ideas to reduce or offset costs.
• High school/community athletics - Summarized overall need as lack of space, e.g. team room space, storage space, adult (community) club space, and spaces for Title IX equal program access for girls.
• Safety and security (all three schools) - Reflected consultation with local police chief and benchmarking with Lomira High School; needs mentioned were main entrance to high school including lighting and offices, alarms on all high school exterior doors, handicapped accessibility (high school east wing), providing sufficient storage at high school to not block hallway fire exits, and securing classrooms at all three schools including security cameras.
• Learning spaces (all three schools) - While report was deferred given unavailability of subcommittee chair, example learning space needs mentioned were small classrooms (perhaps recapturing alcoves), outdated science labs, insufficient cafeteria/commons space, outdated (inflexible) furniture, adding meeting rooms and preparing for personalized learning.
• Infrastructure (all three schools) - Drafted long range plan that segmented probable district budget vs referendum items; reviewed operational costs, energy savings, and capital cost avoidance; flagged bus garage and kitchen for further study; and are awaiting Trane Engineering report.
• Communications (information and public relations) - Will make websites for all subcommittees and facilitate two-way communication with staff and community.
Trane Engineering presented an interim report targeted for completion by mid-October. Expectations were reviewed for Trane Engineering and all six subcommittee reports to be completed in writing for FSC packet distribution by noon on Thursday, October 20. The next FSC meeting is 6:30pm, Monday, October 24 wherein each report will be briefly presented, overlaps will be flagged when one report informs another, staff steerage will be sought on what items are within scope of the operational budget, and FSC steerage (informed by recently weighted criteria) will be sought on items to be costed for further FSC deliberation at 6:30pm, Wednesday, November 9. With no audience comments, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10pm.