Fall Semester 2010-2011
Ms. Thielen
I. Course Goals:
- To study major themes of American History from the founding of the first colonies to the 2000s.
- To prepare for the Advanced Placement Examination in American History as administered by the College Board.
- To reinforce study skills and to encourage students who are expected to approach the course with a high degree of motivation to undertake a fair degree of self-guided outside reading in addition to the requirements of the course.
- To create a greater awareness of both the world role of a major nation and the individual role of a responsible citizen.
II. Texts:
- America: A Narrative History 7th ed. – Tindall & Shi
- Classroom sets of resources that will be signed out throughout the year:
- Historical Viewpoints, Volume I and II – Garraty
- American Political Tradition – Hofstadter
- Decision in Philadelphia – C. Collier & J.L. Collier
III. Notebook:
Students will be expected to create a class notebook of all notes, handouts, assignments, essays, and class activities. A system of keeping each item in the unit until tested and then keeping these materials in an organized fashion will facilitate review at the end of the year. This will constitute the bulk of review materials for the AP exam. This notebook, contained in an organized three-ring binder (recommended), is extremely important to the successful preparation of AP US History and is closely tied to theonline resources available through the textbook. Students experiencing grade difficulties will be expected to have the notebook evaluated periodically.
IV. Grading policies:
This is a yearlong or YL course which earns 1 unit of credit. The final and only grade to be permanently recorded on the transcript is the final grade issued in May for the complete course. All other reporting of grades, including the report at the end of first semester, will be regarded as a “progress report.” All grades earned in the course, including first and second semester will be cumulative. Grades will be calculated on the following basis.
- 5% = Reading Interpretation (textbook assignments, analysis sheets & written analysis)
- 5% = Primary Source Interpretation & Analysis
- 5% = Quizzes (maps & reading / textbook comprehension)
- 5% = Essays (Choice Essays)
- 50% = Tests
- Test multiple choice portion and midterm = 35%
- Test Essay portion = 15 %
- 10% = Projects
- 15% = EOCT (Administered in May)
- 5% = Final Assessment (Administered during finals week in May. Students who take the AP U.S. History Exam may exempt the Final Assessment)
Aug 5th – 6th / Introduction with syllabus and semester assignmentsWeek 1
Aug 8th – 13th / Native American cultures of North America, interactions with Europeans:
-Read Ch. 1 and be able to answer the study questions. (on blog) Be sure you thoroughly investigate each question. Use the chapter outline from the online website as a starting point for your notes. This document may be used in class to answer questions on the reading quiz. The first reading quiz will be Tues. Aug. 17thAdayWed. 18thBday.
-Questions to investigate (Ch 1 Study Questions on blog)
-Map Worksheets: (website right side)
- Pre-Columbian civilizations in North America (p. 10)
- English, French, and Dutch Explorations (p. 39)
- Map assignments from Ch. 1 to be included on Ch 1 quiz.
-Textbook website: from the “topics for research” (right side) portion of the studyspace portion of the site, select “The Pueblo Revolt” and analyze the 3 primary sources using the APPARTS scheme (see handout) – Due day of unit 1 quiz
Week 2
Aug 16th – 20th / Spanish, French, Dutch and Swedish colonization in the New World
English colonization in the New World
Early English settlements in North America
Life in Jamestown
Settlement of the Northeast; the Puritan experience
-Read Chapter 2
-Questions to investigate (Ch 2 Study Questions on blog)
-Think about the study questions, use the website outline to start your notes (this document may be used in class for the reading quiz) The Ch 2 reading quiz will be Thurs.Aug 26th A day & Fri. 27th B day
-Map Worksheets: (website)
- Early New England Settlements (p.64)
- The Middle Colonies (p.88)
- Early Settlements in the South (p. 79)
- Map assignments from Ch 2 to be included on Ch 2 quiz
Week 3
Aug 23rd – 27th / Contrast of Colonial lifestyle: Transatlantic trade and the growth of seaports, growth of plantation economies and slave societies
Colonial Social Structure, The Great Awakening
The American Mind, New Immigrants
-Read Ch 3
-Questions to investigate (Ch 3 Study Questions on blog)
-Think about the study questions, use the website outline to start your notes. The Ch. 3 reading quiz will be Tues. Aug 31st A day & Wed. Sept 1stB day
-Map Worksheet: (website)
- Atlantic Trade Routes (p.124)
- Map assignments from Ch 3 to be included on Ch 3 quiz
- Write a one page essay on the following topic from Ch 3. Be sure to have a thesis statement and paragraph topic sentences that link to the thesis
- What was the impact of the Enlightenment and the Great Awakening on the American colonies?
Week 4
Aug 30th – Sept 3rd / England’s political and economic administration of the colonies
European War comes to the colonies (French and Indian War)
-Read Ch 4 (No quiz, journal instead)
-Map Worksheets: (website)
- North America 1713 (170)
- North America 1763 (p. 171)
- Print the chapter outline and add vocabulary words to the outline that do not originally appear on the outline. (These terms are added and defined to the left of the section of the outline to which they belong) Vocabulary words appear in the flash card section of the studyspace portion of the website for each chapter. (10points) (HINT: show me how you use the outline & vocab to assist with your reading assignments)
- Pick one focus question for the chapter and write a one page essay style response. (focus questions found on first page of the chapter in the textbook or online)(20points)
- Map Worksheets (right side of website) print off and fill in / label the two maps and create a key. (10points)
Week 5
Sept 6th =Labor Day
Sept 7th –10th / Review & TEST WEEK
1st Test (ch 1-4) = Thursday Sept 9thADay & Friday Sept 10thBDay
Week 6
Sept 13th – 17th / British reaction to post French Indian War era
Colonial Response to British Actions
Economic Issues leading to Colonial Independence
Theories on causes of the Revolution
Westward expansion in North America and Indian relations
Declaration of Independence
-Read Ch 5
-Ch 5 quiz = Thurs. Sept. 16thADay & Fri. 17thBDay
-From the “Topics for Research” portion of the studyspace portion of the website, click The Stamp Act and examineusing the “Document Reader Worksheet” (due day of quiz)
Week 7
Fall Break
Sept 20th – 24th / The Revolutionary War
-Read Ch 6
-Ch 6 Journal (dueMonday 27thBDay & Tuesday 28thADay when returning from break) – no quiz scheduled but will be implemented if journals were not completed / done thoroughly (a.k.a. pop quiz may be pulled)
- Print the chapter outline and add vocabulary words to the outline that do not originally appear on the outline. (These terms are added and defined to the left of the section of the outline to which they belong) Vocabulary words appear in the flash card section of the studyspace portion of the website for each chapter. (10points) (HINT: show me how you use the outline & vocab to assist with your reading assignments)
- Pick one focus question for the chapter and write a one page essay style response. (focus questions found on first page of the chapter in the textbook or online)(20points)
- From the “Topics for Research” portion of the studyspace portion of the website, click Slavery and the American Revolution and examine using the “Document Reader Worksheet” (10points)
- Read and fill out a format sheet for HISTORICAL VIEWPOINTS Mary Beth Norton “Women in the American Revolution” (10points)
Week 8
Homecoming Week
Sept 27th – Oct 1st / Review the Revolutionary War
Republican Motherhood, Education of women
State governments, formation of the Articles of Confederation
Diplomatic relations of the new nation
-Read in Decision in Pennsylvania, Preface to page 115.
-Quiz Mon. Oct 4thA day & Tues. 5th B day
Week 9
Oct 4th – 8th / Northwest Territories, Analysis of the new nation
Disillusionment with the Articles of Confederation
Basic concepts of the Constitution, Issues of the Constitutional Convention
Reading the Constitution, Interpretations of the Constitution
-Read in Decision in Pennsylvania, p. 119-223 (Quiz = Mon. 11thBday, Tues. 12thAday)
-Begin working on Decision in Pennsylvania written Assignment (Due 14th A & 15th B)
- Details to come in class & posted on blog
-Ch 7 Journal:
- Print the Ch 7 outline and add the vocabulary terms that are not on the outline
- Pick one focus question from Ch 7 and write a one page essay response
- From Topic for Research, Choose “Hamilton’s Vision of America’s Future” and answer the document analysis questions for these two documents; “Hamilton Argues for the Constitutionality of the National Bank” and “Jefferson Argues Against the Constitutionality of the National Bank”
- Map Worksheet fill out and make key for Western Land Cessions 1781-1802 (p.253)
- Journal Due day of Quiz
Week 10
Oct 11th – 15th / Ratification and the Bill of Rights
Federal decade: the Washington Administration
Hamilton and the Treasury: reading a primary source
The Whiskey Rebellion and use of federal power
-Decision in Pennsylvania written assignment due Thursday 14thAday & Friday 15thBday
-Journal Assignment Ch 8
- Read Ch 8
- Print the Ch 8 outline and add the vocabulary terms that are not on the outline
- Pick one focus question from Ch 8 and write a one page essay response
- There are no topics for research for this chapter. Instead, use the Image section of the studyspace site for Ch 8 and analyze the document on “Medal of the Philadelphia Society for the Promotion of Agriculture, 1786” using the image analysis worksheet. (HINT: check the picture title to make sure you have the correct one)
- Ch 8 Journal due Mon. Oct 18th Aday & Tues. 19thBday
Week 11
Oct 18th – 22nd / Washington’s foreign affairs
The Adams Administration
The Jefferson response to Adams: VA and KY Resolutions
2nd TEST Ch 5-8 Revolution and the Early Republic to 1800
Wednesday 20thAdayThursday 21stBday
Week 12
Oct 25th – 29th / The Election of 1800
The Age of Jefferson, 1800- 1816
Jefferson’s Presidency: LA Purchase, Barbary Pirates, Embargo Act
The Supreme Court under John Marshall
-HISTORICAL VIEWPOINTS (Garraty) “Marbury v. Madison (format sheet style)
-AMERICAN POLITICAL TRADITION: JEFFERSON (2 page outline) due Thurs. 28thAday & Fri. 29thBday
-Journal Assignment Ch 9 (Due
- Read Ch 9
- Print the Ch 9 outline and add vocabulary terms that are not on the outline
- Pick one focus question from Ch 9 and write a one page essay response
- Read the Topic for Research, Ch 9 and answer the worksheet questions for those documents.
- Map Worksheets fill in / label map itemswrite out and answer the questions under the maps on the pages in the textbook
- Exploration of the Louisiana Purchase 1804-1807 (p.330)
- Major Northern Campaigns of the War of 1812 (p.343)
- Major southern Campaigns of the War of 1812 (p.345)
- Journal Due Wed. 3rdBday & Thurs. 4thAday
Week 13
Nov 1st – 5th
No School Nov 2ndBday / Post War Nationalism: The Era of Good Feeling
The Missouri Compromise
Election of 1824: JQ Adams Administration, Monroe Doctrine
-Read Ch 10 (Quiz = Thursday 4thAday & Friday 5thBday)
-HISTORICAL VIEWPOINTS (format sheet) Larkin “Everyday Life before the Civil War” (Due same day as quiz)
-Reform Era Project (Ch 12/13) discussed in class & on blog (Due Tuesday 16thAday & Wednesday 17thBday)
Week 14
Nov 8th – 12th / Jacksonian Democracy: Tariff and bank issues
Expansion into the trans-Appalachian West, Indian removal
Westward Expansion
-Read Ch 11 (Quiz = Wed. 10thAday & Thurs. 11thBday)
-HISTORICAL VIEWPOINTS (format sheet) Welles “Samuel Slater Imports a Revolution” (Due day of quiz)
-Read the Topic of Research “The Nullification Crisis” and answer the worksheet questions for the “Daniel Webster speech on Liberty and Union” (Due day of quiz)
Week 15
Nov 15th – 19th / Economic and Social Issues of the first half of the 19th century
Industrialization: Early railroads and canals
The Market Revolution and expansion of business
Early labor issues, commercial agriculture and the growth of slavery
Free Black communities
-Reform Era Projects Due Tuesday 16thAday & Wednesday 17thBday (covers topics from Ch 12 & 13)
3rd Test Jefferson & Jackson Era & Reforms (Ch 9-13)=
Thursday 18thAday & Friday 19thBday (DO NOT BE ABSENT!!)
Week 16
Thanksgiving Break
Nov 16th – 26th / No new assignments Enjoy your time with your family
TIP/HINT: Look ahead & read while traveling.
Week 17
Nov 29th – Dec. 3rd / Manifest Destiny: Texas, California and Oregon
Webster-Haynes Debate
Texas and the Mexican War
-Map Assignment (textbook) Answer the questions that are below the maps on the textbook pages (due Mon. 29thAday & Tues. 30thBday)
- The Webster Ashburton Treaty p.492
- Wagon Trails West p.503
- The Oregon Dispute p. 516
Week 18
Dec 6th – 10th / Causes of the Civil War
The Distinctiveness of the Old South
Anti-Slavery Movements
Compromise of 1850, Rising Sectionalism, Whigs form opposition
Kansas – Nebraska Crisis
The Deeping Sectional Crisis
-Read Ch 15 (p. 548 – 554 “The experience of slave women through the slave family sections) & 16 (no quiz due to midterm)
-Ch 15 & 16 Journal Assignment: (Due Mon. 13thAday & Tues. 14thBday)
- Print the 16 outline and add the vocabulary terms that are not on the outline
- Pick one focus question from Ch 16 and write a one page essay response
- Map Worksheets & Questions (label and fill out maps downloaded from website & answer questions from textbook below maps:
- Population Growth and Cotton Production, 1821-1859 (p.535)
- The Compromise of 1850 (p.576)
- The Gadsden Purchase, 1853 (p.582)
- The Kansas-Nebraska Act, 1854 (p.584)
Week 19
Fall Semester Finals
Dec 13th – 17th / Midterm Exam
This is a yearlong course, therefore, when the final exam period is scheduled, we will have a midterm exam. This comprehensive exam will cover all topics from the beginning of the course until the 1850s (causes of the Civil War)
TBA due to Exam Schedule
Christmas Break / Read Ch 17the Civil War
Will be covered the week of return to school with review of the Causes of the War … use this time to get ahead