“Live from The University of Tennessee, It’s Carnicus”
February 26th 4:00 p.m. Cox Auditorium
ACE Carnicus Coordinator- Gina Cianciolo,
ACE Director’s Chair- Hunter Jones,
ACE Committee Chair- Kevin Key,
ACE Advisor- Michael Bailey,
Timeline 2
Introduction 3
Groups 4
Registration 4
Fees 5
Placings 5
Eligible Participants 5
General Performance Guidelines 7
Scripts 8
Costumes, Props, & Music ..9
Carnicus Directors & Representatives 10
Dress Rehearsal 10
Final Performance 11
Judging 11
Penalty Points & Appeals 12
Appeals 13
Lighting Script Requirements 13
Lighting Script Tips 13
Amendments 14
Carnicus Timeline
Thursday, January 26, 2017 Carnicus Interest Meeting HSS 64 — 6:30 p.m.
Friday, January 27, 2016 Tickets go on sale to the public Knoxville Tickets — 10 a.m.
Tuesday, February 7, 2017 Online Registration due by 5 p.m.
(Registration includes Title, Songs, Instruments, Introduction, Participants, Plot Description, and Props)
Thursday, February 9, 2017 Mandatory Meeting
HSS 64 — 6:30 p.m. Registration Fee Due ($100 per organization) Performance Order Drawn
Check-in and Performance Times Assigned
Friday, February 10, 2017 Preliminary Script due via email Online — 5 p.m. Script due to
Monday, February 13, 2017 ACE will send notifications of any script revisions needed
Final script changes due February 22th
Thursday, February 16, 2017 Mandatory Meeting
HSS 64 — 6:30 p.m. Costume Sketches Due
Last-minute Details
Wednesday, February 22, 2017 Final script changes due via email Online — 5 p.m.
Saturday, February 25, 2017 Dress Rehearsal
Cox Auditorium — 2 p.m. CLOSED- Only groups competing allowed in room
Sunday, February 26, 2017 Final Performance Night
Cox Auditorium — 4:00 p.m. OPEN- Students, staff, and public invited to attend
Tickets available for purchase at Knoxville Tickets January 26th
a. Carnicus is a group skit competition and is the second in a series of three events sponsored by All Campus Events. Organizations participating in these events are in the running for the ACE Cup that is awarded to the organization that accumulates the highest number of points totaled from all three events. The ACE Cup will be awarded at All- Sing on Friday, April 21st.
i. If two organizations compete together in Carnicus, they will receive the same number of points towards the ACE Cup.
ii. Organizations must compete in Homecoming, Carnicus, AND All-Sing to be considered for the ACE Cup.
iii. Points for the ACE Cup are awarded in descending order based on overall placement in Homecoming, with a maximum 100 points for 1st place overall. For both Carnicus and All- Sing, the judges’ scores are averaged together to determine the points from that event that will go towards ACE Cup. For example, if your judges’ score are 80, 85, and 92, your average score is 85.67. That is the number of points you will get for Carnicus in the ACE Cup competition. For questions regarding the ACE Cup, please contact .
b. The following rules and regulations are in place in an attempt to make Carnicus as fair as possible for all participants. The rules and guidelines for Carnicus may be amended at any time by the All Campus Events committee as deemed necessary. Any amendment will be conveyed to groups at the mandatory meetings or through email with proper time considerations.
c. Spirit of the Rules:
i. The Carnicus rules, plans and regulations are intended to provide fair and uniform policies
governing competitions. It is not possible to write individual rules governing every possible situation or circumstance. Therefore, the “Spirit of the Rules” shall grant the authority and responsibility for interpretation of the written rules, plans and regulations to the ACE committee, to fairly supervise and regulate all competition. The ACE committee’s interpretation of the written rules, plans and regulations shall be binding on the participant and the competition under their jurisdiction. In addition, the ACE committee may, at its discretion, provide a rule interpretation that shall be binding upon all participants and competitions.
a. Throughout this packet, the terms GROUP and ORGANIZATION will be used. Please note the difference between the two:
i. Organization: A registered student organization (i.e. Sigma Sigma Sigma)
ii. Group: One or two registered student organizations competing alone or together in the competition (i.e. Sigma Sigma Sigma and Sigma Gamma Rho would make a group)
b. If two organizations are performing together, they will submit ONE registration form together as a group. Both organizations do not need to submit separate forms.
c. All organizations must be registered and “active” on VOLink.
d. Each organization will need to provide its own registration fee check.
e. The same two organizations cannot pair up two years in a row.
a. All groups wishing to participate in Carnicus must register online at VOLink by the February 7th deadline. No extensions will be given.
b. The following components are required for registration: Contact information, Song List,
Instrument List, Introduction, Participant List, Skit Title, Prop List, and Plot Description
i. Plot Description: The purpose of this is to allow ACE to determine if a script resembles one that was used in the previous two years of Carnicus. The descriptions are to include characters, location, time period, general theme, and overall intent of the skit. This needs to be very detailed so that conflicts can be determined early in the process. Groups will be notified as soon as possible of any conflicts among plots.
ii. Song List: Each list may contain a maximum of 20 songs the group would like to use during their skit. However, groups are not required to use any songs.
1. Songs must meet radio broadcast standards.
iii. Plot descriptions and song lists are used in an attempt to not have groups with similar skits. Although groups can use the same songs, ACE will inform groups that plan to use the same songs in case one or the other decides to change it.
1. Up to 5 songs may be dropped from the list to be replaced with other songs up until dress rehearsal with approval from the Carnicus Coordinator.
c. If any components are missing from the list above, the group’s registration will be considered incomplete. Incomplete registrations will result in point deductions PER EACH DAY SOMETHING IS LATE.
d. All missing documents must be turned in by the February 16th mandatory meeting, or the group will receive a 5 point penalty on their final score.
a. Registration fee of $100 per organization. Fees are due at the first mandatory meeting on Thursday, February 9, 2017 via check. Fees are non-refundable and must be made out to All Campus Events. Each organization is responsible for its own check.
i. This means that if two organizations are competing as a group, each organization must bring a $100 check, making the total $200 for the group.
b. A portion of the proceeds from groups’ registration fees will be donated to the charity/charities of the team with the highest overall score’s choice. Groups will be asked on the registration form which charity they would choose. You can provide the name of one charity if registering as a single organization; two if registering with two organizations.
a. Trophies will be given for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place overall.
b. Best Actor and Best Actress awards will be given. Nominations for these two awards should be made during the registration process.
c. Best Costume award will also be given.
a. There are 5 categories of official participants:
i. Carnicus Representative: This person is the liaison between the participating organization and ACE and is responsible for attending all mandatory meetings. The representative can also be the director.
ii. Carnicus Director: This person will direct your skit. You may have non-UT affiliated directors, but you will need a UT student liaison to attend meetings. The director can also be the representative if the director is a student.
iii. Stagehand: This person is responsible for the group’s personal items backstage. (Maximum of 3 per group)
iv. Performers: These participants are the only ones on stage during the performance. (Minimum of 5 and maximum of 50 combined on stage).
v. Alternates: These participants are permitted to participate only in the event that one of the performers is unable to continue with the competition. The only Alternates that may take the place of an original member are those that appear on the original participant list submitted to ACE. (Maximum of 5 per organization.)
vi. Musicians: These individuals must be available to play music during the skit. A musician cannot be a performer if you elect to use musicians not affiliated with UT. If they are UT students, they can be performers; however, the transition must be brought to the attention of and approved by ACE by dress rehearsals. The musicians must be the same in the dress rehearsal and final performance.
b. All participants must be currently enrolled students at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville with valid student IDs. This does not include musicians or directors.
i. All participants must be members in good standing with the participating organization the semester of Carnicus.
ii. Performers who do not participate in dress rehearsal may still perform in the final performance if their names are on the original participant list when the list is turned in to ACE.
c. Participants are only permitted to participate with one group.
d. Groups may contain a maximum of two organizations, and only registered student organizations in good standing with the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards (and the Office of Sorority and Fraternity Life if Greek) will be allowed to participate.
e. Each group may only enter one skit.
f. Names and student IDs will be checked at rehearsal and the final performance. Any participant who arrives without proper ID will not be allowed on stage. This includes lost or stolen IDs. No ID= no performing.
g. The names of ALL participants must be typed alphabetically by last name and submitted as part of your group’s registration. Handwritten lists will not be accepted. Changes to the Participant List must be submitted to . No one may be added after rehearsals. All participants from both organizations should be combined into one list for registration (if applicable).
i. Proper format for rosters:
1. Excel workbook. No Google Doc or Word documents.
2. All participants listed in alphabetical order by last name.
3. Saved at OrganizationName1_OrganizationName2 Carnicus 2017 Participant List.
4. Column A: Last Name
5. Column B: First Name
6. Column C: Participant Type
7. Column D: Student ID Number
h. In case of extreme emergencies in which a member cannot be present for either dress rehearsal or final performance, immediate notice must be given to the Carnicus Coordinator. ALL excuses must be submitted via email by 5 p.m. on Saturday, February 25th.
i. Groups may drop participants from the original lists through February 25th at the time of check-in without receiving a penalty. A 1-point penalty per person will be assessed for drops any time after the group checks in for rehearsal. Once a participant has been removed from the list, he/she can only be replaced with an alternate.
a. The 2017 theme is “Live from The University of Tennessee, It’s Carnicus.” Unlike in recent years, this is not a theme which means performances do not need to be directly related to the show, Saturday Night Live, but they can be. This allows for a greater range of creativity for competing organizations. The theme for your skit is entirely up to the participants choosing with approval by ACE.
b. Performance Time: Each performance must remain between 5 and 10 minutes. Time will begin at the first word or musical note, whichever comes first. If there is no speaking or music at the opening of the skit, time will begin when the performer draws attention from the audience to him/herself, onstage or offstage. Time ends when the last word or instrumental note ends.
Note: Extra time for laughter/applause should be accounted for in your performance time by your group.
c. Each group is allowed a total stage time of 12 minutes. This time begins when the first person (be it a performer, stage hand, musician) walks onto the stage. The time stops when everything and every person are off the stage. This includes all props and instruments. NOTHING may be left onstage.
d. Performance times must be strictly adhered to during dress rehearsal and final performance night. Groups will be officially timed during dress rehearsals and the final performance, but penalty points will only be assessed if groups exceed the allotted time at the final performance.
i. Groups will be penalized a flat 5 points if they are more than 15 seconds over time.
e. Please arrive on time for your check-in that is assigned. Times will be announced at the February 9th meeting.
f. Any participant that is found in possession of alcoholic beverages or is intoxicated during any rehearsal or performance, their entire group will be disqualified. This is a University policy and cannot be appealed. The entire group will also be awarded ZERO points toward the ACE Cup for this event.
g. If an entire group misses a rehearsal without prior notice via email to , that group will be disqualified.
h. Tickets will go on sale at Knoxville Tickets on Friday, January 27th at 10 a.m. Performers will only be permitted in the auditorium following their performance if they have purchased a ticket. Performers must first exit the auditorium with the rest of their group to then have their ticket scanned at the door to re-enter.
There will be a viewing room reserved in AMB for performers to watch each other’s performances free of charge. Therefore, there will be no discounted performer tickets. If performers wish to watch the show from the separate room, they may do so as long as there is space. ONLY the performers are allowed in this room. If any non-performers from participating groups are found in this room, the group will be penalized 5 points per person found from their overall total.
a. Carnicus skits should be creative and appeal to a predominantly college student audience.
b. General plots may not be repeated from the past two years of Carnicus. Plots that are off-limits are as follows:
Wizard of Oz
Law and Order UTK Pitch Perfect
House of Carnicus
Tennessee Horror Story: Body Farm How the Grinch Stole Smokey Monster’s University
The Lion King
High School Musical: Vol Edition
The Little Mermaid
Voliver Twist!
Saved by the Bell