Tasmanian A Cappella Association Inc

Membership Information

A great way to support a cappella music, be part of bringing performers and workshop presenters to Tasmania, increasing performance opportunities for local singers, and finding ways to share and learn from each other.

Membership of the Association is open to individuals or groups who support the aims of the Association as follows:

(a) foster and encourage a culture of singing within the Tasmanian community, particularly a cappella singing,

(b) provide a networking link for a cappella singers to share information and resources,

(c) provide a networking link between a cappella singers and the public,

(d) provide information to Association members and the public about a cappella events,

(e) initiate and/or support activities that involve a cappella singing,

(f)  provide opportunities for a cappella singers to perform, develop new skills and learn new music,

(g) facilitate a cappella events,

(h) provide a networking link to a cappella groups and Associations in other states and countries.

There are two types of membership:

Your $15 Individual TACA membership provides you with:

v  Membership until the AGM in March 2011

v  One Vote per person at our AGM & eligibility for nomination for the Committee of Management

v  10% Discounts on TACA events

v  TACA newsletters 4 times per year.

Your $30 choir/group membership provides you with:

v  Membership until the AGM in March 2011. One card will be issued entitling one person at a time to the above discounts

v  Voting rights (2 votes per group)

v  The opportunity for involvement in TACA run events

v  Notification of all TACA events, including a mail out of fliers advertising workshops and concerts

v  Input into our planning processes

v  TACA newsletters

First time applications for membership (group or individual) must include nomination from 2 existing members – remember to fill in the extra box on the form.

Please fill in the application form overleaf, and send it with your membership fee to:

Tasmanian A Cappella Association Inc

GPO Box 2058

Hobart TAS 7001.

For further details contact:

Jan Boyanich
Home: 03 6272 8973
Mob: 0408 156 946

Tasmanian A Cappella Association Inc

Membership Form 2010

Name: ......

Address: ......

...... Postcode: ......

Phone: (h) ...... (w) ...... Mobile ......

Email: ......

Individual member ($15): YES / NO

I support the aims of the Association and wish to apply for membership:

Signed: ...... Date: ......

For Individual and Groups/Choirs applying for Membership:

Nominated by:

(1) Name: ......

Signature: ...... Date: ......

(2) Name: ......

Signature: ...... Date: ......

Group Members

Name of Group: ......

Address for Group: ......

...... Postcode: ......

Email: ......

Group/Choir membership ($30): YES/NO

Names of 2 representatives of group/choir:

(1) Name: ......

Phone No: (h) ...... (w) ...... Mobile ......

(2) Name: ......

Phone No: (h) ...... (w) ...... Mobile ......

We support the aims of the Association and wish to apply for membership:

Signature: ...... Date: ......

Signature: ...... Date: ......