IS 201 – Computer Applications
Instructor: Gary Kimber
Office: Off campus
Phone: 738-2298 Home / Answering Machine
Location: HTC 110
Days: Tuesday / Thursday
Time: 5:30 – 6:45
Start / End: January 22 to May 13
Spring Break: March 24 to March 28
Recommended Co Requisite: IS 101.
Course Description:
An introduction to the most commonly used microcomputer business software with emphasis on operating systems, word processing, spreadsheets, database management, presentation software, and software integration. Substantial hands-on work provides practical experience using this software. Students should be able to pass the MOUS Microsoft Office Specialist certification, the premier Microsoft desktop productivity certification, is a globally recognized standard that validates computer desktop skills. The Microsoft Office Specialist program is meeting the demand for "job-ready" people in the global workplace.
Text: Carey/Zimmerman/Shaffer/Adamski/Finnegan, New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2003 – First Course, Second Edition, Course Technology, 2006.
Software: Microsoft Office 2003 Suite, Internet Explorer, and Windows XP will be used. Instructor will provide information on how to use these packages.
Handouts: Additional handouts may be required. Instructor will provide information on obtaining this material.
Teaching Methods:
1. Lectures:
Important material from the text and outside sources will be covered in class. Students should plan to take careful notes as not all material can be found in the texts or readings. Discussion is encouraged as is student-procured outside material relevant to topics being covered.
2. Assignments:
Review Assignments and other projects will be periodically assigned to reinforce material in the text. These assignments may require the application of various software packages. Students will be encouraged to use the computer facilities at GBC if they do not have access to appropriate computer technology at home.
3. Exams:
Six quiz/exams will be given. The exams will be closed book/notes and will test assigned readings and material discussed in class. Review sheets will be provided prior to the exam day. The final exam will be comprehensive in nature. However, the instructor reserves the right to retest on material that was not appropriately comprehended. These items will be noted on exam review sheets.
5. Internet:
All material will be distributed on the Internet at Class notes, instructional material, and student assignments will be posted on 'the net' in a class website. Students are encouraged to go to the website and in order to obtain file downloads and view other items of interest throughout the semester.
Letter grades will be determined using a standard percentage point evaluation as outlined below. Grades may be curved after the total semester points have been tabulated. However, do not count on a curve to obtain your desired grade.
A 90%-100%
B 80%-89%
C 70%-79%
D 60%-69%
F Below 60%
Points Possible:
Type / Number / Points Per Assignment / Quiz / TotalsQuiz
Operating Systems
Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint / 6 / 100 / 600
Assignments / 16 / 50 / 800
Participation / 30 / 10 / 300
Final Examination / 1 / 300 / 300
Possible Points / 2000
Course Policies:
Missed Classes:
The student is responsible for obtaining material distributed on class days when he/she was absent. This can be done through contacting a classmate who was present or by contacting the instructor during his office hours or other times. Use the website when you miss class. Information will be made available online as much as possible.
All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the date due. Late submission of assignments will be assessed a penalty of 10% per assignment. No exceptions are made.
Academic Dishonesty:
Plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses and may be punished by failure on exam, paper or project; failure in course; and or expulsion from the University. For more information refer to the "Academic Dishonesty" policy in the GBC Undergraduate Catalog.
Need for Assistance:
If you have any condition, such as a physical or learning disability, which will make it difficult for you to carry out the work as I have outlined it, or which will require academic accommodations, please notify me as soon as possible.
Posting of Grades:
Final grades will be posted on May 16th.
Learning Outcomes / Measurement
Learning Outcome / MeasurementDescribe the components of a computer system. / Multiple assessments during the semester.
Compare the types of computers. / Multiple assessments during the semester.
Identify popular application software. / Multiple assessments during the semester.
Identify the hardware and software that are used to establish a network connection. / Multiple assessments during the semester.
Run software programs, switch between them, and close them. / In class observation, assignment proficiency, and assessments.
Manipulate windows and change the view of the items in your computer. / In class observation, assignment proficiency, and assessments.
Create, name, copy, move, and delete folders. / In class observation, assignment proficiency, and assessments.
Work with compressed files. / In class observation, assignment proficiency, and assessments.
Learn the relationship between the Internet and the World Wide Web. / In class observation, assignment proficiency, and assessments.
Learn about Web pages and Web browsers. / In class observation, assignment proficiency, and assessments.
Microsoft Word / In class observation, assignment proficiency, and assessments.
Microsoft Excel / In class observation, assignment proficiency, and assessments.
Microsoft PowerPoint / In class observation, assignment proficiency, and assessments.
Microsoft Access / In class observation, assignment proficiency, and assessments.
Integration of Office software / In class observation, assignment proficiency, and assessments.
Course Outline
Week / Day / Date / Agenda / Book1 / January 22 / Tuesday / Introduction / None
1 / January 24 / Thursday / Essential Concepts / EC 01-EC 39
2 / January 29 / Tuesday / Essential Concepts
2 / January 31 / Thursday / Windows XP-Browsers / Win 3- Win 40
3 / February 5 / Tuesday / Examination 1and 2
Concepts and Browsers / Previous
3 / February 7 / Thursday / Introduction to Office / Off 3 – Off 23
4 / February12 / Tuesday / Word 1 Creating a .doc / Wd 3 – Wd 40
4 / February 14 / Thursday / Word 2 Editing a .doc / Wd 41 –Wd 87
5 / February 19 / Tuesday / Word 3 Multi page / Wd 89- Wd 134
5 / February 21 / Thursday / Word 4 Publishing &
Mail Merge / Wd 135 -183
6 / February 26 / Tuesday / Examination 3-Word / Previous
6 / February 28 / Thursday / Excel 1 Manage data / Ex 3 –Ex 50
7 / March 4 / Tuesday / Excel 2 Formulas / Ex 51 –Ex 93
7 / March 6 / Thursday / Excel 3 Worksheets / Ex 95 –Ex 144
8 / March 11 / Tuesday / Excel 4 Charts / Graphs / Ex 145 –Ex 192
8 / March 13 / Thursday / Excel 5 – Advanced Apps / Provided
9 / March 18 / Tuesday / Excel vs. Google / Provided
9 / March 20 / Thursday / Examination 4 – Excel / Previous
Spring Break – March 24 to March 28
10 / April 1 / Tuesday / Access 1 - Introduction / Ac 3 –Ac 34
10 / April 3 / Thursday / Access 2 –
Database Creation / Ac 35- Ac 80
11 / April 8 / Tuesday / Access 3 - Querying / Ac 81- Ac 128
11 / April 10 / Thursday / Access 4 - Forms / Ac 129- Ac 168
12 / April 15 / Tuesday / Examination 5 - Access / Previous
12 / April 17 / Thursday / PowerPoint 1- Creation / PPt 3 - PPt40
13 / April 22 / Tuesday / PowerPoint 2 – Modifying a presentation / PPt 41 – PPt87
13 / April 24 / Thursday / PowerPoint 3 – Advanced Applications / Provided
14 / April 29 / Tuesday / Integration of Office Programs / Discussion
14 / May 1 / Thursday / Integration of Word & Excel / Int 1-1
15 / May 6 / Tuesday / Examination 6 - Integration / Int 2-1
15 / May 8 / Thursday / Integration of Word, Access and Excel into PowerPoint / Int 3-1
16 / May 13 / Tuesday – Final Examination - Inclusive
Friday May 16- Grades Posted