Inviting to participate in the

All Aboard Gympie Region’s upcoming events.

Learner’s Action Group, Gympie (LAGG#) with support from ECTA has been successful in securing an AEDI grant. Gympie region was in a position to apply for funding since we have 34.1% of children who are developmentally vulnerable in one or more of the domains, (The domains are physical health and wellbeing, social competence, emotional maturity, language and cognition skills and communication and general knowledge). The data was provided by Prep teachers in 2012. For more details visit

Australian Early Development Index : AEDI home or

We have a number of events planned. Below is the summary for your information.

All Aboard Gympie Region Symposium

Wednesday 26 February 3pm-7:30pm at the Gympie Civic Centre Mellor Street GYMPIE

Sharing between agencies, Guest Speaker (Speech Language Pathologist, Adele Wallis)

and forum to discuss AEDI data and strategies to reduce vulnerabilities.

Showcase: (Agency Networking)

Organisations/services are invited to participate and/or co-ordinate a stall between (3pm-5pm). Chairs and tables will be provided, for any material you wish to use to promote your business/service. Set up is from 1pm with all the stalls to be in-situ by 2:45pm sharp.We encourage you to share the ‘who, what, when, where, why’ and ‘how’ your particular service provides for families (0-5 year olds). This is a fabulous awareness raising and networking opportunity.

Pack up at 5 pm.

Keynote: (Open to public)

The presentation will address the various areas of the AEDI (title is to be confirmed).

Following on the accomplished presenter, Adele Wallis, will address the audience at 5:30pm in the Heritage Theatre.

Adele has worked as a Speech Language Pathologist in schools for over twenty years and has worked in a number of areas in Queensland across all school sectors. She has also worked in private practice, Disability Services (Evolve team) and Mental Health, currently she works in the Sunshine Coast Child & Youth Mental Health Team. She has developed over 40 publications for teachers, speech pathologists, parents and other professionals working with children from 4 to 16 years old.

Panel Forum: (Open to public)

Following the keynote presentation a panel which will consist of four stakeholder representatives will discuss issues and steer us to possible local strategies.

We ask that agencies stay to be a part of this awareness raising and problem solving event. Interested community members and organisational representatives are invited to attend.

Registration is required for the daily showcase and evening professional development (certificates for keynote and forum issued on request for those registered).

On-line directory of services and places of interest

A directory of services and places of interest to families with young children is being compiled and will be made available online via the AllAboardGympieRegion Facebook page and website page and service provider websites.

‘Play In’

3-7 March – throughout the week “everywhere” in Gympie Region

Promotion of a ‘play in’ week across the community,

encouraging services and families to make time to play

‘Play In’ encourages all families/centres to make a designated time to stop and play. Perhaps play at home, at a park, in the Doctors Surgery, at the beach, with playgroup friends, at Centro Shopping Centre and so on. We would love copies of play photos to be sent to us via email at Photos will be displayed online, at various locations around Gympie, and for you to display pictures locally too. We would also love to have photos of local identities playing as well. This will be a great media opportunity (intend to seek Media Coverage in the local newspapers) to increase awareness about the diversity and value of play.

Preparation is required prior to this though… Some families (vulnerable perhaps) may not know how to play, or indeed see the value of play, and we ask early childhood educators, schools, playgroups, and agencies to make connections with their local families. Perhaps this can link with information sessions, a coffee afternoon, have a noticeboard on display, or be included in newsletters. Maybe you have other innovative ideas?

We have a Facebook page All Aboard Gympie Region to assist you withideas for a “play” parent sharing. Register your play-in with us.

“Little Kids Day Out”

Saturday 22 March 10am-4pm

at Gympie Civic Centre Mellor Street GYMPIE

An Early Childhood Expo for young children and their families

promoting the importance of positive experiences and play-based learning and showcasing local services

This is going to be a fun, no cost day with interactive music dance, and creative art play activities. We invite agencies to work with us to provide interactive experiences and play opportunities for 0-5 year old children and their families. Information booths promoting services can be set up and freebies handed out. Registration is required. Set up is from 8am with all the stalls and activities to be in-situ by 9:45am

All Aboard Gympie Region Facebook page

This page has been established and aims to provide play and information ideas worth sharing for children 0-5. We encourage you to LIKE our Facebook page and ask families associated with your service to also like it.

All Aboard Gympie Region Webpage

Up-to-date information on all events can be found at All Aboard Gympie Region Webpage

If the link doesn’t work type in to your browser.

For further information e-mail or contact Kim Walters - 0418157280, Andre Beattie - 54829012 or Julie Wright - 54898205

Registration Form - All Aboard Gympie Region

Please return to

Service Name
Contact Person
I will participate in the following (Please indicate by circling Yes, No or not sure)
Yes / No / Not sure / I will LIKE the All Aboard Gympie Region page
Yes / No / Not sure / I will promote the All Aboard Gympie Region page to families & staff
All Aboard Gympie Region Symposium (NO COST FULLY FUNDED BY AEDI GRANT)
Gympie Civic Centre / Wed 26 February 2014 / 3:30pm - 7:30pm
Yes / No / Not sure / I will co-ordinate a booth displaying service information
Yes / No / Not sure / I will promote the event via:
Details of promotion / *
The following staff will attend the keynote presentation by Adele Wallis 5:30 pm (USES SECOND FORM IF 6+)
Name: / Email:
Name: / Email:
Name: / Email:
Name: / Email:
Name: / Email:
The following staff will attend the Forum/Panel following the keynote (Names only - add email if not above)
Play In / Across Gympie Region / Mon 3 – Fri 7 March 2014 / When time permits
Yes / No / Not sure / I will Play In at my service
Yes / No / Not sure / I will provide information on the value of play at my service
Yes / No / Not sure / I will promote Play In to families using service
Yes / No / Not sure / I will display images of children and parents playing at my service
Yes / No / Not sure / I will email images to
Yes / No / Not sure / I will promote the event via:
Details of promotion / *
Little Kids Day Out / Gympie Civic Centre / Sat 22 March 2014 / 10am – 4pm
Yes / No / Not sure / Booth displaying service information
Yes / No / Not sure / Provide and co-ordinate an interactive activity
Yes / No / Not sure / Myself and /or staff can assist with supervision of or provide interactive activities on the day. Potential Number of staff:
Details of activity: / Possible Activity:
Yes / No / Not sure / I will promote the event via:
Details of promotion / *
Directory of Services and Places of Interest
Yes / No / Not sure / I will email contact information (Name, Address, Phone, generic email, operating hours and a brief description of services (100 words) for directory.
Yes / No / Not sure / I will post a link to the directory on our website
I will promote directory via our newsletters and/or social media

For further information e-mail or contact Kim Walters- 0418157280, Andre Beattie -54829012 or Julie Wright-54898205