Karl You Tube: Fair Warning Letter:


I, Bob Johnson (your name), gave no entity, known as the DHR, the right to administrate my property. (You can use this with child services; you can use it for a car, etc,)

2. I say that Baby Johnson (car, etc) is my property.

3. I say that no man or woman will make a claim saying that my claim is untrue.

4. I want my property returned to me.

5. Said property is to be totally under my control post haste, within 3 days (or whatever time you want to give them.)

6. I will charge the wrongful holder of said property X amount of dollars every (minute) (day) said property is not returned starting on the twenty-second day after they have received this summons and this suit. See attached Claim.

Karl: It’s so simple. You just say that you give nobody the right to administrate my property. So I say I want it returned in so many days and then I’m going to start charging money if it is not returned. You are supposed to give them 21 days to answer a lawsuit. On day 22 I am going to start charging you because within those 21 days they have an opportunity to make a settlement on the private side. So on day 22 you are going to start charging them in district court and you are going to move for a trial by jury. You are going to get your property back.

Craig: they get tough down here. They won’t accept any paperwork or anything. You can’t believe anything they say.

Karl: that is why you have to make it incredibly simple.

For More:

Karl Lentz on Angela Stark’s Talkshoe 39904 episode 199-135:45.