Matrix Word Problems

SWBAT create a matrix from a situation and use the matrix to answer questions

Part 1: Fred was hired at the ice-cream store, open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, to help keep track of their sales. The store sells vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, and peach flavored ice cream, and you can get 1 scoop in a plain cone, sugar cone, or cup. Fred decided to use a matrix to display his data with the flavors for the rows and the containers for the columns.

Create a matrix for Fred to use for his job.

Part 2: On Friday, the store sold 15 vanilla cups, 22 vanilla sugar cones, and 18 vanilla plain cones. It sold 22 chocolate plain cones, 21 chocolate cups and 25 chocolate sugar cones. It sold 18 strawberry sugar cones, 21 strawberry cups, and 17 strawberry plain cones. And, it sold 13 peach sugar cones and 15 peach cups.

Create matrix F with information from Friday.

Part 3: On Saturday, the store sold 18 vanilla cups, 19 vanilla sugar cones, and 18 vanilla plain cones. It sold 25 chocolate plain cones, 22 chocolate cups and 23 chocolate sugar cones. It sold 16 strawberry sugar cones, 20 strawberry cups, and 15 strawberry plain cones. And, it sold 15 peach sugar cones, 12 peach cups and 7 peach plain cones.

Create matrix S with the information from Saturday.

Part 4: On Sunday, the store sold 20 vanilla sugar cones, 15 vanilla plain cones, and 16 vanilla cups. It sold 19 chocolate sugar cones, 20 chocolate cups and 15 chocolate plain cones. It sold 16 strawberry cups, 25 strawberry plain cones, and 21 strawberry sugar cones. And, it sold 16 peach plain cones, 15 peach sugar cones and 4 peach cups.

Create matrix N with the information from Sunday.

Part 5: Find the number of each flavor in each container sold for the three days.

Part 6: Use the matrices in Part 2 – Part 5 to answer the questions.

1. Which day did they sell the most chocolate?

2. How many vanilla scoops were sold on Friday?

3. Which flavor of ice cream sold the most for the week?

4. How many scoops of peach were sold for the week?

5. How many more scoops of strawberry than vanilla were sold on Friday?

6. Which day was the most strawberry sold?

7. The store can get 100 scoops out of 1 tub of ice cream. Did they use a whole tub of peach ice cream this week? Explain.

8. If they opened a new tub of each ice cream at the start of Friday, how many scoops of vanilla do they have left after Sunday? (When a tub runs out, they replace it.)

9. How many scoops of chocolate do they have at the end of Saturday?

10. How many sugar cones were used on Friday?

11. How many plain cones were used for this week?

12. If cups come in a package of 200, did they have to open a new pack before the end of the week? Explain.

13. If every scoop of ice cream is a profit of $2.50 for the store, how much did they profit for the week?