Libra Full Moon -- April 10, 2017

Fasten your spiritual seatbelts. We are riding a huge wave of change. This Full Moon in Libra (Sun in Aries) sees us standing at the threshold of new dimensions of experience and expanded states of awareness. The more willing we are to make the necessary adjustments, the easier it will be to spiral up to the next level of consciousness, personally and globally. We now have sufficient light to see what is in the way of our next step forward. As spiritual pioneers, we must practice the principles of brotherhood (Libra) and love (Aries) to bring Peace on Earth.

“The way for you to restore the true way of life on this planet, to restore harmony and brotherhood, is to hold humanity and indeed the Earth itself in a perfect thought, a thought of harmony and brotherly love.” White Eagle

The spark of God within each human heart (Aries) is the ‘law’ (Libra) that guides each one of us forward on our evolutionary journey. Learning to be true to our own inner light (Aries) we can raise our minds above all conflict. We can find in our hearts (Aries) the point of balance (Libra), the center of light and strength where we can know truth, justice and our unity with the eternal source, with all people and with all life. All law (Libra) exists first and foremost within our own souls, the supreme law being the Law of Love (Aries).

“There can never be peace between nations until it is first known that true peace is within the souls of men.” Oglala Sioux proverb”

Where the Sun at 22 degrees Aries falls in our charts we are striving to develop inner strength, to manifest our spiritual essence. To successfully work through the challenges of this area of life, we must be Love in Action, the highest expression of Aries. As we follow the direction of our hearts, true to our inner light, we can move forward on our spiritual pathway.

“You will never be able to escape from your heart. So it’s better to listen to what it has to say.” Paulo Coelho

The scales, symbol of Libra, introduce the impersonal concept of justice, reflecting the nature of the Law of Cause and Effect. In Egyptian mythology, a scale was used by the goddess Maat to weigh the hearts of souls after death. They were weighed against a feather to ascertain whether more earthly experience was needed to achieve a fully awakened heart. Maat had no Temple as she could not be confined; she symbolized the natural order of the universe itself.

. What in our lives must come back into balance? Where the Moon at 22 degrees Libra falls in our charts we are learning that balance, order and harmony must exist first and foremost within ourselves, the mystical marriage of spirit and soul. As we set straight the balance within our own souls, we can radiate love, beauty and harmony in all our relationships.

“The purpose of relationship is not to have another who might complete you, but to have another with whom you might share your completeness.” Neale Donald Walsh

Several factors mark this Full Moon. The Cardinal Grand Cross of the Sun conjunct Eris and Uranus opposition Moon and Jupiter, and Pluto conjunct Juno opposition Vesta, is a dynamic energy configuration. A Grand Cross is somewhat like a Zen koan. Its intention is to stop us on our tracks and direct us back to our spiritual center. To take the optimum next step on our paths we must resolve four different areas of our lives. With Sun conjunct Eris and Uranus in Aries we are to summon the initiative and courage (Aries) to do our part to forward the reemergence of the Divine Feminine (Eris) in order to bring balance into our chaotic, ego dominated world. Uranus is the planet of liberation; its revolutionary energies keep things moving and evolving. Old structures are falling apart everywhere in our lives, personally and globally, in preparation for the building of more life-affirming and spiritually based foundations. We are evolving from a patriarchal dominator consciousness to one that is compassionate, all embracing and soul centered. The asteroid Vesta is known as the Greek Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth Fire and Keeper of the Flame. Her energies are now ever more available and accessible, helping us to keep our inner light shining, to focus and stay committed to our spiritual goals.

The Moon conjunct Jupiter in Libra urges us to walk the path of brotherhood (Libra) by addressing the spark of God in all those with whom we share life’s journey (Jupiter). Pluto is guardian of the wealth of our magnificent garden planet, while Uranus offers unique visions, insights and skills to this end. Placed in Capricorn, Pluto urges us to transform all that is unjust and unsustainable. He challenges each one of us to take responsibility as an essential participant in this evolutionary process, in the healing of Planet Earth. Indeed our lives reflect our choices.

Mars, ruler of Aries is conjunct (exact) the dwarf planet Ceres in earthy Taurus. Ceres is known as the Great Earth Mother and Goddess of Agriculture, suggesting an ever greater resurgence of the Divine Feminine energy in the collective consciousness. New options are emerging for the expression of the sacred feminine and our Earth based awareness beyond those symbolized by the Moon and Venus. Ceres represents the principle of Unconditional Love that nurtures and sustains all life. Are we living in a place and way that is nourishing and sustainable?

“The old Lakota was wise. He knew that man’s heart away from nature becomes hard: he knew that lack of respect for growing, living things soon led to lack of respect for humans too.” Chief Luther Standing Bear, Lakota tribe

The Sabian symbol for the Sun at 22 degrees Aries: “The gate to the garden of desire.” For the Moon at 22 degrees Libra: “A child giving birds a drink at a fountain,”

Again the emphasis is upon the importance of our connection with nature, with Mother Earth and with all her children. As the ‘gate’ opens within our consciousness we experience our heart-felt kinship with our Earth Mother, with all people and all life….We know that:

“Paradise is always where love dwells.” Jean Paul Richter

Heather Threlfall – April 2017 – astro_dynamics1@