Leadership Development for Women program 2017
Application Form
Name: / Contact Number:Staff ID: / Email Address:
Position (include level): / Unit/School:
Budget Centre: / Campus:
What do you hope to gain from your experience in this program? (max 150 words)
What are the key challenges you are facing in your career/leadership at present? (max 150 words)
How will participating in this program contribute to achieving your goals? (max 150 words)
I am committed to attending all workshops and seminars and participating fully in activities.
Signature: Date:
Line Manager/Head of School:
I support this application and am aware of the costs associated (time and travel)
I confirm the applicant is in an ongoing positon, or a fixed-term position which is expected to cover the duration of the program.
Date / Budget Centre Head (where not the Line manager/Head of School):
I support this application and am aware of the costs associated (time and travel).
Please return completed form by close of business Thursday 6 July 2017 the Staff Experience Unit via email at: