Konnoak SIT Meeting Minutes (Revision)

September 8, 2015

The School Improvement Team (SIT) met Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at 7 am in the media center. Grade level reps et. al. present: Prout, Thomas, Blake, Drake, Trivitte, Reich, McCown, Mincey, Blanco, Burnette, Dobson, Gravely, Worrell. Mrs. Burnette welcomed members and explained the purpose of the SIT. She issued the challenge to move forward.


Parent representation at SIT has been a challenge, perhaps due to the early morning meeting time. The next meeting will be on October 13th @ 3 pm. We will revisit this in December to try and determine whether or not parental involvement has increased. SIT members are asked to seek and encourage parents to join PTA and/or SIT. Please submit names to Mrs. Green.


Staff chose literacy as the narrow focus for the SIP. We will discuss how to move forward with a plan. Tentative date is 9/15 with a target date of 9/30. We explored EVAAS data that indicated positive growth in Literacy (green and blue—Hooray) and an additional need to focus on Math and to keep Science under the radar.


Open House will be Tuesday, September 22nd. Discussion was about how to improve parent participation. Suggestions include “How to Help Your Child” sessions, reading simulations, incentives, food, drawings. The event will be “A Day in My Shoes” for one hour with no large session in the gym. Parents will go straight to class, announcements will be made, then presentation in the classrooms. Meal will be served with RSVP.


There should be one leader per grade level. Focus on how and what is being done to close the achievement gap and ensure proficiency and growth improvements. Create a portfolio to show what is being done. Grade reps for this team (selected from application process) are: Reich, Trivitte, Drake, Blake, Poplin, Prout. The team will meet monthly and the meeting dates will be added to the master calendar.


25 families have been identified to receive computers and internet connection in their homes. They will receive letters and will then need to call to confirm their acceptance and pick-up.


· Staff GAME NIGHT, September 25, 4-7 p.m. hosted by the Hospitality Committee.

· Additional assistant principal allotment for Konnoak & Gibson, 2.5 days, based on student population. We are in the hiring process.

· Science Night, October 15, 6-7 pm in classrooms. Please submit project ideas by Sept. 30 to Mrs. Smith in the Science Lab.

· This year SIT will hear and address grade level concerns in a timely manner. Please send all concerns to the SIT chair, Mrs. Blake, by Friday before the next SIT meeting.