Life in the Colonies- NOTES Name:____________________


• Families were ______________, dues to the amount of ___________ that needed to be done.

• Houses were _____________, extended families living together

• After time, women mainly worked with ____________ preparation and children. Men worked in the ___________, barns and stores.

Compare to Today: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


· Schooling wasn’t _____________ in the colonies

· Rich families would ______ children to a friend who could read.

· Teachers were paid in ___________ such as food or animal skins in the beginning, later paid with money

· One _______ school house- ____________ of content

· ___________ if students misbehaved

· _________ were typically the ones educated. Girls were encouraged to stay home.

· Massachusetts School of _______ of 1647 established the _______ ________ school system in the colonies

Compare to Today:



• Churches were a place to _______________, advertise or celebrate major events

• Churches were sometimes separated by ___________ class or _____________- Slaves and Native Americans in the back

• Puritans preferred ____________ churches.

• Puritan Life was ________________ around religion

Compare to Today:


Life on the Frontier

• ____________ and ________________ territory

• Survival was based on the use of a ____________ – used for ____________ and trading furs and meat plus ______________ from wild animals

• Less ___________, no set law they preferred to interrogate suspects or whip

Compare to Today:


Conestoga Wagon

· ________ Top, Large and _________, ________ shaped body

· Popular for _______________ south


· The triangular trade route (sometimes called the Middle Passage) connected New England, the West Indies and __________________.

· Ships brought __________ and molasses from the West Indies to the New England Colonies. New England would make the molasses into ______. Rum and other goods were shipped to West Africa and ___________ for slaves.

· Called “Triangular” because it was shaped like a ______________.

· New England colonies ____________ economically, ____________ grew.

Navigation Acts

• A series of 1651 and 1673 that ___________ the flow of goods between England and the colonies.

• The laws said

– that they could not use _____________ ships

– Prevented the colonists from sending certain products such as ________ and _________

• Colonists ignored and traded _______________

• More _____________ between Americas and England

Bacon’s Rebellion

• The governor of Virginia, William Berkley wanted to _______ conflict with the Native Americans so he agreed to stay _____ their lands

• Nathaniel Bacon led a ____ in Virginia in 1676 because many had settled in the lands and were ____________ by their government

• Bacon led ____________ on the Native Americans and set fire to the capital building in Jamestown

• Showed the government that the settlers did not want to be ___________ to the __________

• A __________ force was created to control the Native Americans and ________ up more land for settlement

Glorious Revolution

• In England in 1688, people were _____________ with the King.

• The people rose up and ______________ out the King without firing a single shot. They ___________ the king with Mary and William of Orange.

• Showed the power of elected ________________ over the monarch

• William and Mary signed the _____________________________ in 1689 which later became the inspiration for the American Bill of Rights

Freedom of the Press

• ___________________ started New York Weekly

• He printed a critical ____________ about the Royal _______________ of New York.

• He was charged with _________

• Andrew Hamilton argued that this violated his right of _____ ________, a basic right of the people

• By a jury of his peers, Zenger was found _______ guilty

• ____________ step to free of the press in America