Lead of the Leads: Moving a Position from Vision to Reality
James Brooks
Grand Canyon University
Lead of the Leads: Moving a Position from Vision to Reality
Many great ideas were shaped by the Project Reinvention group and the Content Leads was one of our better ones. I worked with Dr. Kevin Barksdale and Nicole Quow of CDD to help ensure the Content Leads would be a valuable position. When it came time to roll out this new position, I served by leading this new group and getting the position up and running. Although
The role of a Content Lead has adapted throughout the year. Here is the current statement of their responsibilities that were provided to GCU’s VP of Academic Operations:
The Content Lead (CL) serves as an expert in their course(s). It is an elected position that they serve for one year, although there is no limit to the number of times a CL can be reelected. As a CL, they fulfill the following duties:
· Act as a liaison to promote faculty to faculty communication.
· Lead content area meetings with the faculty who teach in their content area.
· Develop connections so they can represent the faculty to CDD, grad teams, ground faculty, and other departments.
· Gather and distribute resources through maintaining the F: drive.
· Communicate desired content changes to the FTF Executive Director.
As the “Lead of the Leads,” the focus was on leading by example and with time, the Content Lead position (CL) grew into a valuable asset. The team was provided with a vision and that vision impacted every OFTF in the university. To start off, a meeting was held to help solidify the responsibilities of a CL, but since it was such a new position, there was a lot of ambiguity. With such a strong group of faculty, so we were able to operate with one rule “In all situations, use your best judgment.”
Loud Cloud was looming when the position first started and the group did not know exactly how much the faculty or other departments would rely on them. As a result, the first desire was to open the lines of communication. In the following weeks, the CLs were taught how to create email distribution lists, hold teleconferences, create groups within Microsoft Office Communicator, share their screen with other employees, and how to create a ticket for CDD.
Once up and running, there was a flurry of creativity as the CL’s acted as a catalyst for faculty communication. Within the first 45 days we were able to make incredible changes for the faculty and our curriculum. Please see the Appendix for a list of these accomplishments. With my lead, the CL’s have continued to produce great results and they have become the ‘go to’ person for each of their content areas.
Now, nearly a year after their creation, the CL positions are up for reelection. There have been plenty of growing pains and, like anything worth doing, there has been a lot of compromise. The position was just an idea last year, and now, through hard work, it has grown into an established part of the Online Full Time Faculty model.
List of Content Lead Accomplishments: A non-comprehensive list from 4/25/11 to 6/7/11
UNV 103:
· Nikki Squire-Updated F drive with new resources that were created
· Jonathan Roeder-Module 5 Quiz Confusion. Quiz suggestions submitted were reviewed by CDD and will be implemented within the Loud Cloud conversion of the course slated for 8/27/12.
· Sarah Robertson-Made some possible revisions to the Module 6 Understanding a GCU assignment. The UNV 103 team is working on creating a sample grading rubric to incorporate with the Module 6 assignment since we receive a lot of questions from students regarding how to complete this assignment and where the grading rubrics are located in the classroom.
· Sarah Robertson-Made some quick edits to the About Microsoft Office worksheet (updated web links and videos) used in one of the discussion questions for module 1.
· Alli Holladay-Shared some UNV 103 DQ Boosters
· Nikki Squire-First UNV 103 Think Tank Phone conference with some UNV 103 instructors-Discussed current successes and ideas for incorporating multimedia tools in the classrooms.
· Nikki Squire-Had a conference meeting with all the UNV 103 instructors. Showed them how to embed various multimedia videos in their classrooms and how to use the mass grading tool to help cut down on the amount of time spent grading assignments.
UNV 104:
· Provided Courtney and the CDD a list of concerns and glitches found within the revision of UNV 104, so that these small concerns could be corrected for the next version of the course. (Julie had to get feedback from peers who taught the new course currently, and compiled a list to send to Courtney.)
· Provided links, videos, as well as supplemental materials for Modules 2, 3, and 4 of UNV 104. *Created an Outline format and Essay Format for students to use and better understand what is in a five paragraph expository essay.
· Updated the UNV 104 folder in the F Drive. Instructors sent items or corrections they have found that needed to be shared among instructors (Answer Keys, etc.)
· Working with faculty to create an example UNV 104 essay with feedback for students to use as model for their own essays (this will also be an instructor tool)
PHI 105:
· For PHI 105, Carrie O’Donnell suggested replacing the module 4 fallacies assignment with a quiz so Shelley Evans and her are working on creating it together.
· James Brooks created and shared a video to explain the mod 4 fallacies assignment
· Shelley Evans showed the PHI instructors how to use the mass grading tool via conference call/communicator screen share.
· Kristan Farley suggested some improvements for the topic and audience worksheet and changes in the powerpoint rubric.
· Marti Abitheria sent a creative teaching tool to use in the discussion forum to teach students that perception is not always reality.
· James Brooks shared an idea to use a free tutoring button in the announcement section of PHI 105 to encourage students to use this resource. It links them directly to where they can request a tutor.
· Tom Dyer shared a best practice sample email he sends students prior to the fallacies assignment to offer students a chance to make an appointment for extra help.
· Shelley Evans organized the F drive and sent out some materials to highlight some great tools.
· Elizabeth Larson contributed some visual aides to use in the discussion forums.
· James Brooks and Morgan Denney created and shared a multimedia quiz game to help students learn the fallacies.
ENG 105:
· Brian Rafferty shared the idea for gathering model papers for all modules.
· Emily Berquist shared some wonderful model papers.
· Willie Hintze provided a sample Annotated Bibliography for help with ENG 105.
· Willie Hintze forwarded a course error requiring a necessary revision.
· Kristin DiCarlo pointed out necessary revisions regarding Turnitin submissions.
· Mary Beth Nipp provided a shared document for consolidating requests and sharing ideas.
· Lisa Tervo created two new folders on the F drive so that the PSY faculty could share announcements, study guides, weekly checklists. These folders did not exist prior.
· Laura Terry contributed the announcements and study guides for PSY 102.
· Lori Eyre and Sheia Davidson contributed the announcements for PSY 100.
· Lori Eyre found some replacement links that could be used in lieu of a broken link in the Module 6 lecture for PSY 100.
· Laura Terry found a broken link in the Module 3 readings for PSY 102; CDD was notified.
· Lori Eyre, Michelle Griego, and Lisa Tervo shared information about emotional intelligence as taught in PSY 100 and PHI 105. By reviewing what both courses offer, we hope to establish some continuity between courses as well as share the strengths the other course offers.
· Lisa Tervo is working with Dr. Jean Mandernach to incorporate various multimedia into our courses. Dr. Mandernach has used these presentations in her courses previously with much success.
· A revised PSY 102 course should be rolled out on August 27th; new materials are being developed for the team to share for when the roll-out occurs.
CWV 101
· Glenn Miller sent out tutorial link to help students
UNV 501:
· Andrew McBroom lead a UNV 501 LoudCloud content review with F: drive support via IM & teleconference.
· Ben Vilkas created a UNV 501 Module 4: Template for Program of study presentation.
· Willie Hintze created a style guide for citation in PowerPoint for UNV 501.
· Andrew McBroom created TaskStream Account Set-up tool and articulated instructions.
· Module 3: Concrete example with video links & articulated track changes (Created by Willie Hintze, James Brooks, & Andrew McBroom)
· Module 3 rubric with updated point totals (Created by Alan Guthrie & Andrew McBroom)
· Module 2: Concrete example with video links & articulated track changes (Created by Willie Hintze, James Brooks, & Andrew McBroom)
· Ben Vilkas shared a substantive posting announcement.
· Module DQ & participation feedback Modules 1-4 (Shared by Alan Guthrie, Brenda Combs, Ben Vilkas, Carrie O’Donnell, James Brooks & Andrew McBroom)
UNV 505
· Suggested concrete changes to CDD in an attempt to improve module 1’s quiz (All the UNV 500 content leads, especially Scott Hovater)
UNV 502-503
· LeAnne P. shared some great tips for Healthcare Administration and Public Health links including scholarship opportunities for students. Those were put into the F drive for faculty under Faculty Resources.
· Becky Richey updated the F drive for UNV 502 is with new resources and correct APA 6th ed templates. LeAnne helped in reviewing this.
· A weekly checklist for new faculty teaching UNV 502/503 for Loud Cloud was created. Week 2’s is on the way.
· Great conversation with Jason W. about what would help a faculty member who does not have a counseling background with helping students in UNV 502
· Helped new faculty members get started in Loud Cloud who are teaching UNV 502