Kappa Mu Meeting Minutes

Monday, June 25, 2007

Julie Neumann’s House-Rochester

L:\Division\Nursing_Practice_Resources\Sulla\2007\Kappa Mu\Minutes\062507.doc


Kappa Mu Chapter
Sigma Theta Tau International
June 25, 2007

PRESENT: Donna Dunn, Diane Forsyth (Graduate Counselor and Governance Committee), Laura Luna (Leadership Succession Committee & Treasurer), LaDonna McGohan (President to Past President), Karla Mees (Leadership Succession Committee), Julie Neumann (New Secretary), Linda Seppanen (Vice-President), Jo Stejskal (First Counselor and Governance Committee), Stephanie Sulla (Secretary & President-Elect to President), Nona Thackeray (Leadership Succession Committee), Diane Wrobleski (Leadership Succession Committee)

Subject/Objective Outcome
Minutes / The minutes from May 21, 2007 were reviewed and approved.
Financial Report / Attendees recognized Laura Luna for volunteering to be the Treasurer and getting the accounts organized. The current balance in the checking account = $16,216.80. There is also money in the WSU Foundation for the Judith Kopper Award. Due to the healthy account balance, attendees endorsed purchasing a new display board and easel for use at induction ceremonies and/or the research conference. Jo Stejskal will go ahead and purchase one over the summer in time for the fall induction.
Biennial Convention in Baltimore Nov. 3 - 7, 2007 / The deadline for designating delegates is July 15th. As a delegate, there may also be other voting opportunities in between the conventions. Two persons need to go and sign up soon. Julie Neumann, Stephanie Sulla, and Karla Mees are interested in attending.
Fall Induction Ceremony / This coming fall will entail a full number of inductees similarly to the spring inductions. The chapter will need to provide the same level of programming. In order to ensure attendance, inductees may need to be contacted by Kappa Mu members personally.
WSU/Kappa Mu Anniversary Celebrations / Many activities will be occurring in April 2008 for the anniversary celebration of WSU’s 150 years of history. The Current recently had an article about Doreen Frusti and the history of WSU. Members agreed to coordinate Kappa Mu’s 20th anniversary at the same time and highlight it at the spring induction ceremony and throughout the year. Focusing on nursing’s history as a theme for a program meeting was one idea. Florence Nightingale’s “Notes on Nursing” and a theme of “Valuing Our Nursing History as we Innovate for the Future” were also discussed as a possibilities.
Chapter Activities/Goals / Goals discussed include:
o  Increasing active members by 10 this year
o  Volunteering at agencies that would give the younger generation a reason to participate in the chapter
o  Make decisions early to get a program in place at next meeting
o  Karla Mees to look into what we could do at long term care facilities
o  The Rochester Post-Bulletin runs ads for where help is needed
Crisis Nursery has many needs and Nona Thackeray will follow-up.
o  Look at what is available for both sites
o  LaDonna McGohan volunteered to begin a Program Task Force
Next Meeting / The next meeting will be on August 20, 2007 via ITV.
August 20, 2007
September 17, 2007
October 15, 2007
January 28, 2008
February 18, 2008
March 17, 2008
March 31, 2008
April 2008
May 19, 2008
June 2008 / All meetings begin at 5 p.m. unless otherwise indicated
ITV Meeting; Approve Inductees
ITV Promotional Program for Inductees-Lola Johnson, Jane Rosick, Gayle Olsen, Kathy Orth
Fall Induction in Winona @ 4:30 p.m.
ITV Meeting
Program Meeting with Students; Florence Nightingale “Notes on Nursing”
Research Conference; Business Meeting over lunch
Spring Induction with the History of Nursing in Winona @ 2 p.m. -Karen Gardner
WSU Gala Celebration TBD
Ice Cream Social; Retiree Center in Winona
Transition Meeting in Rochester
Respectfully Submitted,
Stephanie J. Sulla, MS, RN
Secretary and President-Elect for Kappa Mu

L:\Division\Nursing_Practice_Resources\Sulla\2007\Kappa Mu\Minutes\062507.doc