Kinship Care Start- up Costs
effective 7/1/00
Kinship Care start-up costs may be provided if the Kinship Care Case has been approved by Protection and Permanency staff pursuant to 922 KAR 1:130.
1.  The P&P worker who approves the case shall obtain approval from the FSOS and notify identified regional staff of the necessary start-up costs.
2.  Start-up costs are allowed as a one time payment of up to $500 per child for the purpose of supplying each child’s immediate need for: clothing, school supplies, additional furniture, deposit for larger apartment, or other items or services needed to assist the child in establishing himself in the new environment, as determined by Protection and Permanency staff.
3.  Payments shall be made to the appropriate vendor. Under no circumstances shall payment be made directly to the family.
4.  Funds Disbursement: Disbursement of funds is coordinated by the Division of Financial Management, Office of Program Support and allocated by Service Region. An Imprest Cash Account has been established at the Department level with allocations designated for each district. The Program Code established for this purpose is ZFDL. The Service Region Administrator is responsible for establishing procedures to ensure acceptable tracking of funds (disbursement) in accordance with general accounting procedures.
5.  Clients may voluntarily repay funds or return items. Any funds returned shall be sent to the Director of the Division of Financial Management. Checks or money orders shall be made payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer.
6.  Record Keeping: A monthly log shall be maintained of the case name and case number, county code, # of children per check, reason for service, date issued or refused, payee for check, check #, and amount. The Regional log shall be kept for the purpose of ensuring that the fund is not depleted prematurely, that it is available throughout the region, and for documenting the type assistance provided. Funds shall not be transferred between Regions. Any funds reallocated shall be at the discretion of the Commissioner.
Reports, Reimbursement: A copy of the Regional log, copies of invoices or receipts and copies of the checks issued, and request for reimbursement with the program code attached shall be submitted to the Director, Office of Program Support, by the 7th of each month. All records shall be kept for a minimum of five years. The Service Region Administrator or designee shall be responsible for all aspects of this program, including dispersal of funds and record keeping.