Job Description

Job title: Senior Economic and Trade Advisor (SETA)
Unit/mission: Netherlands Embassy Cairo (HMA Cairo)
Job level: 09
Number of hours: 37,5
The duties mentioned hereafter will be implemented under supervision of the Head of the Economic Cluster (HEZ).
Macro economy / business environment
1.  Follow and review the development of the general economic and fiscal developments in Egypt.
2.  Follow the developments of the legal and regulatory environment and make this information available to the Netherlands business sector.
3.  Update the “Guidelines for Doing Business in Egypt” and prepare various briefs on specific economic sectors.
4.  Prepare the monthly bulletin “Egypt, Business in Brief”.
Sector level
5.  Monitor the various economic sectors to identify market opportunities for the Netherlands business sector. Sectors to be followed: oil&gas, electricity, tourism, water, environment, and renewable energy. The economic trade advisor will monitor the sectors ict, infrastructure&logistics, marine services&port development, banking and finance.
6.  Reporting and preparation of sector reports by collecting and assessing available market information, including current and new projects, major players, economic indicators, and information received through networking.
7.  Economic diplomacy: dialogue and interaction with Egyptian ministries and organizations to promote new and support existing Dutch exports and investment. Interaction with relevant authorities to eliminate trade barriers and discriminatory rules.
8.  Network with Ministries, IFI’s and donor organizations to identify tender opportunities for Dutch companies.
9.  Attend trade fairs and conferences for information and identification of business opportunities.
10.  Collect and process information on the Egyptian market and advise Dutch companies about certain sectors of the economy.
Business enquiries
11.  Provide answers to trade inquiries from Dutch companies / organizations on appointed economic sectors as well as providing general information on the Egyptian market.
12.  Matching Netherlands companies to Egyptian ones in reaction to trade inquiries or proactively.
13.  Enter all trade enquiries and relevant communication into Achilles.
General Business promotion / support
14.  Responsible for the planning, programming and logistics of incoming and outgoing economic missions, promotional events, seminars and conferences.
15.  Building and maintaining a network with key players, organisations and companies in Egypt and in Netherlands.
16.  Advising Dutch and Egyptian companies on the available funding possibilities of Dutch economic instruments and programmes. Active participation to identify possibilities for Dutch companies and support the implementation in selected sectors.
17.  Screening and advice on proposals for financial and/or technical support.
18.  Holland Branding: the promotion of the economic image of The Netherlands in Egypt by integrating Holland Branding in bilateral trade promotion, in co-operation with the Public Diplomacy officer.
19.  Responsible for media /press affairs for EA, in liason with PPC department.
20.  Supporting the further development and expansion of the Dutch Egyptian Alumnei Network.
Trade statistics:
21.  Collect and analyse monthly, quarterly and yearly statistics concerning trade for all relevant sectors.
22.  Prepare statistical analysis of trade figures when required.
23.  Archive and document statistical data and analysis.
Other tasks
24.  Member of DPG subgroups related to appointed sectors.
25.  Any other responsibilities / tasks given by the HEZ or ambassador.
•  Developments in the Egyptian business environment monitored and obtained information and insights conveyed to relevant Dutch authorities (Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Economic Affairs, and Infrastructure; and Netherlands Enterprise Agency), institutions, Chambers of Commerce and business sectors/branche organisations.
•  Developments in Egyptian sectors (to be determined) monitored, new business opportunities identified and relevant Dutch authorities, branch organizations and investors/companies informed pro-actively.
•  Adequate response (reliable, well focused, timely, etc.) provided to business enquiries received from the Netherlands.
•  Support to incoming and outgoing economic visits and missions.
•  Analysis and interpretation of trade statistics for all sectors relevant for Dutch businesses.
•  Promotion of Dutch- Egyptian bilateral trade and investment relations.
Tasks and staffing of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Cairo:
26.  HMA Cairo is the largest embassy of the Netherlands in the Middle-East. There are approx. 40 staff members of whom 27 are locally recruited.
27.  The Netherlands has been active in the field of development cooperation in Egypt for many years. However, the programme has been completed end 2013.
28.  The economic and trade department together with the agricultural office constitute the economic cluster. The economic cluster consists of 6 persons: Head Economic Cluster cum agricultural counsellor (HEZ); deputy Head cum First Secretary for economy and trade; senior economic and trade advisor (SETA); economic and trade advisor (ETA); senior agricultural assistant (AA); and secretary for agriculture (AM).
29.  Secretarial support for the cluster will be given by the secretarial pool. The secretary for agriculture is also part of the secretarial pool.
Knowledge and areas of experience:
1.  Academic background;
2.  At least 10 years relevant work experience;
3.  Excellent knowledge of Arabic and English;
4.  Appropriate level of ICT literacy.
1.  client oriented
2.  Effective networking
3.  Team player
4.  Operational and organizational capacity
5.  Initiative, pro-active
6.  Analytical and conceptual
7.  Flexibility
8.  Reporting and writing.
The employee is a team player: a pro-active, social person who likes to work and co-operate in a team. The employee is interested to learn and is open for feedback and willing to look outside the scope of the position. Is able to work independently and at the same time consults the colleagues to inform and coordinate activities. An effective network is developed and maintained to identify and promote opportunities for the Dutch business sector. The employee is a strong communicator and works with all the customers and stakeholders in an appropriate and effective way.
If so required, the employee should be able and willing to work after office hours.


1)  Government
a.  Ministries (relevant to the sectors for example: Trade and Industry, Petroleum, Tourism, Transport, Civil Aviation, Energy and Electricity)
b.  Governerate administration (for example Red Sea, Alexandria)
c.  Public Organizations, such as CBE, GAFI, ECS, TDA, CAA, EFSA, EOS, RTA, SFD, SCA)
2)  Private organizations, such as BSO, IMC
3)  International organizations (European Delegation, AmCham, CEEBA/Confederation of European Egyptian Business Associations etc)
4)  Dutch companies active in Egypt and relevant Egyptian companies
5)  Membership DPG sub-group on Transport / DPG SME sub group/ EU local trade staff
1)  Ministries (Foreign Affairs, Economic Affairs, Infrastructure)
2)  Organizations (Netherlands Enterprise Agency, NWP, NCH, CoC’s)
3)  Egyptian Embassy
4)  Dutch companies interested in the Egyptian market

Other remarks (to be completed by mission)

In principle, when the situation so requires, the Senior Economic and Trade Officer should be prepared to support all other activities of the economic cluster, and, if deemed necessary by the Head of Mission, other activities of the other departments in the embassy.

