9th Grade Writer’s Workshop
Teacher: K. RileyTutorial Hours: To Be Determined
Email Address: ther Hours Available by Appointment
Phone: 912-395-6400
Course Description: This is a workshop styled class that focuses on the grammar, usage, mechanics, and structure of good writing. Students will learn to recognize and write the various types of essays, as well as other types of correspondence, both for personal and business use.
Required Materials:
Composition Book (1)
Flash drive (1)
3 ring binder (1)
Pencils (1 Package)
Pens (1 package)
Manila folder (1)
Index Cards (1 package)
Loose Leaf Paper—College Ruled (1 package)
Class Expectations:
*Be in assigned seat, working on the posted assignment, when the bell rings.
*Be prepared with all needed materials for the day (notebook, writing utensil, additional materials).
*Be respectful of ALL others in the classroom (and of their things).
*No electronic devices.
*Come to class on time.
*Follow school rules as outlined in the student handbook.
*No profanity, inappropriate language, or public displays of affection.
*No food or drink in the classroom.
Grading Policy:
Major Grades: 60%
Class/ Grades: 30%
Article of the Week/Homework: 10%
Homework: Homework is to be completed and turned in at the beginning of the class in which it is due. Students failing to comply with this time frame will not receive full credit for the late assignment. If a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to make up any work within 5 days of returning to school. Work not made up within 5 days will result in a grade of 0 for the assignment. All work must be made up during weekly tutorial hours, or after school on another day, by appointment. No work will be made up during class.
Policy on Plagiarism: Savannah Chatham County Public Schools encourages Academic Integrity and strictly enforces policies against any form of scholastic dishonesty or misconduct. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, cheating, taking the work of others as one’s own, or interfering in any way with another student’s work. Violators will receive consequences in accordance with student handbook.
Tardies: If a student is tardy to class, he or she will not be admitted without a pass from Room 401.
Discipline Policy: The school’s discipline policy is outlined in the student handbook.
Cell Phone Policy: Students may use cell phones before or after school, and during lunch ONLY. During class, the student must have cell phone turned off and inside a pocket or bag. If a student is found to have a cell phone out, or if it rings during class, student is subject to a three step process, outlined in the handbook, as follows: First offense: Verbal Warning—Student is expected to put phone away immediately upon receiving warning. Second offense: Detention and parent contact. Third offense: Administrative referral.
Tutorial Hours:Tutorial hours are held once a week, from 3:15-4:00 for students who need extra help or for those who need to make up work.
I have read and understand the syllabus. I will abide by what it says.
______(Student signature) ______(Date)
______(Parent Signature) ______(Date)