The UC Davis Graduate Group in Epidemiology,

Center for Healthcare Policy and Research &

Clinical and Translational Science Center

presents a guest talk by:

T. Michael Kashner, PhD, JD, MPH.

Veterans Affairs in Washington, DC.

Loma Linda University School of Medicine in Loma Linda, CA

Drawing Causal Inferences from Observational Datasets: What Health Scientists Should Know

Motivated by recent concerns over the use of big data to infer facts about what works in health care, this seminar will discuss analytic strategies designed to infer causal inferences focusing on associations between an intervention, including a therapeutic regimen, diagnostic procedures, or health professions education program, and its outcomes on the patient, the care provider, the health professions education trainee, and the system of care. These strategies include analytic tools that focus on modeling process, modeling outcomes, and modeling both process and outcome. Discussed will be what these strategies are, how they work, and data conditions when researchers can expect to draw correct inferences assessing the ‘true’ effect on outcome.

Monday, April 10, 2017

12:10 - 1:00PM

Building Location - University of California, Davis Campus –

1105 VM3B

Wed, April 12, 2017

12:10 - 1:00PM

Building Location - University of California, Sacramento Campus –

3207 Medical Education Building