U.S. History since 1877 Syllabus
Teacher’s Name / Room # / Email Address / Tutoring Times*Lindsay Eaton / C107 / / Tues and Fri mornings
Nancy Gross / C103 / / Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri mornings
Weds afternoons
Sara Lucas / C101 / / Mon, Tues, Weds mornings
Mon, Tues afternoons
Chris Lyon / C102 / / Lunch
Doug Pearce / C107 / / By appointment
Sarah Ruiz / C104 / / Tues, Weds mornings
Tues, Weds, Thurs afternoons
*All students are welcome to come to tutoring with any U.S. history teacher.
Behavior Expectations:
Students must review and follow all policies as stated in the HHS Handbook
●Polite – respect for the learning environment is required.
●Prepared – essential materials are required.
●Productive – class time should be used wisely.
Grading Policy:
●70% - Major Grades include exams, non-negotiable assignments/notebooks, and projects
●30% - Minor Grades include classwork, homework, and quizzes
Brief Course Outline:
United States History Since 1877
●Westward Expansion/Industrialization
● Imperialism/U.S. World War I
●The 1920’s/The Great Depression
●The U.S in World War II
● The Cold War/The Post-War Boom
●The Civil Rights Movement/Celebrate Freedom Week
●JFK and LBJ/The Vietnam War
●Politics and Economics in the 70s and 80s/Conservatism
●Late 20th Century Changes/A New Century/STAAR Review
●U.S. History STAAR is May 7, 2018
●Non-Negotiables are due on the day of the exam. Exam will not be entered into Focus if Non-Negotiables have not been turned in.
●Exams will be entered twice in Focus.
Makeup Work
●Students are given three school days to make up any work missed due to an excused absence. One additional day is given for each additional day missed. Students are always responsible for getting the makeup work.
●Test corrections may be completed by any student
●Students have until the next scheduled test to complete corrections
●Test corrections/retest can improve each student’s grade whether or not he/she failed
Late Work
●Late work submissions must be submitted by the end of the grading period, with the grading period defined as each three-week segment in the year.
●In the event that students are assigned work in the last week of the grading period, students will have one week from the original date of submission to complete the late work assignment.
●Late work submitted will receive no higher than a grade of 70.
U.S. History Student Guidelines - Signature Sheet
Student’s Name ______
Student’s Signature ______Date______
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______
Parent/Guardian Name ______
Best phone to reach parent/guardian ______
Parent/Guardian Email ______