“LIST 87 Country and Western record ARCHIVE” – please refer to this document as 87c.
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JOHNNY ACTON landmark 3922—corn cob pipe/just between… m- 5 ms talksong/ms song with piano break
CARL BELEW 4 star 1726—no love tonight/my baby’s not here (in town…) vg+ sol 7 mf, guitar break
CARROLL BRIDGEFORTH alear 101—the love scene/fooled again m- #ol 6 slow/ms, with guitar, Virginia
HYLO BROWN capitol F3554 dj—the only one/the prisoner’s song m- #ol 6 great midt with guitar break/mf fiddle-gui br.
SWANEE CALDWELL king 5805—don’t you know/hit and run m- 5
sims 214—pardon me, mrs. smith/quick as a wink m- 4.50 good midtempo
GEORGE CHAMBERS and the COUNTRY GENTLEMEN renner 277—the king of oak street/because… vg+ 3 ms/midt, gui, Texas
NOLAN CHANDLER AND THE AGGIE RAMBLERS goldust [K80W2239/2240] vg 4 late Fifties, New Mexico
HARRY CHARLES boyd 160—I want the best for you/I’ll be there m- 4 Oklahoma 60s
SLIM CLARK palomino “45-3”—the ridge running roan/I bought a rock for… m- 4 ’64 era? mf Folk-Western, rare independent
BETTY & JERRY CRAIG…TWIN VALLEY BOYS Michigan nickel 005—what can I do/you… m- 4 Mich. 1970 era?
JOHNNY DAKOTA: coral 61298dj—just a boy and girl in love/tears in…m- 5 grt. midslow, steel-gui. break/slow
ETHEL DELANEY deco 56505—lost in the mail/hillbilly leprechauns m- 7 midtempo, with yodeling, 60s
DELMORE BROTHERS king 5224dj—blues stay away from me/muddy water vg+ wol 7 I’ve seen this…maybe…twice??
JOHNNY DILLINGHAM sparkle 350—my little valentine/sweet… vg+ #ol 5 Evansville, Ind. midt organ-guitar/Instr. mf
SLIM DOSSY, SMOKEY REOGERS… western caravan [RED WAX] 105—right out of my heart/that’s all… vg 5 Western
BILL DUDLEY todd 1046—I’ve got life to live/on please mr. conductor m- 5.50 midtempo, 1960 era
JIMMY DUNN allandale 3672—lover man/mind of a child m- 4 mf/ms, Memphis 60s release
CURLEY ENNIS…ROADRANGERS [with M- PS] singin’ the blues/sea of sorrow 4 Nebraska 1984 “outlaw” type
ROY FERGUSON galena 11923—lora lee/gonna find me someone m- #ol 6 mf guitar bopper? with break
TOMMY FLOYD celebrity circle 6904dj—blue house/bad dreams, big… m- 5 St. Louis MO, 60s
BOB GALLION mgm 12327—trademark on what I’ve found/a fool in love vg+ sol 5.50
hickory 1154dj—sweethearts again/you don’t know (or you don’t care) m- 4.50
RUSS GARNER merit 1031dj—the puppet/river man vg+ 5 slow/midt, early Sixties (Circa distr.)
STEVE GILLETTE regency 45002dj—lost the good thing/same m- 4 RARE “COUNTRY CHARTED” this label 1979
BILL GOODWIN mta 133dj—I’m the most successful failure/darlings #1 #2 #3 and me m- 4 slow/mf, 60s
SKIP GRAVES stadium 4086—you tell me and we’ll both know/you let… m- #ol 6 ms with sax break/midt +guitar
DEWEY GROOM longhorn 514—just call me on the phone/give me your heart (for my birthday) vg+ #ol 6
521—you’re tearing the heart out of me/walking papers vg+ #ol 5 early 60s (or late 50s?) releases
GENE GUTHRIE kash 1022—pickin pedro/lonesome old world m- 5 midtempo, 60s
JOANIE HALL red fox 105—condemned without trial/crying little tear drops m- 5.50
JIM HARDEN yale [15455/15456] you could have heard…/…baby is mine vg+ 5 midt/ms Detroit 60s
MIKE HIGHT petal 1250—can I have my heart back now/time for chips to fall m- 4 midt/mf, Mid--Sixties
JIM HOWARD del-mar 1013—too much taking – not enough giving/meet me… m- 5 1964, Nashville label
“SLIM” HUGHES gold standard 267—the 13th son/tormented heart m- 4 Sixties, midt with guitar break, both sides
AUTRY INMAN glad 1002—I’m still in love with mary/please cut me down m- 4 midt/ms, from early 60s (rare?)
JERRY INMAN elektra 45414dj—J. C.’s country band/same m- 4 TRIBUTE mention deceased greats in heaven
IRON HORSE page 1123—it was only yesterday/who do I thank… vg+ 4 mf/fast, Milwaukee 1970 era
TOMMY JACKSON [ALL DOT, ALL M-, $3 EACH] 1233—here and there/rickets… 1234—stones rag/rubber dolly
1249—blackberry blossom/when… 1255—when my cat came back/dusty… 1256—rachel/ricestrow
BOB JENNINGS republic 2015dj: that’s what children are for/gloryland march m- 4 slow, piano/mf piano-clap break
jubilee 9011dj—the boy in a man never dies/a fallen angel m- (with PROMO sheet) 5.50
JOANN JOHNSON del-mar 1024—I took the happiness out of a home/why meet… m- 5 slow, 1963 era
DICK JONAS goldust 5048—will there be a tomorrow/blue four m- 6 midt/ms with guitar, steel break flip, ’62 N.M.
RAY JONES skoop 1062—picture/have a little laugh m- #ol 5.50 slow/mf, guitar break flip
THE KIDDIE KA-DEES king 5181dj—remington ride/the old grey goose vg+ sol 3.50 rare 1950s Instrumentals
LARRY KIRBY [b. c. b. 102] old bill/weait til the next… m- 6 midt/mf, guitar break in flip
MACK LAMB evana 138—what’ll I have to do/will I ever… vg+ 6 Evansville IN, midt scarce 60s with steel, etc.
KATHY LASHLEY blue angel 2001—I’m sorry/too young to know m- wol 6 midt (piano break)/midt with guitar
ROBIN LEE evergreen 1006—heart for a heart/same [but not DJ??] [GREEN WAX] m- 4 RARE Country Chart item
SCOOTER LEE instant 3334—it don’t matter anymore/lookin’ for love m- #ol 3.50 New Orleans 60s
LONZO AND OSCAR starday 543—country music time/can’t pitch… m- 6 mf c&w-bluegrass Opry tribute/midt
GENIE MACK [G. O. 65] we’re independent TRUCKERS/yellow pine m- 4
VONNIE MACK columbia 21541dj—slowly I’m losing you/blue mountain waltz vg+ sol 6.50
RON MANNING stop 107dj—why should we be strangers/I’m the one m- 4 midtempos, steel break/pia.-chorus br.
JOE MAPHIS AND ROSE LEE columbia 21568dj—let’s pull together/I’m willin’… vg+ sol 6
BUDDY MEREDITH guyden 2128—little black bug/for the love of mike vg+ 4 midt 60s
NEAL MERRITT manco 1027—heartbreak school/is this love? vg+ 4.50 slows, with guitar & piano – Texas
BOBBY METZEL renco 103—out goes the tide/I’ll never… vg- 4 midt hillbilly, gui-fiddle with fiddle break/
JACK MEWBOURN ohn-J 1005—my heart I’ll never understand/my love for you m- 5.50 midtempo Texas 60s
NED MILLER dot 15651—lights in the street/turn back vg+ 5.50 ms/mf, 1957
MOON MULLICAN king 5828—I’ll sail my ship alone/new jole blon m- 6 GREAT song! didn’t ruin reissue with strings!
hall 1914—fools like me/make friends vg+ 4.50
hall-way 1907—I’ll pour the wine/the coffee song vg+ 3.50
MOON MULLINS piedmont 2044 [with M- PS] baby, I got you/ain’t gonna cry m- 3.50 late Sixties? (a guess)
WILLIE NELSON monument 855dj—I never cared for you/you left me m- 4
JIMMY NEWMAN dot 1195—cry, cry, darling/you didn’t have to go vg+ 7.50 very early, c&w charted
BILLY PARKER cimarron 4058dj—thanks a lot/out of your heart m- 4.50 mf with guitar-chorus break/slow pia. break
JIM PARKS great 1046dj—not since adam/could I m- 4 mf with guitar-harmonica break/slow with piano break, 60s
JIMMY PATTON sims 227dj—preacher and a girl in the night/blue darling m- 3.50 midfast/slow, 60s
VERNIS P. PAUL avenue south 510dj—I had to wear my sisters shoes/love has… m- wol 5 mf, gui. break (poverty)/
WEBB PIERCE decca 29391—in the jailhouse now/I’m gonna fall out… vg+ 3.50
DON RENO, RED SMILEY… king 5200—I wouldn’t change you if I could/little rock getaway vg+ 5.50
GEORGE RICHEY hickory 1441dj—jimmy brown/magic of love m- 4 midt, A-side has guitar break
BOB SANDY…COWBOYS tops 270—remember me (I’m the one…)/if you’ve got the money… vg+ 5.50 [budget label]
RUSSELL SPEARS nabor 135—I can’t help loving you/who will play… m- 7 midt/mf, guitar break
OTHELL SULLIVAN longhorn 513—somewhere, sometime, someone/a fool… vg+ 6.50 mf, gui. break/slow, piano brk.
JODY TAYLOR aca [6328/6329] send me back home/I’ll be on my way m- 5 midt singer-songwriter 60s
FLOYD TILLMAN cimarron 4056dj—daisy mae/let’s make memories tonight m- 4
FREDDIE VEL dixie 101—you’re the reason/come on in blues m- 5.50 midt/ms, Texas
DEE DEE WARD jin 268—anytime you get a bargain babe/I ask myself… m- xol 5.50 midt/slow, Louisiana 60s
BILLY EDD WHEELER kapp 845dj—half a man/she [WITH M- PS, psychedelic designs!!] m- 5
JOHNNY WIGGINS tillis 1001—it’s no surprise/I’m not gonna… m- tol 6 midt, guitar break
WALT WILDER homa 1220dj—oklahoma city okie/sing her back to me m- 4 midt storysong gui. break/midt
BOB WILLIS gospel truth 102—guilty of love/it’ll be alright… vg+ wol 5.50 slow/mf, guitar break in flip
THE WILLIS BROTHERS starday 812dj—somebody knows my dog/the end of… m- 4
KEN WILSON ara 217—olene/cindy ann vg+ wol 4.50 both sides midtempo, Memphis label 60s
BILLY WORTH mgm 12574—jim, joe and mary/let’s keep steady company vg+ sol 5.50 1957
CHUCK WYATT del-aine [ZTSC-97631/97632] summer, winter, spring & fall/losing you vg 3 Detroit? 60s slow/mf