INTERNSHIP Please feel free to photocopy
The Lake Washington Watershed Internship, offered at Mercer Slough Environmental Education Center, is a school year program that assists teens in becoming informed stewards of their local community. Motivated youth with an interest in science or teaching will be directly involved in environmental stewardship, presenting educational programs to elementary students, as well as exciting projects and training opportunities. The immediate activities are fun, but the long term benefits are great too: youth will grow in job skills, learn about science careers and experience mentorship through their involvement with professional staff.
The program consists of 13 interns with a focus on local creeks within the Lake Washington Watershed. Youth volunteers gain a greater understanding of the world around them through participation in weekly afterschool meetings, monthly field work on Saturdays, teaching, habitat restoration and field trips.
As a Lake Washington Watershed Intern, teens have the opportunity to learn environmental science concepts through hands-on activities and develop presentation and teaching skills during the weekly meetings. They participate in monthly stream monitoring as a way to learn both physical and chemical water quality testing techniques and use that information to evaluate the health of the watershed. Youth are also directly involved in habitat restoration which includes collaboration with restoration professionals, site surveys, invasive plant removal and the introduction of native plants.
In addition, Interns present interactive science lessons to K – 5th grade youth once per month, from January to May. This teaching experience is an opportunity for teens to mentor elementary-aged students about their local environment and teach about topics that range from wildlife to watersheds. Interns also have opportunities for environmental education outreach to peers and their community.
Finally, Interns explore their local environment through outdoor experiences such as hiking, canoeing and an end-of-the-year camping trip to explore the diverse watersheds of Washington State.
Once youth have completed 100 hours and one year with the program as a volunteer, he/she will be assessed on skill development, performance and dedication to the program. If expectations are met, he/she may have the opportunity to be promoted to a second or third year with the Internship.
The Internship year begins the end of September and ends the following June. Interested teens are encouraged to submit an application or contact us throughout the year.
The completed application form must be submitted by mail or in person by 5 p.m. on Thursday, September 15 to (please no electronic copies):
Mercer Slough EE Center
Attn: Teen Programs Coordinator
1625 118th Ave. SE
Bellevue, WA 98005
Qualified candidates must be available for a group interview the afternoon of Saturday, September 17th.
If you have any questions, contact Mercer Slough at (425) 450-0207 or .
· High school student, age 14+.
· Live in the Bellevue-area or attend a Bellevue-area school.
· Experience working with children desired.
· Smiling team player; positive attitude; service-oriented.
· Able to commit to the Internship program as outlined below in Intern Expectations.
· Able to work outdoors in variable weather conditions.
· Flexible, committed, and passionate about the environment and/or working with children.
· Obtain field science experience.
· Gain valuable leadership, presentation and job skills.
· Volunteers receive Pacific Science Center Membership benefits.
· Work with professional Environmental Educators and Scientists as mentors.
· Achieve 100+ hours of volunteer service to the community.
· Receive bus tickets for transportation to meetings and events.
· Gain experience for a resume or college applications.
Please read each of the following expectations and initial to the right to acknowledge that you have reviewed each statement.
I am willing and able to:
· Attend a once-a-week afterschool meeting from the end of September to June.
· Attend stream monitoring one Saturday a month from October to August.
· Attend a teaching day once per month from January to May.
· Attend field trips that may include canoeing, camping and hiking.
· Participate in monthly habitat restoration, which includes planting and plant removal.
· Be excited to learn about science and the environment.
· Teach elementary students about their watershed and local environment.
· Be on time for all meetings, activities and events.
· Contact staff in advance of Internship events to have absences approved.
· Work outside in the rain or get dirty during meetings or field work.
· Follow all Pacific Science Center regulations regarding professionalism and dress code. ______
PERSONAL INFORMATION (You must be at least 14 years old to participate.)
Name: Birth date:
Full Address: City: State: Zip:
Phone: (h) (cell) E-mail:
Best time to contact you:
School: Age: Check one: M F
How did you hear about us?
Are you doing community service hours for your school?
If yes, how many hours? What date are your hours due by?
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Type or neatly write your answers.
A short paragraph answer is fine. Please use complete sentences.
1. Do you plan to participate in any organized sports, clubs, plays or other extracurricular activities during the school year? When do they occur and what days of the week must you attend? Be specific. Please check the schedule with the coach/instructor if needed.
2. Please describe any previous volunteer or job experience.
3. Please tell us about any experience you have working with children (babysitting, camps, etc.)
4. Why do you want to be a Lake Washington Watershed Intern?
5. List four (4) skills, talents, or things you are good at.
6. What do you hope to get out of this internship experience?
7. What is one thing we should know about you?
8. What qualities do you have that will contribute to a successful experience in this program for yourself and other participants?
If you have any questions, contact Mercer Slough at (425) 450-0207 or .
I have read the expectations stated above. I understand what is being asked of me and agree to meet these expectations to the best of my ability. If I am accepted into Pacific Science Center’s Mercer Slough Internship Program, I agree that I will abide by the policies and procedures of the program.
Applicant’s Printed Name: Signature:
I authorize Pacific Science Center to solicit information regarding my character, previous employment or any statements contained in this application, and contact my references. I hereby release all parties and persons contacted with any such request for information from all claims, liabilities and damages for any reason arising out of the furnishing of such information. If recruited as a volunteer, I release Pacific Science Center from any liability for future references it may provide regarding my work history with Pacific Science Center.
Applicant’s Signature: Date:
As the parent/guardian I am aware that (name of applicant) is applying to be a volunteer for Pacific Science Center and I give my permission for their participation in the Lake Washington Watershed Internship Program.
Parent/Guardian’s Signature: Date:
The completed application form must be submitted by September 17 to:
Mercer Slough EE Center
Attn: Teen Programs Coordinator
1625 118th Ave. SE
Bellevue, WA 98005
Qualified candidates must be available for a group interview the afternoon of Saturday, September 17th.
If you have any questions, contact Mercer Slough at (425) 450-0207 or .