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To BOOK, please tickLEVEL or UNIT(S) overleaf
E-Learning Study SupportCertificate in Procurement
Per Unit: £120.00 + VAT
Procurement and Supply Principles /
Procurement and Supply Functions /
Procurement and Supply Processes /
Procurement and Supply Administration /
Procurement and Supply Stakeholders /
For Certificate (5 units): £540.00 + VAT = £648.00 /
Advanced Certificate in Procurement
Per Unit: £120.00 + VAT
Procurement and Supply Environments /
Procurement and Supply Operations /
Procurement and Supply Workflow /
Inventory and Logistics Operations /
Procurement and Supply Relationships /
For Advanced Certificate (5 units): £540.00 + VAT = £648.00 /
Diploma in Procurement and Supply
Per Unit: £120.00 + VAT
Contexts of Procurement and Supply /
Business Needs in Procurement and Supply /
Sourcing in Procurement and Supply /
Negotiating and Contracting in Procurement and Supply /
Managing Contracts and Relationships in Procurement and Supply /
For Diploma (select 5 units): £540.00 + VAT = £648.00 /
Advanced Diploma in Procurement and Supply
Per Unit: £120.00 + VAT
Management in Procurement and Supply /
Managing Risks in Supply Chains
/Improving Competitiveness of Supply Chains (Case Study)
/Category Management in Procurement and Supply /
Sustainability in Supply Chains
/Operations Management in Supply Chains /
For Advanced Diploma (select 5 units): £540.00 + VAT = £648.00 /
Professional Diploma in Procurement and Supply
Per Unit: £120.00 + VAT
Leadership in Procurement and Supply
/Corporate and Business Strategy
/Strategic Supply Chain Management (Case Study)
/Supply Chain Diligence /
Programme and Project Management /
Legal Aspects in Procurement and Supply (UK)
/For Professional Diploma (select 5 units): £540.00 + VAT = £648.00 /