Kevin D. Hopkins' Publications/Reports - Page XXX of 5
Kevin D. Hopkins, Ph.D. Professor of Aquaculture, College of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resource Management (CAFNRM), University of Hawai`i at Hilo, Hilo, HI 96720-4091
Knud-Hansen, Christopher F., Kevin D. Hopkins and Hans Guttman. (2003) A comparative analysis of the fixed-input, computer modeling, and algal bioassay approaches for identifying pond fertilization requirements for semi-intensive aquaculture. Aquaculture 228:189-214
Hopkins, Kevin and Howard Takata (2002). A preliminary study of Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedti) in Hawaii – 1995 to 2001. Rosenthal, H, R. Bruch and F. Binkowski (editors). Technical Compendium to the Proceedings 4th International Symposium on Sturgeon, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, July 2001, Journal of Applied Ichthyology 18(4-6).
Szyper, Jim.P., Kevin D. Hopkins, Wayne Malchow, and Wayne Y. Okamura. 2000. History and prospects of tilapia stocks in Hawaii, U.S.A., pp. 663-672. In: Fitzsimmons, K., and J. Carvalho Filho (eds.), Tilapia Culture in the 21st Century - Proceedings from the Fifth International Symposium on Tilapia Aquaculture, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Hopkins, Kevin D., Natalya A. Lysova, and Howard Takata. (1999). Potential for culturing Russian sturgeon in Hawaii. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on Fisheries Research of the World Ocean, Valdivostock, Russia, September 27-29, p.21-22
Mathews, Bruce W. and Kevin D. Hopkins. 1999. Superiority of S-shaped (sigmoidal) yield curves for explaining low-level nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization in the humid tropics. J. Hawaiian Pacific Agric. 10:33-46
Hopkins, Kevin D., Jeff Million and Howard Takata. 1998. Preliminary studies on the suitability of catchment water for fish culture. J. Hawaiian Pacific Agric. 9:41-50
Szyper, J. and K. D. Hopkins (1996). Effects of pond depth and mechanical mixing on production of Oreochromis niloticus in manured earthen ponds. p. 152 - 159 In R.S.V. Pullin, J. Lazard, M. Legendre, J.B. Amon Kothias and D. Pauly (eds.) The Third International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture. ICLARM Conference Proceedings 41, International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Manila
Hopkins, K.D. and J.R. Bowman. 1993. A research methodology for integrated agriculture-aquaculture farming systems. Pages 89 - 98 in Jaw-Kai Wang (ed.). Techniques for Modern Aquaculture. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan.
Hopkins, K.D. 1992. Reporting fish growth, a review of the basics. Journal of World Aquaculture Society 23(3):173-179.
Szyper, J.P., K.D. Hopkins, and C.K. Lin. 1991. Production of Oreochromis niloticus (L.) and ecosystem dynamics in manured ponds of three depths. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 22:385-396
Hopkins, K.D. and A. Yakupitiyage (1991). Bias in seine sampling of tilapia. Journal of World Aquaculture Society 22(4):260-262
Hopkins, K.D., M. Ridha, D. Leclercq, A.A. Al-Ameeri and T. Al-Ahmad. (1989) Screening tilapia for culture in seawater in Kuwait. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 20:389-397
Hopkins, K.D., M.L. Hopkins and D. Pauly. (1988). A multivariate model of tilapia growth, applied to seawater tilapia culture in Kuwait. p.29-39. In R.S.V. Pullin, T. Bhukaswan, K. Tonguthai and J.L. Maclean (eds.) The Second International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture. ICLARM Conference Proceedings 15, International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Manila
Hopkins, M.L. and K.D. Hopkins. 1986. Tilapia marketing tests in Kuwait. p. 433-436. In J.L. Maclean, L.B. Dizon and L.V. Hosilos (eds.). The First Asian Fisheries Forum, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila
Hopkins, K.D., M. Hopkins, D. Leclercq and A. Al-Ameeri. 1986. Tilapia culture in Kuwait: a preliminary economic analysis of production systems. Kuwait Bulletin of Marine Science 7:45-64.
Leclercq, D. and K. Hopkins. 1985. Preliminary tests of an aerated tank system for tilapia culture. Aquacultural Engineering 4:299-304.
Hopkins, K.D., P. Inocencio and E.M. Cruz. 1983. Water quality in integrated livestock-fish ponds. Journal World Mariculture Society 14:495-504
Hopkins, K.D., D. Pauly, E.M. Cruz and H. van Weerd. 1982. An alternative to predator-prey ratios in predicting recruitment. Meeresforschung 29(3):125-135.
Hopkins, K.D., E.M. Cruz, M.L. Hopkins and K-C. Chong (no date). Optimum manure loading rates in tropical freshwater fishponds receiving untreated piggery wastes. Pages 447-460 in Chung Po (ed.). Animal Waste Treatment and Utilization. Council for Agricultural Planning and Development, 37 Nanhai Road, Taipei, Taiwan. Reprinted in the ICLARM-CLSU integrated animal-fish farming project poultry-fish and pig-fish trials. ICLARM Technical Reports 2, International Center for Living Resources Management, Manila
Hopkins, K.D., W.L. Shelton and C.R. Engle. 1979. Estrogen sex-reversal of Tilapia aurea. Aquaculture 18:263-268.
Shelton, W.L., K.D. Hopkins and G.L. Jensen. 1978. Use of hormones to produce monosex tilapia for aquaculture. Pages 10-33 in R.O. Smitherman, W.L. Shelton and J.H. Grover (eds.). Culture of Exotic Fishes Symposium Proceedings. Fish Culture Section, American Fisheries Society, Auburn, Alabama, USA.
Pauly, D., M. Prein and K.D. Hopkins. (1993) Multiple regression analysis of aquaculture experiments based on the "Extended Gulland-and-Holt plot": model derivation, data requirements and recommended procedures. Pages 13 - 23 in M. Prein, G. Hulata and D. Pauly (eds.). Multivariate methods in aquaculture research: case studies of tilapias in experimental and commercial systems. Israel Agricultural Research Organization/ Bundesministerium fur Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit/ International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Manila
Hopkins, K. and D. Pauly. (1993). Instantaneous mortalities and multivariate models: applications to tilapia culture in saline water. Pages 105 - 111 in M. Prein, G. Hulata and D. Pauly (eds.). Multivariate methods in aquaculture research: case studies of tilapias in experimental and commercial systems. Israel Agricultural Research Organization/ Bundesministerium fur Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit/ International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Manila
Hopkins, M.L., and K.D. Hopkins. 1983. Philippines. Pages 450-472 in E.E. Brown (ed.). World Fish Farming: Cultivation and Economics, 2nd edition. AVI Publishing Co., Westport, Connecticut, USA.
Szyper, James P., Clyde S. Tamaru, Robert D. Howerton, Kevin D. Hopkins, Arlo W. Fast and Ronald P. Weidenbach. 2001. Maturation, hatchery, and nursery techniques for Chinese Catfish, Clarias fuscus, in Hawaii. Sea Grant Hawaii Aquaculture Extension Bulletin, Summer 2001, 7 pp.
Hopkins, Kevin D. 1988. Reporting fishpond yields to farmers. Aquabyte 1(2):6.
Hopkins, K.D., J.E. Lannan and J.R. Bowman. 1988 Managing a database for pond research data - the CRSP experience. Aquabyte 1(1):3-4.
Morgan, G.R. and K.D. Hopkins. 1986. Productivity of fisheries laboratories in lesser developed countries. Naga, the ICLARM quarterly 9(2):3-4.
Hopkins, K.D. and T. Al-Ahmad. 1985. Fish culture in a desert. Span (Shell Oil Companies Magazine) 28(3):116-117.
Pauly, D., and K.D. Hopkins. 1983. A method for the analysis of pond growth experiments. ICLARM newsletter 6(1):10-12.
Hopkins, K.D. 1983. Tilapia culture in arid lands. ICLARM newsletter 6(1):8-9.
Hopkins, K.D., and E.M. Cruz. 1982. The ICLARM-CLSU integrated animal-fish farming project: final report. ICLARM technical reports 5, International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, MCC P.O. Box 1501, Makati, Philippines. 96 pp.
Hopkins, K.D. 1982. Outstanding yields and profits from livestock-tilapia integrated farming. ICLARM newsletter 5(3):13.
Hopkins, K.D., and E.M. Cruz. 1980. High yields but still questions: three years of animal-fish farming. ICLARM newsletter 3(4):12-13.
Watanabe, W.O., W.D. Head and K.D. Hopkins 1996. Culture Technologies and Future Prospects for the Culture of Tilapia in Saline Water. World Aquaculture'96, Bangkok, Thailand.
Hopkins, K.D. and J. Bowman. 1986. A research methodology for integrated agriculture-aquaculture farming systems. A Research Framework for Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture Farming Systems, ICLARM Planning Conference, October 1986, Manila, Philippines (Note: this paper was updated and published in 1993).
Hopkins, K.D. 1986. Problems facing aquaculture in arid lands. Arid Land Discussion Panel Discussion, World Mariculture Society, January 1986, Reno, Nevada.
Hopkins, K.D. 1979. Production of monosex tilapia fry by breeding sex-reversed fish. Ph.D. dissertation. Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, USA. 44 pp.
Hopkins, K.D. 1977. Sex reversal of genotypic male Sarotherodon (Tilapia) aureus (Cichlidae). M.S. thesis. Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, USA. 28 pp.
Hopkins, K.D. and Wayne Malchow. 1998. Improvement Of Tilapia Stocks In Hawai - Phase I: Collection And Identification Of Present Stocks Final Report. Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture, Waimanalo, HI., 120 pp.
Molnar, J., T. Hanson, L. Lovshin, G. Cerezo, A. Circa, D. Teichert-Coddington, K. Hopkins, K. Jayen, K. Kaewpaitoon, C. Kwei-Lin, E. Lopez, M. Micheletti, P. Nyirahabimana and K. Veverica. 1996. Social, economic, and institutional impacts of aquacultural research on tilapia: the PD/A CRSP in Rwanda, Honduras, the Philippines and Thailand. International Center for Aquaculture and Aquatic Environments Research and Development series no. 40. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, USA. 72 pp.
Hopkins, K.D., J.E. Lannan and J. R. Bowman. 1987. A data base management system for research in pond dynamics. CRSP Research Reports 87-1, Title XII Pond Dynamics Aquaculture Collaborative Research Support Program, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331. 4 pp.
Hopkins, K.D. 1986. Salona Corporation Proposed Tilapia Farm Site Survey and Evaluation of Technical Feasibility. KCM International, Seattle, WA
Al-Ahmad, T., K.D. Hopkins, M. Ridha, A. Al-Ahmed and M.L. Hopkins. 1986. Tilapia Culture in Kuwait. Final Report KISR 2122, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research. 123 pp.
Hopkins, K., M. Ridha, D. Leclercq and T. Al-Ahmad. 1986. Tilapia culture in Kuwait: screening tilapia for seawater culture. Technical Report No. KISR 2070/ ICLARM Contribution 251, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, 28 pp.
Hopkins, K.D., M. Abdel-Halim, M.L. Hopkins, N. Dan, and G. Maheshwari. 1985. Tilapia culture in Kuwait: a feasibility study. KISR Serial Number KISR 1651/ICLARM contribution no. 212. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research. 3 volumes, 151 pages total.
Ridha, M., K. Hopkins, T. Al-Ahmad and A. Al-Ameeri. 1985. Preliminary study of tilapia fry production in Kuwait, 1983. Technical Report No. KISR 1745. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, 20 pp
Hopkins, M.L., A.Al-Ameeri, T. Al-Ahmad, K.D. Hopkins, M. Ridha and A. Al-Ahmad. 1985. Marketing tilapia in Kuwait, 1984. Technical Report No. 1667. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, 14 pp.
Hopkins, M.L., K.D. Hopkins, and A. Al-Ameeri. 1984. Tilapia market introductions in Kuwait 1982 and 1983. Report no. KISR 1459. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research. 16 pp.
New, M.B., K.D. Hopkins, and S. El-Dakour. 1984. Effects of feeding frequency on survival and growth of tilapia fry. Report no. KISR 1287. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, P.O. Box 1638, Salmiya, Kuwait. 8 pp.
Hopkins, K.D. 1975. Municipal fisheries in Misamis Oriental. Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. mimeo., 14 pp.
Hopkins, K., and J. dela Vega (editors). 1974. The fisheries of Misamis Oriental. Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Philippines. mimeo., 60 pp.
Lewis, S., K.D. Hopkins and T. White. 1971. Average growth rate and length-weight relationships of 16 species in Canton Reservoir, Oklahoma. Contribution Oklahoma Fishery Research Laboratory No. 181, Norman, OK