Present: Mr B Scott, Mrs M Fotheringhame, Mr D Alexander, Mrs N Campbell, Mr C Giles and Mrs L McAdie
In Attendance: Councillor A Drever
Councillor J Foubister
Councillor R Madge
Mrs J Lennie, Clerk
RESOLVED to note that apologies were received from Mr P Foubister.
RESOLVED to note that the minutes of the meeting held on 26 August 2008 were approved, this being proposed by Mr C Giles and seconded by Mrs N Campbell.
(a) St Andrew’s & Deerness War Memorials
i) War Memorial Trust
Maintenance to War Memorials
The Clerk advised that she had downloaded a copy of the application for Small Grants Scheme in Scotland and the application for the Small Grants Scheme, both for the repair of war memorials and she had also received correspondence from the Liaison Office regarding Listed Memorials in Orkney, copies of which had been previously circulated, and following receipt of these, Mr C Giles had offered to proceed with the preparation of obtaining information required for this application, including quotes and this was approved by the Chair.
Councillor J Foubister joined the meeting at this point.
Mr C Giles advised members that he had contacted the Liaison Office to ascertain who owned the war memorials and this request for information had now been forwarded to the Legal Department, Orkney Islands Council to ascertain. He also advised that he had received quotes for necessary works from J C Dowell and A J Mathers for St Andrew’s & Deerness war memorials and that he had approached another firm regarding quotes, however, a representative of their firm had yet to assess the war memorials. He advised that only two quotes were required for the grant application, which if approved would fund seventy-five percent of the cost of repair and the remaining cost would qualify for Community Council Grant Scheme assistance. He asked members if it was normally the lowest priced quote which was accepted and the Chair agreed. Mrs M Fotheringhame advised that there would have to be a justifiable reason why the lowest priced quote was not accepted. Mr C Giles advised that if the War Memorial Trust had a list of approved contractors, then this might necessitate approval of a quote other than the lowest priced, and it was:-
RESOLVED to note all this information.
ii) Deerness War Memorial
Mr C Giles advised members of the cleaning, lettering, transport and VAT costings for the Deerness War Memorial from both quotes and members agreed to accept the lowest priced quote from A J Mathers. He asked members if they would wish him to proceed with the application for grant aid for the repair to the Deerness war memorial and this was unanimously agreed. The application required details of the cleaning method and preparation used and as this was not detailed on the quote, he advised that he would have to ascertain this information in order to complete the application. The Clerk asked him to retain a photocopy of the application and quotes for her file, and it was:-
1. to accept the lowest priced quote for cleaning and repairs to the Deerness War Memorial from A J Mathers;
2. that Mr C Giles would ascertain the preparation and method used for cleaning the Deerness War Memorial and complete the application for grant aid accordingly; and
3. that Mr C Giles would issue the Clerk with a photocopy of the grant application and quotes for filing.
iii) St Andrew’s War Memorial
Mr C Giles advised members that the works to the grey granite St Andrew’s War Memorial were slightly more complicated due to the crack in the ornamental top of the monument and he issued photographs showing the damage. Mr B Scott advised that his had been damaged in a gale and he could remember it being repaired by a local man in the early years of the Community Council.
Mr C Giles advised he had two quotes for cleaning and repair to lettering of the war memorial and further information was required with regard to the ornamental top repairs, as it had been suggested that a stainless steel band be fitted over the former repair or alternatively to point the cracked area. However, the War Memorial Trust Conservation Officer had advised that these types of repair would not be permissible. Stainless steel pins were required to be inserted, if not already in place, and then the crack would be pointed.
Mr C Giles advised that it was very important to establish if, in this previous repair, pins had been placed, and if so whether they were metal or stainless steel, as the Conservation Officer had advised that this was the initial information required to process the necessary works and if not pinned then it will be necessary to remove the area above the crack and reattach using stainless steel pins. Councillors and members were concerned that to establish whether this was pinned would require removal of the ornamental area above the crack, which in their opinion could cause more damage. Mrs L McAdie asked if there would be any information in archived minutes. The Clerk asked if Mrs M Alexander, the initial Clerk to the Community Council, would remember any of the details and it was agreed that Mr D Alexander would investigate this with her. Mr C Giles again stressed that, in order to meet the criteria of the Grant scheme, it would be important to establish whether the repair had been pinned using metal or stainless steel. Mr D Alexander felt sure that the repair would have been pinned and with stainless steel. Councillor R Madge advised that he had worked for a company called Sovereign, who produced an adhesive specifically for this type of repair. He explained that following pinning, an adhesive would be mixed with the crushed granite to form an invisible repair and it appeared that this would be the type of product, which would be required in this instance. Discussion on whether a builder would be required to assess and make this repair was discussed.
Mrs N Campbell/
Mrs N Campbell proposed that attempts be made to establish if the former repair was pinned and following this Mr C Giles should send his photographs to the Conservation Officer to try to determine the best way to progress the appropriate works. It was agreed that the Clerk ask Mr A Lennie to use his metal detector to try to determine if the ornamental top had previously been pinned, and it was:-
RESOLVED to make further investigations in order to establish how best to progress the application and the necessary repairs.
iv) Covenanter’s Memorial, Deerness
Members discussed whether assessment of the condition of the category ‘B’ listed Covenanter’s Memorial should be investigated and Mrs M Fotheringhame offered to investigate its condition and report to the next meeting. Councillor J Foubister advised that it was built on privately owned land, and it was:-
RESOLVED to note this information.
(b) Proposed New Tourist Brochure
Following consideration of an e-mail, copies of which had been circulated, from the Liaison Office advising that South Ronaldsay and Burray Community Council would not be participating in a joint new tourist brochure, they advised that they wished to consider a brochure of their own, given that Holm Community Council were not interested in participating in any future brochure and that this would mean that there will be no link remaining between the two areas.
After some discussion, Mrs L McAdie advised that there was an adequate supply of the East Mainland Tourist Brochure for the 2009 tourist season and that consideration should be given to a similar style of brochure as the West Mainland Tourist Brochure, which was favoured by tourists and Visit Orkney. Mr B Scott asked members to give consideration on how best to proceed and this issue would be raised at the next meeting, and it was:-
RESOLVED to raise the issue of the new proposed tourist brochure at the next meeting.
(c) Signage & Road Rundles in Vicinity of Deerness Community Centre
Following consideration of correspondence, copies of which had been circulated, from the Liaison Office regarding a response from the Road Services Manager advising that warning signs will be erected on either side of the Community Centre indicating that there is a children’s play area and further advising that a formal review of speed limits will be carried out on all A and B class roads, it was:-
RESOLVED to note the information and welcome these road safety measures.
(d) Orkney Library & Archive
Following consideration of a receipt, copies of which had been circulated, from Orkney Library and Archives Department, which stated the reference number which has been used to file the deposit of old minutes from 7 September 1999 to 4 March 2003, it was:-
RESOLVED to note this information.
(a) Scottish Government - Scotland’s Town Centres & Local High Streets
After consideration of the Scottish Government consultation document, Scotland’s Town Centres & Local High Streets, copies of which had been previously circulated with a response required by 26 September 2008, the Clerk advised that she had received no response to this consultation document, and it was:-
RESOLVED that members had no corporate response to the Scottish Government consultation document, Scotland’s Town Centres & Local High Streets.
(b) Orkney Housing Association Ltd (OHAL) – Rented Allocations Policy Review
After consideration of the OHAL consultation document, Rented Allocations Policy Review, copies of which had been previously circulated with a response required by 17 October 2008, the Clerk advised that she had received no response to the OHAL consultation document, and it was:-
RESOLVED that members had no response to the OHAL consultation document, Rented Allocation Policy Review.
(c) Scottish Health Council (SHC) – Parents’ Rights Bill Consultation
After consideration of the SHC consultation document, Parents’ Rights Bill Consultation, copies of which had been previously circulated, with a response required by 16 January 2009, members had no response to this consultation document, and it was:-
RESOLVED that members had no response to the consultation document, SHC – Parents’ Rights Bill Consultation.
(a) Evidence on Flooding & Flood Management
Following consideration of correspondence, copies of which had been circulated, from Peter Peacock MSP regarding a report, which had been published on the risk of flooding and flood management and the availability of downloading this document from the internet, it was:-
RESOLVED to note this information.
(b) Consultation Documents
Correspondence had been received, copies of which had been circulated, from Harray and Sandwick Community Council regarding the large number of consultation documents they receive from Orkney Islands Council (OIC) and the Scottish Government. In the past, they have made requests to OIC; that if they are expected to respond to the consultation document, they require the information in a condensed format. They requested response and comments if the Community Council had a similar grievance.
Councillor J Foubister suggested that there was consultation overdrive and perhaps only key documents of Orkney-wide importance e.g. Orkney Local Plan and Kirkwall and Stromness Urban Design Framework should be considered by Community Councils. Mrs L McAdie stressed that it was vitally important to consult with Community Councils and perhaps Harray & Sandwick Community Council’s letter was too strong an opinion against the circulation of consultation documents to Community Councils. Mrs N Campbell advised that many documents were difficult to sift and if there were too many in circulation, this diluted the importance of the documents. She proposed that a letter be written to the Liaison Office requesting that there be a structured reduction in the number of consultation documents presented to Community Councils and requesting less complex consultation documents and she also proposed that the Clerk reply to Harray and Sandwick Community Council advising that members of St Andrews and Deerness Community Council sympathised with their consultation fatigue, however, this Community Council would also write to the Liaison Office requesting that they find a solution to this issue, and it was:-
RESOLVED that the Clerk write to the Liaison Office and Harray & Sandwick Community Council accordingly.
(c) Orkney Local Licensing Forum (OLLF)
Following consideration of correspondence, copies of which had been previously circulated, from the Liaison Office regarding the establishment of the OLLF and list of members, it was:-
RESOLVED to note this information.
(d) Digital UK Ltd - Switchover
Following consideration of correspondence, copies of which had been previouslycirculated, from Digital UK regarding the process of switching to digital television and invitation to seminars on the Scottish Mainland or alternatively offering a member of the team to come and talk to the community, it was:-
RESOLVED to note this information.
(e) New Research Project into How We Engage with Freedom of Information
Following consideration of correspondence, copies of which had been previously circulated, from the Association of Scottish Community Councils (ASCC) with invitation to an event to mark the launch of an exciting new research project, which aims to explore the ways in which Scottish Civil Society engages with Freedom of Information (FOI), it was:-
RESOLVED to note this information.
(f) Association of Scottish Community Councils (ASCC) - Conference
Following consideration of correspondence, copies of which had been previously circulated, from ASCC regarding an invitation to attend their conference on 22 November 2008, it was:-
RESOLVED to note this information.
(g) Consultation Process for Kirkwall & Stromness Master Plans
Following consideration of correspondence, copies of which had been previously circulated, from the Liaison Office regarding the Kirkwall and Stromness Master plans and inviting members to attend public meetings, it was noted that the Liaison Office also advised that the master plans were available to download from Orkney Islands Council’s website. Mrs N Campbell advised members that she had responded as an individual and advised members of her response, and it was:-
RESOLVED to note this information.
(h) Community Council Public Liability Insurance
Following consideration of correspondence, copies of which had been circulated, from the Liaison Office informing members of a new Community Council Grant Scheme (CCGS) category to cover Community Council insurance costs and that public liability insurance costs for 2008-09 with cover up to £5,000,000.00 at a premium of £82.69 including tax had been applied, it was:-