Lady Lumley’s School MFL DEPARMENT: Year 9 Medium term Scheme of Learning
KS3 French / TOPIC 1: Ma vie sociale d’ado (Studio 3, Chapter 1) Approx 7x100September / October / YEAR 9
Prior learning / Adjectives and adjectival agreement in Y7 and 8 / past tense in Y8
Lesson number & title / Learning outcomes / Timing / Specific resources and suggested Kagan structures
1.Planète Facebook / Be able to say what you use Facebook / other social media for
Understand advantages and disadvantages of Facebook and give opinons
Grammar: Using present tense verbs
Skills: Using frequency expressions / Ranking activities in order of frequency
Home learning: Write a paragraph to say what you use Facebook for – including frequency phrases and opinions / 200 / Studio 3 p.8-9
-QQT on what do / how often / why
-Rally coach on phrases and **time phrases
2.Comment tu trouves? / To be able to ask for and give an opinion about someone.
Grammar – To be able to use direct object pronouns. / Adjective agreement / Qualifying adjectives
Skills: Asking and answering questions
Home learning: Create a dialogue between 2 people who are discussing / gossiping about others / 100 / Studio 3 p.9-10
Ppt on shared area ‘Comment tu trouves...?’
Resources to print out:
-Rally Robin: Partner work for speaking practice of DO pronouns and adjectives
- rally coach grid / HL checklist task / Writing frame for LAS/ Pictures stimulus.
3.Tu viens aussi? / To be able to invite someone out and accept or decline invitations
To be able to say what your plans are for next weekend
Grammar – Using ‘je veux / tu veux’ + infinitive/ Question forming / Use the near future tense
Skills: To be able to use time expressions
Home learning: Write a paragraph to describe where you are going to go on your day out / who with / what you are going to do. / 200 / Studio 3 p.12-13
-Rally Robin – dice activity practising different future forms
-QQ – invite each other out and respond
4. Ça s’est bien passé? / To be able to describe a date and ask questions about a past event.
Grammar – To be able to use the perfect tense
Skills: Using sequencing words to create extended texts
Home learning: Prepare a mind map with key vocab and phrases from the topic / 200 / Studio 3 p.14-15
-All write round table (Consequences – describe your date)
-Numbered heads together – WB checking understanding of past forms
5. ASSESSMENT / WRITTEN ASSESSMENT – book check on HL and classwork covered over term level up to 6
SPEAKING ASSESSMENT: use reference materials to complete a script in class – describing someone, planning and then describing a date: then record / to teacher
Grammar – Using perfect, present and near future all in the same writing / 100 / Reading assessment – Studio 3 p.19
KS3 Year 9 / TOPIC: Une vie saine
November - December Approx 6 x 100 minutes / YEAR 9
Prior learning / Food topic covered in Y7
Lesson number & title / Learning outcomes / Timing / Specific resources
1. Le sport et le fitness / Describe what is good or bad for your health
Use ‘Il faut / Il ne faut pas’ + infinitive to say what you should do to be healthy / Give your opinions on sport
Grammar ‘il faut / il ne faut pas’ + infinitive
Skills: Categorising what is good or bad for you
Home learning: Write a paragraph saying what is good or bad for you and give your opinions on sport / 100 / Studio rouge 3 p.34-35
-Continuous round robin – categorising verb phrases re health
-Jot thoughts / Roundtable at end on what is good / bad
2. Mes resolutions pour être en forme / Describe what your resolutions are to get healthier / fitter, and create a fitness plan for the future
Grammar: Use the near future to say what you are going to do. ** Use the simple future tense
Skills: Using sequencing words to link ideas together, translation skills
Home learning: Write a list **paragraph about your resolutions for keeping fit and healthy / 200 / Studio rouge 3 p36-37, p38-39
-QQT on a resolution and why
-All write round robin – list of resolutions for future health
-All write round table – running dictation
3. Qu’est-ce que tu as fait pour garder la forme? / Describe what you did last week which was healthy / unhealthy **Say what you used to do when you were younger (produce a piece of written work in lesson)
Grammar: Use the perfect tense to say what you did last week **Use the imperfect tense in the ‘Je’ form to say what you used to do
Skills: Asking and answering questions
Home learning: Complete diary entry begun in lesson / improve it by adding information about someone else. / 100 / -Jot thoughts/Round table on infinitive verb phrases on topic
-Timed pair share explaining what you did last week
4. Review of unit / Assessment / Revision of tenses – recognise, understand and use up to 3 different tenses
Open book assessment in response to a task (on shared area) – use task sheet and writing frame provided as well as resources in book. Write on a separate piece of paper. Level up to 6/7
Grammar: Review of tenses
Skills: Problem solving skills
Home learning / 200 / Listening assessment – Studio 3 p.41 ex4
Tenses review (on ppt)
Word doc – gap fill tasks to complete before assessment
KS3 Year 9 / TOPIC: A l’horizon
January - February Approx 7 x 100 minutes (+ one OPTIONS lesson – carousel of activities: talk/ thinking skills re jobs/ Spanish taster) / YEAR 9
Prior learning / Opinions studied in various units since y7
Lesson number & title / Learning outcomes / Timing / Specific resources
1.Es-tu fait pour ce metier?
(DFA/BDA) / Describing different jobs and saying what you like to do/ what you are like in relation to jobs
Grammar: Using masculine and feminine nouns
Skills: Matching jobs to preferences / skills / adjectives
Home learning:Use a writing frame to write a paragraph about what job would / wouldn’t interest you and why / 200 / Studio 3 p.54-55
-QQT – job you do and skills
-Rally coach to practise masc / fem forms of jobs
-Continuous round table – sentence building
2.Le monde est un village
(MBL/RWI) / Le monde est un village: Discussing the importance of languages and other skills in jobs
Grammar: Using modal verbs: pouvoir / devoir / vouloir+ infinitive
Skills: Understanding key skills required for different jobs
Home learning: Revise for test on modal verbs+ infinitive next lesson (put language on Fronter) / 100 / Studio 3 p.56-57
-Jot thoughts –(in English) brainstorm ideas about use of languages in jobs
-Rally coach – translate sentences
3.Quand j’étais plus jeune
(KRO) / Understanding descriptions of what motivated people to choose their current jobs
Grammar: Use the imperfect tense in the ‘je’ form ‘**il / elle’ form (*use j’aimais + infinitive / **use other verbs)
Skills: Extending sentences
Home learning: Write an extended paragraph about an imaginary (or real) person describing their likes / habits in the past and their current job / 100 / Studio 3 p.58-59
-QQT – give students a job / age / role – produce sentence about what used to do / like in past
-Numbered heads together – give English and choose from multiple choice e.g. je joue / je jouais / je vais jouer
4.Ta vie sera comment? / Be able to describe your future career plans and ambitions
Grammar: Using the *near future (the **simple future tense)
Skills: Distinguishing between different tenses
Home learning: Revise for grammar assessment next lesson (provide h/o as revision frame) / 100 / Studio 3 p.60-61
-Rally robin dice activity to practise future structures
-Showdown – 6 cards each – French on side / English on other side. Cards face down in middle – take turns, turn over a card, one person says what it is in English, table writes French – speaker says Showdown to check
5.Mon boulot / Be able to understand and say what activities you have to do in different jobs
GRAMMAR ASSESSMENT: using different tenses
Grammar: using a range of tenses
Skills: categorising activities with jobs
Home learning: create a mind map on work topic for next lesson / 100 / Studio 3 p.62-63
Listening assessment: Studio assessment pack
-Jot thoughts / Round table based on verb phrases for what you have to do / be in a job, categorise
-Timed rally robin to describe a job
6.Review and assessment / Review of vocab and tenses covered in this unit
Grammar: Using a range of tenses and complex sentences
Skills: Writing from prompts
Home learning / 100 / Studio 3 Use questions on p.63 ex 6 – students can use mind map and prompts
KS3 Year 9 / TOPIC: Mon Magasin (Storyline)
Spring term – March-April 6 x 100 minutes / YEAR 9
Prior learning / Places in town covered in Y7
Lesson number & title / Learning outcomes / Timing / Specific resources
1.Mon magasin / Be able to recognise different types of shops in French. Say what products you can buy in your shop. Describe opening and closing times
Grammar: On peut + infinitive / Time – word order
Skills: Dictionary skills / Using the 24h clock
Home learning: Write up a description of your shop saying what it sells, opening times etc / Bring in a picture of your shopkeeper for next lesson / 200 / All on shared area for this unit of work
-Rally robin to say kinds of shops they remember
-QQ – what you can buy in your shop
-Rally coach – practising times
2.Le commerçant / la commerçante / Describe your shopkeeper and their activities in past and future
Grammar: Present tense for physical and personal descriptions / future and past tense for describing activities
Skills: Creating descriptions
Home learning: / 100 / -Jot thoughts – physical descriptions and personality
-Rally robin – describe features of different people
3.La publicité pour le magasin / Understand key features of adverts and create your own advertisement for your shop
Grammar: Using the imperative
Skills: Reading strategies: scanning skills
Home learning: Create an advert for your shop / Revise for reading assessment next lesson / 100 / -Rally coach on phrases using imperatives
-QQT – imperative sentences
4.Les conversations au magasin / Understand key information in a dialogue and create a dialogue between shopkeeper and customer
Grammar: Question forms
Skills: Reading for key information
Home learning / 100 / Reading assessment from AQA workbook – on shared area
-Continuous round table to produce a shop dialogue
5.Les directions en ville / Be able to ask for and give directions to different shops in town
Grammar: Review of imperative forms
Skills: Sequencing directions
Home learning: Create a dialogue giving directions to 2-3 different locations in town (based on plan used in lesson) / 100 / Rally robin to practise asking and giving directions
Rally coach – translating directions
Listening assessment material à aqa workbook
Markscheme on shared area with numbers of MP3 files to do
KS3 Scheme of Learning / TOPIC: Describing holidays and learning about a region of France
Summer term April – July 4x100 6x100 / YEAR 9
Prior learning
Lesson number & title / Learning outcomes / Timing / Specific resources
1. Question de vacances
RJO / MHE / Say what you normally do / where normally go on holiday – types of holidays, places and activities
Grammar: Present tense
Skills: Using time phrases and extended sentences with où / asking questions
Home-learning / 100 / Studio3 vert p76-77
Studio 3 rouge p76
(avoid resources from y8)
-Simultaneous round table to generate vocab (from wordle)
-QQ – practise question and answer
2. Mes vacances idéales
BDA / KRO / Describe your ideal holiday saying what you would visit and do
Grammar: Conditional (Je voudrais+ infinitive / **other verbs in conditional)
Skills: Asking questions
Home-learning: Complete a written paragraph saying where you go / what you normally do on holiday and what your ideal holiday would be / 100 / Build on activities from previous lesson introducing conditional tense
Studio3 rouge p93 (conditional reference)
-Jot thoughts on destinations / activities
-Consensus round table on writing frame after individual work
3. Bordeaux: ville et region
RWI / KRO / Learn some key information about Bordeaux and region in terms of places to visit, geography and cuisine
Grammar: Present tense / on peut + infinitive
Skills: Scanning texts for information
Home-learning: Create a poster showing research done on what covered in lesson – (this will be part of display later) / 100 / Bordeaux exchange video and photos
-Continuous rally robin writing – information finding about Bordeaux and note taking
-Jot thoughts at end on key phrases for geography / tourism and food
4. On prépare une visite
RJO / MHE / Plan a one week illustrated itinerary to Bordeaux (adapt from trip-exchange itinerary) – say what you are going to visit and do
Grammar: Future tense (review: aller+ infinitive / simple future)
Skills: Using sequencing words and conditional to say what you would like to do
Home-learning: Complete paragraph on your itinerary begun in class / 100 / See resources from Paris project (Old resources folder)
-Rally Robin dice activity for speaking about your holiday plans
-Trap door speaking (using sequencing words)
5. Mon séjour à Bordeaux
BDA / RWI / Create an illustrated diary entry for one / two days for your trip to Bordeaux, saying where you went and what you did there (individually: written task)
Grammar: Passé composé / use comparatives and superlatives ‘la meilleure chose était’.... ‘.
Home-learning: Complete individual diary entry – 2 days+ and prepare mind map for speaking assessment next lesson / 100 / See resources from Paris project
-Rally coach to translate sentences in past tense
-Numbered heads together – multiple choice on past forms
6. Mon séjour à Bordeaux
Grammar: range of tenses
Skills: improving work and using complex sentences
Home-learning: Prepare draft and 40 key words for speaking assessment / 100 / Studio3 p.84
-Rally robin dice activity to revise past forms
-Continuous round table – consequences activity
7. Projet de vacances / SPEAKING ASSESSMENT –with teacher – respond to questions on holidays using task sheet list of 40 words
Create a display with your partner showing what you can do in Bordeaux, your itinerary, your post card and diary entry
(WRITTEN: complete book check and give level based on 3 pieces of work completed in present / past / future – for end of year level
Grammar: present /past / future tenses
Home-learning - / 100 / Sugar paper, HL work (write up as display and prepare scripts)
8. Présentation du projet / Be able to present information about your trip and give feedback on your classmates’ presentations
Grammar: Using all present / past / future /* conditional in your presentation
Skills: Presenting and understanding information
Home-learning: Research and mind map: 8 things you could buy in a café / 8 things in a souvenir shop in French / 100 / Peer assessment sheets
-Timed pair share on projects
9. (2014) Tour de France
KRO / RWI / Be able to understand and describe the event and competitors
Produce a guide for the Tour de Yorkshire for French visitors.
Skills: Cultural understanding of an international event / 200
10. En ville / Use French in different situations e.g café / shop you might find yourself on a trip / exchange to France
Grammar: Present tense questions
Skills: Question forming and building dialogues
Home-learning: Write up a dialogue in either a café or a shop / 100 / -Jot thoughts based on previous HL – use this for vocab in lesson
-Rally coach to practise questions and answers