By authority of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 2002. Submission of this application by the due date is required to participate in this program.








Review the following instructions carefully before completing this application.


The Assurances and General Provisions detail the conditions of the agreement between the Bureau of Juvenile Justice-Federal Grant Unit (FGU) and the applicant agency for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) funding if an application is approved. Review the Assurances and General Provisions carefully and understand that these requirements will become part of the grant award when an award is made.


1. APPLICANT AGENCY: Enter the name and address of the applicant agency (a government entity).

2. IMPLEMENTING AGENCY: Enter the name of the Agency responsible for implementing the project.

3. FEDERAL ID NUMBER: Enter the Federal IRS Employer ID number for the applicant agency.

4. CONTRACT NUMBER: Leave this box blank. Once your application is approved, a number will be assigned.

5. START DATE: Enter the start date of the project covered by this proposal.

6. END DATE: Enter the end date of the project covered by this proposal. (Note: The project period for each grant is limited to 12 months.)

7. PROJECT TITLE: Enter a descriptive title for the project, not to exceed two lines of 30 characters each. Use the same title from the previous year’s grant if this is a continuation application.

8. CIVIL RIGHTS CONTACT: Provide name, title, agency address and telephone number of the person who oversees equal opportunity employment for the applicant agency. Submit the attached certification that a current Equal Opportunity Plan which meets federal and state requirements is on file with the FGU (Federal Grants Unit). Submit a copy of the EEO Plan if the certification cannot be made.

9. CERTIFICATION: The project director, financial director, authorized official and local unit of government official must certify, by signature, that the information presented in the application is correct and that the applicant agency agrees to comply with all the provisions of the JJDPA.

PROJECT DIRECTOR IDENTIFICATION: Provide the name, title, business address and telephone number of the individual who will be directing this project.

FINANCIAL DIRECTOR IDENTIFICATION: Provide the name, title, business address and telephone number of the individual who is fiscally responsible for this project.

AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL IDENTIFICATION: Provide the name, title business address and telephone number of the individual authorized by the applicant agency to enter into this agreement.

10. JURISDICTION: a) Identify the geographic area (e.g., town(s), township(s), city or county) that will be targeted for this project. b) Identify the number of residents in the target area. c) Name the county(ies) in which this project will operate. d) Identify the Michigan Senate District(s), e) Michigan Representative District(s) and f) U.S. Congressional District(s) that will be served by this project.

11. BUDGET SUMMARY: Transfer the Budget Category totals from the Budget Detail to the appropriate category line in the Budge Summary. Be sure the amounts total down and across. The total cost of the project must be included in the Budget Summary and the Budget Detail.


The purposes of the Budget Detail is to assist the applicant in developing a financial plan for their project and to provide the Federal Grant Unit with the projected costs required to implement the project. Cost projections must be reasonable. USE WHOLE DOLLARS ONLY. Budget projections should be only for the period covered by this proposal and may not exceed twelve months. Costs are subject to review and approval by the FGU.


There are seven separate sections to the program narrative. Prepare each section according to the individual instructions provided.


Detach the instructions and submit one original and four copies of the application to:

Michigan Department of Human Services

Bureau of Juvenile Justice

Federal Grant Unit

Attention: Janie Soliz

235 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 404

P.O. Box 30037

Lansing, Michigan 48909






1. The applicant assures that it will comply with the provisions of 28 CFR application to grants and cooperative agreements including Part II, Applicability of Office of Delinquency Services Circular; Part 18, Administrative Review Procedure; Part 20, Delinquency Services Information Systems; Part 22, Confidentiality of Identifiable Research and Statistical Information; Part 23, Criminal Intelligence Systems Operating Policies; Part 30, Intergovernmental Review of Department of Justice Programs and Activities; Part 42, Nondiscrimination Equal Employment Opportunity Policies and Procedures; Part 61, Procedures for Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act; and Part 63, Floodplain Management and Wetland Protection Procedures.

2. The applicant assures that it will comply with the provisions of the Office of Justice Programs’ “Financial Guide”.

3. The applicant assures that it will comply, and all its contractors will comply, with the non discrimination requirements of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1974; and the Department of Justice Non-discrimination Regulations 28 CFR Part 42, Subparts C, D, E, and G.

4. The applicant assures that in the event a Federal or State court of Federal or State administrative agency makes a finding of discrimination after a due process hearing on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex against a Precipient of funds, the recipient agency will forward a copy of the finding to the Office Civil Rights Compliance, Office of Justice Programs, and the Michigan Bureau of Juvenile Justice-Federal Grant Unit.

5. The applicant assures that it will formulate and Equal Employment Opportunity Program (EEOP), in accordance with 28 CFR 42.301 et. seq., and submit a certification to the state that it has a current EEOP on file which meets the requirements therein.

6. In accordance with the Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Act and the Michigan Handicappers Civil Rights Act, a grantee or contractor must not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment, with respect to hire, tenure, terms conditions, or privileges of employment, or any matter directly or indirectly related to employment, because of race, color, religion, nation origin, ancestry, age, sex, height, weight, marital status or handicap. Failure to comply with this requirement is cause for cancellation of the grant.

7. In accordance with Executive Directive 1979-4 and Michigan Department of Civil rights Standards and Procedures for civil Rights compliance in State and Federal Contracts, a grantee or contractor must have an established policy of equal employment opportunity without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex or handicap. The grantee or contractor must take steps necessary to correct any underrepresentation and achieve a reasonably representative work force at all levels of employment. In addition, the grantee or contractor must:

a. state in all recruiting materials and advertisements that all applicants will receive equal consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex or handicap; and

b. post in conspicuous places notices setting forth the law on equal opportunity in employment and public accommodations. (Posters are available from the Michigan Department of Civil Rights.)

8. A grantee or contractor must inform the FGU of any federal or state actions, taken against the grantee or contractor, pertaining to equal employment opportunity requirements.

9. A grantee or contractor is required to keep employment or other records, used in preparation of the Minority-Female-Handicapper Status Report, Work Force Utilization Analysis and EEO Plan, six months beyond the life of the grant or contract to permit access by the FGU, Michigan Department of Civil Rights or other authorized persons as may be necessary to ascertain compliance.

10. The award of a grant is subject to acceptance of the required reporting forms and EEO Plan and a determination of compliance with Equal Employment opportunity requirements by the Federal Grant Unit or the Michigan Department of Civil Rights.

11. The project must be operational within 60 days of the original starting date of the grant period. The grantee must submit documentation of the FGU explaining the reasons for any delay, the steps taken to initiate the project, and the expected starting date. If the project is not operational within 90 days of the original starting date of the grant period, the grantee must submit further documentation explaining the delay. The FGU may at this time cancel the project, or extend the implementation date.

12. The applicant must comply with the data collection and reporting requirements established by the FGU. Failure to comply will result in Bureau of Juvenile Justice’s action to withhold the release of funds.

13. Expenditures incurred prior to, or subsequent to, the effective dates of the grant will be ineligible for funding.

14. No grant funds will be used for indirect administrative costs.

15. The applicant assures that juvenile justice and delinquency prevention grant funds made available under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act will not be used to supplant state and local funds.

16. The applicant assures that fund accounting, auditing, monitoring and evaluation procedures shall be provided to assure fiscal control, proper management, and efficient disbursement of funds received under the Act.

17. Accounting procedures shall provide for accurate and timely recording or receipt of funds by source, or expenditures made from such funds, and unexpended balances. Controls must be adequate to ensure that expenditures charges to grant activities are for allowable purposes and documentation is readily available to verify that such charges are accurate.

18. The applicant will maintain records to include copies of purchase orders and invoices of the purchases and rental of property approved by the FGU as allowable costs. The applicant will promptly notify the FGU when any property approved under the grant can no longer be reasonably used for the purposes stated in the application.

19. The applicant will comply with the audit requirements as specified on OMB Circular A-128, Audits of State and Local Governments, or OMB Circular A-110, Grants and Agreements with Non-Profit Organizations, and OMB Circular A-122, Cost Principles for Non-Profit Organizations.

20. If an audit report disallows costs, the grantee will forward the amount of the disallowed costs to the FGU within 90 days of such notification. Failure to do so will result in such deficiency being reported to the Department of Treasure.

21. Funds awarded by the Michigan Bureau of Juvenile Justice - Federal Grant Unit may be terminated at any time for violation of any terms and requirements of this agreement.

22. The applicant assures that information will be collected and maintained on victim services provided by race, sex, national origin, age, and handicap.

23. The applicant certifies that neither the agency or its officers are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal department of agency and agrees to sign the Certification regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion.

24. The applicant certifies that no Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency, a Member of Congress, an office or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan or cooperative agreement.






Review the following instructions carefully before completing this application.

A. Department’s Source of Funds - Termination

The Agency’s payment of funds for purposes of this Agreement is subject to and conditional upon the availability of funds for such purposes, being Federal funds. No commitment is made by the Agency to continue or expand such activities. The Agency may terminate this Agreement immediately upon written notice to the Grantee at any time prior to the completion of this Agreement, if, in the opinion of the Agency, funding becomes unavailable for this service or such funds are restricted.

B. Project Income

The Grantee may not accept reimbursement from a client unless this Grant Award specifically authorizes such reimbursement in the “Grantee Responsibilities” section. In such case, a detailed fee scale and criteria for charging the fee must be included. If the Grantee accepts reimbursement from a client in accordance with the terms of the Grant Award, the Grantee shall deduct these fees from billings to the Agency.

Other third party funding sources, e.g., insurance companies, may be billed for contracted client services. Third party reimbursement shall be considered payment in full. No supplemental billing is permitted.

C. Review and Monitoring Reports:

The Grantee shall comply with all program and fiscal review reporting procedures, as are or may hereinafter be established, by the Agency.

D. Examination and Maintenance of Records

The Grantee shall permit the Agency or any of its identified agents access to the facilities being utilized at any reasonable time to observe the operation of the program. Further, the Grantee shall retain all books, records or other documents relevant to this Agreement for three years after final payment, at grantee’s cost, and any persons duly authorized by the Agency shall have full access to and the right to examine and audit any of said material during said period. If an audit is initiated prior to the expiration of the three-year period, and extends past that period, all documents shall be maintained until the audit is completed. The Agency shall provide findings and recommendations of audits to the Grantee. The Agency shall adjust future payments or final payment if the findings of an audit indicate over or under payment to the Grantee in the period prior to the audit. If no payments are due and owing the Grantee, the Grantee shall immediately refund all amounts which may be due the Agency. The Grantee shall assure, as a condition of any sale or transfer of ownership of the Grantee agency, that the new purchasers or owner maintains the above-described books, records or other documents for any unexpired portion of the six-year period after final payment under this Agreement or the Grantee shall otherwise maintain said records as the Agency may direct. The Grantee shall, if he ceases business operations, maintain the records as the Agency may direct.