Letter 7 – How will amount meet my needs?

To : Xxx (social worker)

Xxx(social services team)

Xxx (address)

Re: Rationale for level of support offered

Xxx (date)

Dear Xxx:

I had an assessment on the Xxx (Date) by Xxx (name of social worker). The outcome of that assessment determined that I needed support in a number of areas (list areas which you need support in). I have been given an indicative amount of xx per week, which is to be given to me as a Direct Payment. My contribution to my care has been assessed as xx per week. Together, I fail to see how this amount will adequately meet the needs listed in my Community Care Assessment.

Please indicate specifically how my needs will be met with this amount of money. Case law has stated that it is for social services to clearly state how the support offered will meet the needs identified ([2010] EWEHC 414 (Admin), (2010) 13 CCLR 227 at para 48).

I expect an answer to this important question of how I am to meet my needs with what you are offering as soon as possible, and no later than XXX (date).

Yours truly,

XXX (name and date)

Yours truly,

Xxx (name and address)