·  To enter, email digital photos (.jpg files) and this completed form to

·  Subject Heading for email, please include: “STUDENTcontest-LastName-KIISProgram”

·  Submission deadline is 8:00 am on Tuesday, August 5, 2014

·  Questions: Contact KIIS at or 270-745-4416

KIIS Program: / Date:
Last Name: / First Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number: / Current College/University:
Mailing Address:
City: / State: / Zip:
1) Save each digital photo with the following information in the photo title:
(a) Photo location (country and city)
(b) Contest Category (see right column)
(c) Photo Subject
(d) Your First and Last Name
(e) Your KIIS Program Name
Example: “GermanyLindau-AIA-SailingOnBodensee-SaraJames-AustriaBregenz.jpg”
2) Include a 2-15 word caption/explanation for each photo / Contest Categories
1.  “Send Me There” (SMT): photos that inspire other students to study abroad
2.  "People, Culture & Customs"(PCC): interactions with the host country people, culture and customs
3.  "Academics in Action" (AIA): participants showcasing non-traditional classroom activities/excursions/architectural sites abroad
4.  "Promoting My KIIS Experience" (PME): photos you’d love to see on a KIIS brochure
Photo #1 (label + caption/explanation):
Photo #2:
Photo #3:
Photo #4:
Photo #5:
Photo #6:
Photo #7:
Photo #8:
Photo #9:
Photo #10:

·  By submitting this form, you agree to and will adhere to the terms and conditions of the contest.

·  By submitting your photos and this form, you confirm that you have received permission from your photo subjects and have informed them that their likeness may be used for marketing and promotional purposes.

·  The top 5-10 photos in each category will be posted at

·  Contest winners will be notified by email in late SeptemberThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it/early October

Photo Release: KIIS will have non-exclusive copyright for all photos entered into the KIIS Student Scholarship contest. Each Entrant, as a condition of participation in the KIIS Contest, hereby grants KIIS the right to edit, adapt, modify, reproduce, publish, distribute, and otherwise use the photo in any way or in any media now or hereafter known for marketing, advertising, promotional, or other purposes as KIIS determines, in its sole and absolute discretion, without further notice or compensation to the Entrant or any other third parties. Nothing herein shall be construed to require KIIS to publish, distribute, or in any way use the photo should KIIS in its sole discretion decline to do so. By submitting photos, you confirm that you have received permission from the subjects in the photo to submit their form and likeness for this contest and have informed them that their photo may be used for marketing and promotional purposes.