Hopewell Baptist Church
5061 Hopewell Road, New Kent, VA 23124
Phone (804) 932-4906
Website: www.hbcnk.org E-Mail:
Enter to Worship, Exit to Serve
We welcome Sky Cline back to the pulpit today. Pastor Cline’s main ministry calling is in prison ministry, making inroads for Christ and bringing many to a saving faith. Other ministries include serving unreached people groups in S.E. Asia. Most of these churches are “underground” where the government does not allow Christianity. He has been in the pastoral ministry since 1997.
--Nominations: Meeting immediately following worship. We continue our work to finalize the church organization/ministries positions list that will be presented Sept. 20. If you’ve not already done so, we encourage you to prayerfully seek the Lord’s guidance in where you are led to serve. Please see any member of the committee (Lena, Jennifer, Joanne S., CW or Bobby) to inquire about the remaining vacant positions (list on bulletin board).
--Finance Committee: Short meeting today immediately following worship.
--Discipleship Training: Resumes tonight at 7:00 p.m. See flyer.
--Bible Study: We are fortunate to have our Board of Deacons delivering God’s message to us on Wednesday nights. Tim Tuck has this Wednesday after we enjoy a spaghetti meal together. We usually watch a poignant video before having a lively and meaningful discussion. Please join us as we study and fellowship together.
--Wednesday dinners are back: Please join us for dinner at 5:30 p.m. before bible study at 6:30 p.m. every second and fourth Wednesday. We are raising money to purchase an electronic sign for our new church building. See flyer to order your meal. Spaghetti this week.
--Look Who’s Preaching: What a lineup! Howard Rhodes (9/17), Jerry Heslinga (9/24). Check your October calendar for future guest ministers!
(See back of bulletin for additional announcements)
Sunday Morning Worship Service Sept. 10, 2017
† Gathering for Worship & Praise:
Music Prelude…………………………………....……..Rhonda Boggs
Welcome and Announcements………………….………CW Waldrop
* Choral Call to Worship…God of Grace and
God of Glory (#395)……..…Congregation
† Worshiping Him:
Reading of Scripture: Luke 14:25-33……………………Pastor Cline
Prayer…………………………..…….……………………Ben Williams
* Worship in Song: I Will Follow
I Am Resolved (#301).….…………Congregation
All children are invited to participate in children’s church at this time.
Theme: God’s Word is Our Foundation
Teacher Jennifer Waldrop Nursery: Monk Gibbs
Please let your teacher know of any food allergies.
† Returning His Gifts:
Prayer of Thanksgiving……………………….…………….Dan Horton
Giving of Our Tithes and Offerings
* Choral Response……….Doxology………………….... Congregation
† Hearing His Message for Us:
In Song…………….…..…..There is Power……….……………..Choir
In Word……………………………………………………..Pastor Cline
† Responding to His Word:
* Invitation Song: I Surrender All (#275)………………..Congregation
(You are loved by Jesus and by the Hopewell Family. Answer His call upon your heart.)
* Closing…..……………..……………………………..…..Pastor Cline
* Music Postlude…….…………………………………..Rhonda Boggs