Managing The Gifts God Has Given US

“Now you belong to him…in order that we might be useful in the service to God.”

Romans 7:4

· Below are some opportunities in different ministry areas where you can serve the Lord.

· As you think of your Spiritual gifts, Talents and Passion, please pray, and then circle any areas of interest that apply to you (even if you don’t have the time right now to do it.)

· Don’t be afraid of circling an area for fear that you will instantly become the, “Head Leader forever and ever, Amen!” You will simply be indicating an area of interest.

Please circle anything below that applies to you (even if you don’t have the time right now to do it.)

1. Worship: Usher, Altar Care, Sound Equipment Booth/AVL Tech., Greeter, Nursery Care Giver, Offering Counter’s, Host Sunday Hospitality table, Pre-Service Coffee Preparation, Worship Contact, (call those scheduled to serve each week)

2. Music: Song Leader, Choir, Handbells, Instrumentalist, Other_________________

3. Children’s Ministry: Sunday School Superintendent, SS School teacher, SS sub, SS helper, SS craft planner, Vacation Bible School Coordinator, VBS Teacher, VBS Helper, VBS Other ___

4. Middle School/High School Youth Ministry: SS/Bible Study Teacher, Event Planner, Youth Group Leader, Youth Group Assistant

5. Bible Study: Men’s Ministry(MM) Leader, MM Leader Assistant, Women’s Ministry(WM) Leader, Senior’s Young at Heart (Y@H) Ministry Leader, Y@H Committee, Single’s Ministry Leader, Mom’s Ministry Leader, Small Group Study Leader

6. Family Life Activities: Family Life Ministry Coordinator, Event committee member,

7. Women’s Ministry: Bible Study Leader, Women’s Night Out Coordinator, Sunshine Corner support (support each other when needed, meals, driving, praying…), Event Coordinator, Travel Coordinator, Birth-Day-Wish-Coordinator

8. Outreach: Hospital Visits, Homebound visits, Food Drive Coordinator, Coordinate/Chair Mission work, Assist with Mission work, Provide a meal, Deliver a meal, Provide transportation to doctor or grocery shopping, Help a member with general housecleaning

9. Office Work: Computer Tech Support, Typing, Develop Power Point Slides, Phone Calls, Copies, Create bulletin boards, mailbox maintenance, mailings, sorting, assemble booklets, special project assistance, Help process the information from “this” questionnaire.

10. Church Maintenance/Grounds Upkeep: General Cleaning, general repairs, grass cutting, grounds maintenance, flower planting, Special Skill maintenance ie. Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing, Heating/AC, Painting

11. Other Service Interest: New member Mentor Coordinator, Baptism Basket Maker, Day Time Stitchers, Scrip Sales, Easter Egg Hunt Committee, Trunk-or-Treat Committee, Christmas Decorating Committee, Rummage Sale Coordinator, Rummage Sale Helper, Sunday Hospitality Table Coordinator, Operation Christmas Child Coordinator, Fundraiser Coordinator, Church Picnic Helper, Church Picnic Coordinator, Funeral Luncheon Helper, Photographer, Welcome Ministry (to welcome new neighbors in the community),

Area(s) of interest that I would like to serve the Lord and His Church, not noted on page one include:

I have the following professional skill that could be offered as needed to the church. Please specify your vocation (ie. attorney, teacher, doctor, pipe-fitter, graphic designer, photographer):

I have an immediate ministry need in the following area(s):



