SLO Timeline and Procedures
Testing Windows for NON ECA SLO ExamsYearlong Course / Semester Course / Trimester Course
Readiness Window / 8/17/15-9/4/15 / S1 Readiness Window / 8/17/15-9/4/15 / T1 Readiness Window / 8/17/15-9/4/15
ECA Window / 5/16/16-6/3/16 / S1 ECA Window / 12/30/15-1/15/16 / T1 ECA Window / 10/26/15-11/13/15
S2 Readiness Window / 1/18/16-2/5/16 / T2 Readiness Window / 11/16/15-12/4/15
S2 ECA Window / 5/16/16-6/3/16 / T2 ECA Window / 2/8/16-2/26/16
T3 Readiness Window / 2/29/16-3/18/16
T3 ECA Window / 5/16/16-6/3/16
At the beginning of each window, ensure that all students in your SLO subject area are enrolled in the class. All students taking the tested course should take the exam. Sign up for a computer lab during the class periods needed during the window so that all students can complete your exam.
It is imperative that you complete all student testing, any manual scoring, and gather all necessary data prior to the last day of the testing window as the Pivot Testing System will shut off after the window. After all tests are taken and scoring is complete, be sure to print out test results so that we have student names, and raw score with points possible to turn into the office.
Use these scores as well as any other potential data sources to determine student readiness in your testing subject. This form with student names listed in the proper ability section is due one week following your readiness window. The first readiness report due date will be September 11th.
When the ECA window comes around, follow the same format to be sure all tests are completed and scoring is done so that you are able to turn in the results prior to leaving for summer break.
MClass, Non-Tested ECA’s, &Other Classroom Assessments
For those using MClass, after the BOY and EOY windows, complete the form “Determining Students’ Starting Points.” For anyone using only classroom assessments, please turn in the same readiness form by September 11th. Final scores will be due prior to summer break 2016.
For those using one of the above assessments, please complete the form “Determining Students’ Starting Points” by September 11th. Final scores will be tabulated after the state releases the scores for these assessments.
SLO Overview
The SLO portion of RISE is worth a total of 30% of the overall teacher rating.
All teachers are placed in a group which is determined based on the assessments we are to use to calculate student achievement/growth.
GroupEL/MS/HS / SLO Class Objective: Achievement Test* / % / Secondary Test if Applicable / % / SLO Targeted Objective: Growth Based on: / % / Secondary Test if Applicable / %
K-2 / MClass / 14 / MClass / 16
3rd / ISTEP+ (ELA) / 14 / STAR / 16
4-5 / ISTEP+ (Content) / 14 / ISTEP+ / 16
6th / ISTEP+ (Content) / 7.14 / Non-Tested ECA** / 6.86 / ISTEP+ / 8.16 / Non-Tested ECA** / 7.84
EL Specials / Non-Tested ECA / 14 / Non-Tested ECA / 16
MS Math/ELA / ISTEP+ / 14 / ISTEP+ / 16
MS SS / ISTEP+ / 7.14 / Non-Tested ECA** / 6.86 / Non-Tested ECA / 16
MS Sci / Non-Tested ECA / 14 / Non-Tested ECA / 16
HS Alg I, Eng. 10, & Bio / ECA / 7.14 / Non-Tested ECA** / 6.86 / Non-Tested ECA / 16
HS / Non-Tested ECA / 14 / Non-Tested ECA / 16
Title I / MClass / 15 / STAR / 15
Library / Group Assessment / 15 / Group Assessment / 15
Guidance / Group Assessment / 15 / Group Assessment / 15
*Based on state RISE guidelines: we are using the test with the highest security available:
ISTEP+/ECAConsortium Non Tested ECA’s/MClass Assessment/STAR Assessment
**On the chance that you score higher on the ISTEP/ECA tests over the Consortium Exam, those higher scores will be used for the entire percentage available.