List of Definitions for Hard Words in A Rose for Emily

1.  Cupolas (plural noun)-A small dome, esp. a small dome on a drum on top of a larger dome, adorning a roof or ceiling.

2.  Spires (plural noun)- A tapering conical or pyramidal structure on the top of a building, typically a church tower.

3.  Encroached (verb)- Intruded on (a person's territory or a thing considered to be a right).

4.  Obliterated (verb)- Destroyed utterly; wiped out.

5.  August (adjective)- Respected and impressive: "she was in august company".

6.  Coquettish (adjective)- (of a woman) characteristically flirtatious, especially in a teasing, lighthearted manner.

7.  Bemused (adjective)- bewildered or confused

8.  Anonymous (adjective)- (of a person) Not identified by name; of unknown name.

9.  Obligation (noun)- An act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment.

10.  Edict (noun)- An official order or proclamation.

11.  Remitted (verb)- Cancelled or refrained from exacting or inflicting (a debt or punishment).

12.  Dispensation (noun)- Exemption from a rule or usual requirement.

13.  Perpetuity (noun)- A thing that lasts forever or for an indefinite period, in particular.

14.  Aldermen (noun)- elected members of a municipal council.

15.  Archaic (adjective)- Very old or old-fashioned.

16.  Calligraphy (noun)- Decorative handwriting or handwritten lettering.

17.  Deputation (noun)- A group of people appointed to undertake a mission or take part in a formal process on behalf of a larger group.

18.  Dank (adjective)- Disagreeably damp, musty, and typically cold.

19.  Gilt (adjective)- Covered thinly with gold leaf or gold paint.

20.  Easel (noun)- A self-supporting frame for holding an artist's work while it is being painted or drawn.

21.  Ebony (adjective)- Heavy blackish or very dark brown timber from a mainly tropical tree.

22.  Obesity (state of being)- a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body.

23.  Submerged (state of being)-under the surface of a body of water.

24.  Pallid (adjective)- (of a person's face) Pale, typically because of poor health.

25.  Hue (noun)- A color or shade: "her face lost its golden hue".

26.  Vanquished (verb)- Defeated thoroughly

27.  Temerity (noun)- Excessive confidence or boldness; audacity: "no one had the temerity to question his conclusions".

28.  Gross (noun)- coarse – rude-unrefined.

29.  Teeming (adjective)- Be full of or swarming with.

30.  Deprecation (noun)- a prayer to avert or remove some evil or disaster.

31.  Slunk (verb)- Come or go unobtrusively or in a sneaky manner.

32.  Torso (noun)- The trunk of the human body.

33. Locusts (noun)- A large North American tree producing large slender racemes of white, fragrant flowers.

34.  Tableau (noun)- A group of models or motionless figures.

35.  Straddled (adjective)- Spread (one's legs) far apart.

36.  Silhouette (noun)- The dark shape and outline of someone or something visible against a lighter background, esp. in dim light.

37.  Vindicated (adjective)- Shown or proven to be right, reasonable, or justified.

38.  Pauper (noun)- A very poor person.

39.  Humanized (adjective)- made to seem more human.

40.  Condolence (noun)- An expression of sympathy, esp. on the occasion of a death.

41.  Dispose (verb)- To attend to; settle.

42.  Vague (adjective)- hazy - indistinct – obscure.

43.  Serene (adjective)- Calm, peaceful, and untroubled; tranquil: "serene certainty".

44.  Ready (adjective)- In a suitable state for an activity, action, or situation; fully prepared.

45.  Rustling (noun)- Make a soft, muffled crackling sound like that caused by the movement of dry leaves or paper.

46.  Craned silk (expression)-rustling of craned silk and satin The reference is to women in high-necked silk and satin dresses, "craning" their necks to spy on Miss Emily and Homer Barron.

47.  Jalousies (noun)- Blinds or shutters made of a row of angled slats.

48.  Imperviousness (noun)- impenetrability: the quality of being impenetrable (by people or light or missiles etc.).

49.  Haughty (adjective)- Arrogantly superior and disdainful: "a look of haughty disdain".

50.  Divulge (verb)- Make known (private or sensitive information).

51.  Cabal (noun)- A secret political clique; conspiracy.

52.  Circumvent (verb)- Find a way around (an obstacle).

53.  Thwarted (verb)- Prevent (someone) from accomplishing something: "he never did anything to thwart his father".

54.  Virulent (adjective)- (of a disease or poison) Extremely severe or harmful in its effects.

55.  Vigorous (adjective)- (of a person) Strong, healthy, and full of energy.

56.  Contemporaries (noun)- A person or thing living or existing at the same time as another.

57.  Tedious (adjective)- Tiresome by reason of length, slowness, or dullness; boring.

58.  Evidently (adverb)- Plainly or obviously; in a way that is clearly seen or understood.

59.  Carven (adjective)- carved: made for or formed by carving.

60.  Tranquil (adjective)- Free from disturbance; calm: "her tranquil gaze"; "the sea was tranquil".

61.  Perverse (adjective)-Contrary to the accepted or expected standard or practice.

62.  Sibilant (adjective)- having, containing, or producing the sound of or a sound resembling that of the s or the sh in sash.

63.  Macabre (adjective)- gruesome - ghastly - lurid - horrible - grisly – terrible.

64.  Pervading (adjective)- (esp. of a smell) Spread through and be perceived in every part of.

65.  Acrid (adjective)- Having an irritatingly strong and unpleasant taste or smell.

66.  Pall (noun)- A gloomy effect or atmosphere.

67.  Bridal (noun)- Designed for a bride or a newly married couple.

68.  Valance (noun)- a short drapery or wood or metal frame used as a decorative heading to conceal the top edge.

69.  Grimace (noun)-a twisted expression on a person’s face, typically expressing disgust, pain, or wry amusement.

70.  Cuckolded (verb)- historically referred to a man with an adulterous wife, but has largely fallen out of use. The term generally refers to a sexual fetish in which sexual gratification is gained from maintenance or observation of sexual relations by a woman with a man or a number of men besides her husband.

71.  Inextricable (adjective)- Impossible to disentangle or separate.

72.  Biding (adjective)- Remain or stay somewhere: "how long must I bide here to wait?".

73.  Noblesse oblige is a French phrase literally meaning "nobility obliges".

The Dictionnaire de l’Académie française defines it thus:

a. Whoever claims to be noble must conduct himself nobly.

b. (Figuratively) One must act in a fashion that conforms to one's position, and

with the reputation that one has earned.

The Oxford English Dictionary says that the term "suggests noble ancestry constrains to

honorable behavior; privilege entails to responsibility." Being a noble meant that one had responsibilities to lead, manage and so on. One was not to simply spend one's time in idle pursuits.
