“Answering God’s Call to Holiness” Syllabus

Senior Religion Elective – Dickinson Trinity High School

Mrs. Amanda Ellerkamp

1. Course Objective & Outline:

The purpose of this course is to help students to understand the vocations of life: how Christ calls us to live. In this course, students will learn how all vocations are similar and how they are different. Students will learn what it means to live life for the benefit of others and the value in considering a vocation in service to the Christian community.

This course will be structured around the following:

I. God’s Call to Each of Us – Our Response

II. The Essential Vocation of the Laity – Service

III. The Theology of Sacramental Marriage

IV. The Sacrament of Holy Orders – Degrees and Formation

V. Understanding Consecrated Life

VI. Challenges & Discernment

2. Mrs. Ellerkamp’s Classroom Policies:

Ø RESPECT is the value to be remembered and followed at all times, with all persons.

Ø All policies in the handbook apply in this classroom.

Ø School and classroom prayer times are events for appropriate participation by all.

Ø All work must be your own! Cheating or plagiarism of any kind earns a zero and may result in failure of this course.

Ø I will listen to students who raise their hands and speak respectfully.

Ø All students that arrive in class on time are free to leave on time. Tardy policy follows that in the handbook.

Ø You may feel free to use the restroom or get a drink when we are not having class (provided you bring your student planner to sign out).

Ø If you forget your materials needed for my class, that will be your problem to solve –but your solution cannot cause a problem for me or other students.

Ø Feel free to work on other schoolwork when I am not teaching and your Religion work is done for the day.

3. Basic Information:

· My email address is

· I am generally here 8am-3pm each day. My prep is 5th hour this semester.

· I will do my best to keep my lesson plans, assignments and grades updated online.

4. Text Books and Materials:

Vocations: Answering God’s Call

Living in Christ Series, Saint Mary’s Press

The Four Loves: An Exploration of the Nature of Love, C.S. Lewis

*Each student will be required to purchase this book. They will be ordered thru the school and billed to each family (for about $11). If you already own this book, you must bring it in by this Friday!

Other Resources

· The Catechism of the Catholic Church, The Bible and Church Documents

· Various Guest Speakers

· Various other handouts, articles, videos, etc.

Students need to bring the following items to class each day:

· Textbooks (novel on assigned days only)

· A notebook or binder in which you can take notes and have paper for assignments, etc.

· A binder or folder in which you can organize and keep handouts

· A pencil and pen (blue or black ink)

· Student Handbook/Assignment Journal

5. Course Requirements and Grading:

We will operate on a points system with the quarter test counting as 10% of the quarter grade and the semester test counting as 20% of the final grade. The grading system will follow that in the handbook. The following will be used to determine the student’s grade for each quarter:

v Homework Assignments: These will include in class and out of class work as assigned. All work must be done legibly in blue or black ink. Be sure to always use correct grammar, spelling and punctuation

v Journals: You will be asked to write on certain questions or topics throughout the course. These will not be handed in but will be checked for completion grades. You must keep track of your journals and bring them to class on day assigned!

v Unit Tests: These will be cumulative on several weeks’ worth of material. Students will be notified in advance of the date of the test and material to be covered on it.

v Late Policy: It is very important to get your worked turned in on time. Work received before the beginning of 7th period on the date due will be considered on time.

Late assignments will be deducted 10% for each day late. After 10 days, it will no longer be accepted. Please be sure to read and understand the policies in the handbook regarding absences for sickness and school sponsored activities.

v Extra Credit: Students have the ongoing opportunity to do extra credit from the Lighthouse CD Library in the classroom. Each CD/form is worth 5 extra credit points. Students may turn in one form a month.


Student Name:

I have read all of the information contained in the syllabus for Mrs. Ellerkamp’s Religion course and understand the expectations of this class and plan to put forth my best effort to follow them.

Student Signature:

My student has gone over the syllabus with me for this course and I understand we will be billed for the C.S. Lewis “Four Loves” book.

Parent Signature: