12th grade Quarterly Project: Outlining a Career Path
“Choose a job you love, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.”
Directions:Consider what you like to do. Then, choose an occupation or a field of work that interests you. Research it and present your findings by answering the questions attached to this.
Some useful websites:
This is big, it’s the Department of Labor’s website, every occupation is outlined here. Go find what interests you!
This site offers descriptions of careers and lists of actual jobs you can hold within the field.
A whole bunch of information about a whole bunch of occupations and fields.
This site also has a useful drop-down menu on the left side of the screen that can walk you through everything from choosing a college major to the jobs that go along with that major, and more!
Yet another wonderful website with everything from start to finish.
Name: ______Date: ______
Period: ______12th Grade Quarterly Project
Researching a Career Path
Directions: Research the following questions about the career you choose based on your personal character traits and academic strengths. You must answer/explore all questions to receive full credit! Also, you must write complete sentences.
My career/field occupation choice is:
- A Match?
-How does your personality/academic background make you a match for this career/field occupation choice? ______
- Nature of the Work
-Duties required. ______
-Explain what your typical work day would entail. ______
- Working Conditions
-Work environment (surroundings, atmosphere) ______
-Work hours (will you need to work at home as well?) ______
-How would you communicate with your co-workers (e-mail, telephone, conference, interoffice mail, in-person?) ______
-Would you work alone or with a team of coworkers? ______
-Who would be your supervisor/boss?What’s his/her position? ______
-Who is the population you work with (age, socio-economic level?)
-What’s the psychological aspects of the work setting (stress level, crisis situations, deadlines, etc.).______
- Qualifications
-What type of education/training will be required to attain your career? (Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, TechnicalSchool, Certification, etc.) ______
-Will you need an internship/on-the-job experience prior to employment? ______
-What type of skills are required for this type of career/job? ______
-What type of personal traits are required? (outgoing, quiet, ethical, etc.) ______
- Opportunities and Future Outlook
-What percent, on average, of individuals work in this career/field? ______
-Is this field made up of more males, females, or an even number of each gender? ______
-Geographic location (Where are the jobs in this field located?) ______
-What are the advancement/promotion opportunities? ______
- Economic Benefits
-What is the average annual earnings for your chosen occupation? ______
-Is there potential for that salary to increase with time, experience, or education? ______
-Is the salary the same locally as it is in other parts of the country? ______
-What are some of the related benefits of this career choice? (health insurance, vacation time, sick leave, education reimbursement, pension, individual savings plans-401k, etc.) ______
-Will this job provide you with job/financial security or is the salary inconsistent? ______
- Non-economic Benefits/Rewards
-What type of personal satisfaction will you get out of your job/career? ______
- Disadvantages and/or Special Situations
****The following may or may not apply to your career choice, answer accordingly****
-Irregular work hours (Not the regular 9 to 5 work day) ______
-Seasonal work (Ex: construction workers work mainly in the fair weather months) ______
-Overtime or night work (Will this career require you to work beyond an 8 hour work day?) ______
-Travel (Will your job/career require you to travel on business?) ______
Hazards (Are there health related hazards that come along with your career choice?) ______