Board Agenda for August 24, 2011

A public meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 28, 2013, in the auditorium of the Department of Natural Resources, 1594 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah.

The Division of Oil, Gas and Mining will conduct a Briefing Session at 8:00am:

1.Summary of Other States Rules RegardingResidential Setbacks for Oil and Gas Wells


3.Next Month’s Agenda and Division Calendar

4.Opportunity for Public Comment

The Board will hear the following matters at 9:00 am:

1.Docket No. 2009-015 Cause No. WD-04-2009 – In the Matter of the Request for Agency Action of Utah Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining for a Cessation Order and Civil Penalties Against Montezuma Well Service, Inc., and Earl Martinez, Owner and Operator of the Montezuma Creek Waste Disposal Facility Section 14, T 40 So., R. 22 East, San Juan County, Utah.

(Continued from the August 22, 2012, Board Hearing)

2.Docket No. 2013-020 Cause No. RBRD-2013-03 – In the Matter of FORMAL RULEMAKING to Amend the Board R641 Rules to Provide Rules Governing Electronic Meetings.

(Continued from the July 31, 2013, Board Hearing. The Board will accept public comment)

3.Docket No. 2013-018 Cause No. 139-106 – In the Matter of the Request for Agency Action of BILL BARRETT CORPORATION for an Order extending the Board’s Order entered in Cause No. 139-84 to certain special drilling units previously established under the Board’s Order entered in Cause No. 131-27 to authorize up to four producing wells, and modifying the Board’s Orders entered in Cause Nos. 131-24, 131-27 and 139-42 to provide for the drilling, on a pilot basis, of additional wells to achieve the equivalent of up to an 80-acre well density pattern, for the production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons for the Lower Green River – Wasatch Formations on various established sectional or special drilling units within Township 2 South, Ranges 1 and 2 East, USM, and Township 6 South, Range 19 East, SLM, Uintah County, Utah.

4.Docket No. 2013-024 Cause No. 139-108 – In the Matter of the Request for Agency Action ofBILL BARRETT CORPORATION for an Order authorizing the Flaring of Gas in excess of the amounts allowed under Utah Admin. Code Rule R649-3-20(1.1) from the 7-16D-47 BTR Well located in Section 16, Township 4 South, Range 7 West, USM, Duchesne County, Utah.

(This matter may be withdrawn)

5.Docket No. 2013-019 Cause No. 139-107 – In the Matter of the Request for Agency Action of Petroglyph Operating Co., Inc. and III Exploration II LP for an Order vacating the Order entered in Cause No. 139-54 establishing 320 acre drilling and spacing units in the Upper Wasatch Formation as it pertains to all of the lands covered by said Order with the exception of the SE¼ of Section 9 within Township 4 South, Range 4 West, USM and to modify Utah Admin. Code R649-3-2(1), R649-3-10 and R649-3-11(1) and (2), for certain lands within Sections 7-10 and 15-18 in Township 4 South, Range 4 West, USM, Duchesne County, Utah.

(This matter is continued from the July Board Hearing).

6.Docket No. 2013-021 Cause No. S/003/0052 – In the Matter of the Petition by the Division of Oil, Gas and Mining for an Order:(1) WithdrawingSouthwest Stone’s Notice of Intention to Commence Small Mining Operations at the Dove Creek Pass Project, S/003/0052, located in Sections 21, 22, and 27, T13N, R16W, SLB&M, Box Elder County, Utah; (2) Forfeiting Southwest Stone’s reclamation surety for the Dove Creek Pass Project; (3) Authorizing the Division to complete reclamation at the Dove Creek Pass Project; and (4) Authorizing the Division to take all other actions necessary to recover unpaid assessments and penalties, unpaid surety, and all other costs associated with reclamation of said land from Southwest Stone.

7.Docket No. 2013-022 Cause No. 280-01 – In the Matter of the Request for Agency Action of WHITING OIL AND GAS CORPORATION for an Order authorizing the Venting or Flaring of Gas from the Wellington Flats 15-11-18E Well located in Section 18, Township 15 South, Range 11 East, S.L.M., in the Wellington Flats Area of Carbon County, Utah.

(This matter may be withdrawn)

8.Docket No. 2013-023 Cause No. 280-02 – In the Matter of the Amended Request for Agency Action of WHITING OIL AND GAS CORPORATION for an Order establishing special 1,280-Acre (or functional equivalent) Drilling Units on a Pilot Basis for the production of oil, gas, and associated hydrocarbons for the Moenkopi Formation in Sections 19 and 20 and Sections 27 and 28 of Township 15 South, Range 11 East, S.L.M., in the Wellington Flats Area of Carbon County, Utah, and the Drilling of one well on each such Drilling Unit so established.

9.Docket No. 2013-025 Cause No. 142-09 –In the Matter of the Request for Agency Action ofCRESCENT POINT ENERGY U.S. CORP. for approval of Enhanced and Secondary Recovery Operations in the Green River and Wasatch Formations in Sections 7, 8, 17, and 18, Township 4 South, Range 2 East, U.S.M., Uintah County, Utah, for authority for Underground Injection of Water, and certification as an Enhanced Recovery Project.

(Copies of the agenda are available at and at the administrative offices.)

Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons requiring auxiliary communicative aids and services to enable them toparticipate in this hearing should call Julie Ann Carter at (801) 538-5277, at least three working days prior to the hearing.