Carlinville Park District
Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, August 4, 2016 @ 7:00 p.m.

Members Present: Larry Smith,Michelle Tiburzi, Chris Gibbel, Maintenance Randy Linkand Administrator Regie Byots. Not Present: Dale Chapman

Smith called meeting to order at 7:07p.m.

Motion was made by Gibbel and 2nd by Tiburzito accept the minutes from the regular meetingon July 7, 2016 & Special Meeting on June 9, 2016.

Motion was made by Tiburzi and 2nd by Duckels to approve the June 2016 Treasurer’s Report.

Old Business Discussed: Smith wanted to confirm the bid from Quarton for the new roof at the public pool is with time and material. Byots said she received a text from him confirming that it is for time and material and it is good for a year. Smith received a checks from Joshua Goesmann for the Dennis Memorial Fund for $1800.00. He took them and deposited it at UCB. Byots mentioned they have set up a Go Fund Me account on FB as well.

Maintenance Report: Randy Link gave a thorough report regarding the work going on. CNB field is making progress. Weather has been cooperative. There are some low spots. Will need more dirt brought in. We are also needing more dirt on Lions Field. There are several low spots on that field as well. Overall the fields have been pretty decent. Several people agree this is the best the fields have looked in a long time. Byots thanked Randy for fixing the X-Mark and saving the CPD money. He fixed it where in the past it would have been taken to Sievers and we would have had to pay quite a bit for the maintenance. There were 4 bolts on that had broken off and he took it apart and fixed it. Things are going smooth and working well in maintenance. Randy had Maguire Backhoe out of Virden come and take a camera into the drain of the baby pool to see if they could detect a leak. Randy got the leak fixed in the pump at the baby pool. He made a trip to Atlantis Pools and got the “O” ring needed to keep that part from leaking. We will have to look further into the main leak and have a company that specializes in this. We got the old soccer benches removed and will work on replacing those before the soccer season starts. We have the fence tore down at Tom Thumb Park. Randy spoke to the Lions’ Club about the back stop. They have plans of replacing it. CPD has some fencing for them to use to replace it. Randy said he has been fortunate with the maintenance help. They have been doing a good job. He has contacted Brad Haley about getting new bases for the other fields at Loveless.

New Business: Smith brought up the new overtime law. Gibbel’s informed it is no different than what we do already. We are having a hard time finding someone to fill the maintenance position due to us not offering benefits and the starting pay. Randy doesn’t want the position full-time. He will continue to help out but doesn’t want to give up his personal time since he has retired. David Schwartz has requested the CPD by a pitching mound that cost approximately $3,000.00. The board did not want to vote in favor of this at this time. This would be used for Middle School Baseball. Smith showed a video of a “zip line” he seen when he was visiting his family. He wanted to bring that to the board members attention of something different for the parks. Smith sent an email to the commissioner’s regarding the CNB. There has been an employee with CNB that has been bashing the CPD and the City on FB. The police have went to them and asked them to stop. This employee is still posting and some of this has been done during work hours. Park District would like to close the account at CNB and move account to UCB. Duckels wanted to know if UCB would offer us rates, fees and expenses that is going to make it more cost effective for us to transfer the accounts? Byots will communicate with Missy Haley and get a “quote” from her. Duckels would be willing to relocate business to a locally organized bank that has a branch here if it made sense financially for the CPD. He would be willing to overlook the local ties. He is not interested in moving our accounts based on what CNB’s employees do. He wants to know the difference. If we would be in better shape financially.

Executive Session: The board and administrator Byots went into closed session at 8:05 p.m. and came out of session at 9:36 p.m.

Next CPD meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 4, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.with a motion from Tiburzi and a 2nd from Duckels