SEG 3120 (Analysis and Design of User Interfaces)

Winter 2007.

Prof. Abdulmotaleb El Saddik

Assignment 1: Videotaped Cooperative Interface Evaluation.

  • Due date: Jan 29, 2007, before 11:59 PM.
  • Assignment weight: 15%.
  • Work in pair.
  • Stick to deadlines, see course web site for further details about late assignments.

You are expecting to do the videotaped user interface evaluation forsomefunctionality of Microsoft PowerPoint software. Theco-operative UI evaluation should be based on the following tasks,

1-Create a presentation that consist of

  1. A title slide with title"SEG 3120" (font size 40 pt and style Bold)
  2. A slide contains group names – (Numerical list, centered, and font type Verdana).
  3. A slide with a centered picture of computer.

2-Add a custom animation of type "Box" upon entrench once you click the mouse on the computer picture in the 3ed slide.

3-Choose "Cover Up" option for slide transaction to the second slide.

4-Choose slides' design to be "Maple".

5-Save the file.

Your report will contain the following:

1-A summary of the procedures you used to do the evaluation (5 Marks)

  • When, where and how did you do the evaluation process?
  • What did the subject do to achieve the task,

Pseudo code like description of the stepsthat have been taken by each userto accomplish the required task.

  • What happened as the evaluation proceeded?

Here you should provide sufficient detail so the marker can see that you followed good procedures and handled procedural problems well.

2-A complete list of malfunctions that you found (1 per line) (5 marks).


3-A discussion of the four most significant malfunctions (5 marks). For each provide the following,

  • An excerpt of the protocol.

i.e. a verbatim transcript of 5-15 lines describing what the user did and said, what you said and what happened (around the time the malfunction occurred)

You can embellish this with a picture illustrating the malfunction if this makes it clearer

  • The result of malfunction analysis.
  • Brief recommendations for the changes.

General Notes:

  • Do not forget to sign the Informed Consent Form, available on the course web site.
  • For malfunction analysis follow (in detail) the procedures outlined in module B
  • Remember to do a short dry run (pilot study) so you become comfortable with the procedures and A-V equipment. The dry runmust use a different task from the main session.
  • Remember that co-operative evaluation requires both you and thesubject user to verbalize.
  • Your subject(s) should not be someone intimately familiar with thesoftware (i.e. not a designer); however the subject should know orbe taught the basics of the system.
  • Total videotaping time should be 20-30 minutes
  • Videotape the session (the TA will help with this if needed)
  • You can arrange to borrow cameras from A-V services, although ifyou do your study with the TA, she can take care of this for severalgroups at once.
  • Do not hand in the tape with your report, but keep it in case theprofessor wants to see it. Erase the tape once you get your mark.