La Voiture de Mes Rêves!

Congratulations! You have won the opportunity to buy the car of your dreams on Ebay France! The only limit is your imagination. Amusez-vous bien! You won’t be finding typical American cars here. You will have to stretch your imagination! You will post a short composition describing your dream car. You will practice your new vocabulary of colors and adjectives. Remember that cars are feminine so make sure your adjectives agree. Post your composition to Wallwisher and be sure to post your first name , class period, and LAST INTIAL ONLY

1.  Download the file and save as your last name and today’s date. You will need to compare two different cars and fill in the charts with the requested information. Use the model as an example.

2.  First, go to and start looking at cars. Be sure to note the model numbers of the cars you like so that you can search for them on Ebay France.

3.  Go to Ebay France and start your search.

1.  There will be unfamiliar vocabulary. Remember, Madame is not the dictionary! I’m not giving you a fish, but teaching you to fish… go to Word Reference to look up any unfamiliar words. You will be listing unfamiliar words in the chart below.

2.  To find the price conversion, to to Remember that the French use periods were we use commas and vice versa!

3.  After comparing your two cars, create a paragraph using Partie B. Copy and paste this paragraph as a comment on the La Voiture de Mes Rêves post. . REMEMBER TO POST YOUR FIRST NAME AND LAST INITIAL ONLY. BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR CLASS PERIO


Ma voiture

Partie A / Modèle / Voiture #1 / Voiture #2
Constructeur: / Jaguar
Modèle: / XKR
Type: / Cabriolet
Nombre de portes: / 2
Kilométrage (km): / 7000
Année: / 2007
Carburant: / Essence
Couleur: / Gris foncé
Peinture Métalisée: / Oui
Equipements de Confort: / Clim automatique, Radar de recul, Régulateur de vitesse, Sellerie cuir, Sièges chauffants, Sièges électriques, Volant ajustable
Prix en Euros / 118.710
Prix en Dollars / 172.583
My new vocabulary / Write the definitions of any new words you have learned here. Be sure to include the French and the English.
Partie B
Je vais acheter …
Elle est…
Elle coûte…
C’est une voiture… / une … (give the constructeur et modèle et couleur)
use two adjectives in French to describe your car.
give the price in euros and in dollars.
give one adjective ( or two!) to describe your car.
give the nationality of your car (you can google and check Wikipedia if you are not sure)

Copy and paste the information here to create your paragraph. You will post it at the La Voiture de Mes Rêves post.

Je vais acheter une Alfa Romeo rouge.

Elle est belle est rapide.

Elle coûte 15,000.00 EUR = 20,620.26 USD.

C’est une voiture italienne.