Dept. of Political Science
Gladfelter Hall, 4th Fl.
1115 W. Berks St.
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA 19122-6089
(o) 215-204-7536
Professor, Department of Political Science, Temple University, 7/1/2010 --
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Temple University, 7/1/05 --
Chair and Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Temple University, 7/1/00 – 6/30/05
Associate Professor (tenured), Department of Political Science, Temple University (7/95 -- )
Assistant Professor (tenure track), Department of Political Science, Temple University (7/88-6/95)
Mellon Faculty Fellow, Department of Government and Council of Humanities, Cornell University (7/90-6/91)
Lecturer, Harvard U., Committee on Degrees in Social Studies (7/87-6/88)
Harvard University Ph.D. Dept. of Government June 1987
Harvard University M.A. Dept. of Government June 1979
Oxford University B.A. Phil., Politics and June 1977
Economics (Marshall Scholar)
Cornell University A.B. History major June 1975
"The Permanence of the Political: A Democratic Critique of the Radical Thrust to Transcend Politics" (June 1987, Harvard)
(* indicates anonymous, peer-reviewed publication)
The Permanence of the Political: A Democratic Critique of the Radical Impulse to Transcend Politics. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995.*
(e-book edition, Princeton University Press, 2001).
(Reviewed in Choice, The American Political Science Review, Journal of Politics, Ethics, Contemporary Sociology, Critical Sociology, Democratic Left, Dissent)
The Future of Democratic Equality: Reconstructing Social Solidarity in a Fragmented America. New York: Routledge Press, 2009.* (Reviewed in Perspectives on Politics, Contemporary Sociology, New Politics, Democratic Left, New Political Science,The Activist, Critical Sociology)
Articles and Book Chapters
“Achieving Global Equality in the Absence of National Equality?”, a review essay of Carol Gould’s Global Democracy, The Good Society 16:2 (Summer 2007): 45-48.*
“From Domestic to Global Solidarity: The Dialectic of the Particular and Universal in the Building of Social Solidarity,” Journal of Social Philosophy 38:1 (Spring 2007): 129-145.*
“Misreading Islamist Terrorism: Just War Theory and the ‘War on Terrorism,’” reprinted in
Joseph Margolies, Tom Rockmore, and Armen Marsoobian, eds., The Philosophical Challenge of September 11, Malden, MA.: Blackwell Publishers, 2005: 42-70.*
“Misreading Islamist Terrorism: Just War Theory and the ‘War on Terrorism,’”
Metaphilosophy 35:3 (April 2004): 273-302. *
“Democracy Against the Free Market: The Enron Crisis and the Politics of Global Deregulation,” Connecticut Law Review 35:3 (Spring 2003): 1097-1123. *
“The Enron Debacle: Casino Capitalism and Lemon Socialism,”
Dissent (Summer 2002): 5-7.
“Democratic Solidarity and the Crisis of the Welfare State," in Letgers, Lyman H.; Burke, John P.; and DiQuattro, Arthur, eds., Critical Perspectives on Democracy, Lantham,Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, November 1994: 87-111.*
"Coalition Politics in a Three Speed Society," Socialist Review 90:2 (April-June 1990): 67-79.*
"Arendt's Politics: The Elusive Search for Substance," Praxis International 9:2 (April and July 1989): 25-47.*
"Black Politics in South Africa," Dissent (Winter 1986): 5-14.
"Communitarianism and the Left," Dissent (Fall 1984): 478-481.
The Exceptional Nature of “American Exceptionalism”: Race, Nationalism, and Sectarianism
(book project on the history of the 20th C United States left, begun fall 2009)
Other Works (review essays, book reviews, political essays, etc.)
Review of Jodi Dean, Democracy and Other Neoliberal Fantasies, Perspectives on Politics, Fall 2011, forthcoming
Review essay, “American Exceptionalism,” The Encyclopedia of Political Thought, (New York: Wiley-Blackwell, forthcoming 2012). :
“The Left,” updated entry in Krieger, Joel, ed, et al, The Oxford Companion to World Politics, 2nd edition, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012, forthcoming)
“What’s Left: Progressive Strategy After Obama Year One,” Democratic Left 37:4, Spring 2010: 1, 8-10.
Review of Erin E. O’Brien, The Politics of Identity: Solidarity Building Among America’s Working Poor, Perspectives on Politics 7:4 (Dec. 2009): 969-971.
___________ and Frank Llewellyn, “Socialists Say: Obama is no Socialist,” Chicago Tribune November 1, 2009, <http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/chi-perspect1101socialismnov01,0,5511171.story>.
“The Only Way Out of the Financial Crisis: The Case for Bank Nationalization, In These Times, June 2009: 26-27.
“How a President Creates Change,” Tikkun Magazine (on-line edition) January 2009 <http\\www.tikkun.org/article.php/20090226165948636>.
“Postmodernism,” International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, (New York: MacMillan, 2008): 395-397.
“For Obama and Democratic Congressional Gains – Without Illusions,” Democratic Left 36:1
(Summer 2008): 4-7.
“Privatization Run Amok: Privatizing the Risk of Old Age,” Democratic Left 32:4 (Spring 2005): 7-10.
“The Politics of Race,” Democratic Left 32:1 (Summer 2004): 5-8.
Review of Ross Zucker, Democratic Distributive Justice, Perspectives on Politics 1:4 (December 2003): 773-775.
"The WTO and Global Justice," Democratic Left 27:3 (Winter 2000): 3-6.
"Crapshoot Pensions: Social Security Privatization," Democratic Left 26:4 (February-March 1999): 3-6, 18.
Review of William E. Connolly, The Ethos of Pluralization, Journal of Politics, 59:2 (May 1997): 616-18.
Review of Meta-Mendel Reyes, Reclaiming Democracy, American Political Science Review 91:1 (March 1997): 175-76.
Review of Karen Orren, Belated Feudalism: Labor, Law and Liberal Development in the United States, in Journal of Politics 55:4 (November 1993): 1177-1181.
"The Left," entry in Krieger, Joel, ed. The Oxford Companion
to the Politics of the World. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993, p. 531-32.
"Votes Count, But Resources Decide," review essay of Robert A. Dahl, Democracy and Its Critics, Dissent (Spring 1991): 314-316.
_ and Margaret Weir, "Rebuilding Social Solidarity," Democratic Left 18:2 (March-April 1990): 8-10.
2010 Temple University College of Liberal Arts Alumni Association Eleanor Hofkin Award for Excellence in Teaching
2010 Summer Research Fellowship, Temple University
2008 Summer Research Fellowship, Temple University
2006-07 fellow, Center for Humanities at Temple University (CHAT)
2005-06 Temple University Faculty Study Leave (full AY)
2000 National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for University Professors (spring 2000; $24,000 for research and writing on The Future of Democratic Equality)
1998 Temple University Faculty Study Leave (spring term)
1997 alternate, National Endowment for Humanities (NEH)
Fellowship for University Professors
1996 North American Society for Social Philosophy Book
Award for outstanding book in social and political
philosophy published in 1995
1996 Temple University Summer Faculty Research Grant
1995 Charles and Mary Lindback Award for Outstanding
University teaching, Temple University
1993-94 American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Fellowship
($20,000 twelve-month grant)
1994 Lilly Foundation Teaching Fellow Award for 94-95. Course reduction (94-95) to develop new Core Curriculum course on race and American political development
1993 Temple University Faculty Senate Summer Research Grant
1992-93 Temple University College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Teaching Award
1990-91 Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Government and Council on the Humanities, Cornell University
1989 Temple University Faculty Senate Summer Research
1989 fellowship, NYU Faculty Resource Summer Seminar on "Rethinking Rights"
1985-86 Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Fellowship (Woodrow Wilson Foundation)
1984-85 Research assistantship, The Institute for Advanced Study
1983-84 Institute for the Study of World Politics Fellowship (for research on Third World inequality and Southern African politics)
1983 Frances M. Bowen Prize in Moral and Political Philosophy (awarded by Harvard U. Dept. of Philosophy for best essay in moral or political philosophy)
1981-83; Danforth Foundation Graduate Fellowship
1975-77 Marshall Scholarship (Oxford University)
1974 Phi Beta Kappa (Junior Year)
1971-75 Telluride Association Scholarship, Cornell U.
“White Populist Opposition to the Obama Administration: The Persistence of Conservative Racialized Politics in an Allegedly Post-Racial Age,” paper presented at the American Political Science Association annual meeting, Washington D.C., September 3, 2010
“Global Solidarity Runs Through the Democratic State: Towards New Global Institutions,”
paper presented at the American Political Science Association annual meeting, Toronto, CN, Sept. 5,2009.
“Global Justice Starts at Home,” paper presented at the American Political Science Association annual meeting, Boston, MA., Aug 31, 2008.
“Reconceputalizing ‘the Left’ on the Terrain of Globalization,” paper presented at the American Political Science Association annual meeting, Sept. 1, 2007, Chicago, Illinois.
“Can the Military Power of a Hegemon Win a “War Against Terror?,” paper presented at the American Political Science Association annual meeting, August 30, 2006, Philadelphia, PA.
“Racism, ‘Difference,’ and the Problematic Politics of Social Solidarity,” paper presented at the
American Political Science Association annual meeting, September 2, 2005, Washington, D.C.
“Is the Project of the Left an Anachronism in an Allegedly Postmodern, Globalized World,” paper presented at the American Political Science Association annual meeting, Sept. 2, 2002, Boston, MA.
"Is There a Future for Democratic Egalitarian Politics," paper presented at the American Political Science Association annual meeting, August 30, 2001, San Francisco, Ca.
"The 'Crisis' of the United States Welfare State (and European Trends): Sustaining Social Solidarity in an Increasingly Globalized and 'Differentiated' World,’ delivered at joint NEH-German Historical Institute Conference, "Learning from Diversity in Federal Systems: Social
Assistance in the United States, Germany, and the European Union," Washington, D.C., Nov. 17-19,2000.
"The Challenge of Democratic State Power in an Age of Globalization and Increasing Social Differentiation," presented at Sept. 2000 American Political Science Association annual meeting, Washington, D.C., Sept. 1, 2000.
"Contemporary Ideologies of Race and the Hegemony of the Anti-Egalitarian Political Project," presented at the American Political Science Association annual meeting, Atlanta, Ga.,
Sept. 2, 1999.
"The Social Construction of Racial Identity and the Politics of Inequality," presented at the American Political Science Association annual meeting, Atlanta, Ga. Aug. 31, 1999.
"Transcending the False Antinomy of 'Universality' versus 'Difference': Towards a Reconceptualized Politics of Democratic Community," presented at the American Political Science Association annual meeting, Aug. 28, 1998, Boston, MA.
"Late Capitalism or Postmodern Society?" paper presented at the Northeastern Political Science Association annual meeting, Nov. 1997, Philadelphia, Pa.
"The Absence of Liberal and Postmodern 'Governing Models' of Democratic Equality,"presented at the Sept. 1997 American Political Science Association Convention, Washington, D.C.
"The Politics of Difference and Social Solidarity: The Radical Democratic Critique of Liberalism Revisited," presented at the Sept. 1995 American Political Science
Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois.
"Racism, Racial Identity, and the Politics of Social Solidarity," delivered at the American Political Science Association Convention (APSA), Sept. 1994, NY, NY.
"Racial Identity and Attitudes Towards the State: Barrier to a Progressive Political Majority," delivered at the American Political Science Association Convention, Sept. 1994, NY, NY.
"Reconceptualizing Social Solidarity in an Age of 'Difference'," paper delivered at the APSA, Sept. 1993, Washington, D.C.
"The Market Equals Democracy: The Ideological Illusion of Our Times," paper delivered at the APSA, Washington, D.C., Sept. 1991
"America as a Model for the World? Visions of Democracy after 1989," roundtable panel with Carole Pateman, Fred Dallmayr, Bikhu Parekh, and Aryeh Botwinick at the APSA, Sept.1991, Washington, D.C.
"Democratic Theory and the Crisis of the Welfare State," paper delivered at Sept. 1990 APSA Convention, San Francisco, CA., as part of Normative Theory section panel on "The Welfare State"
"The Communitarian Critique of Liberalism: Can It Dispense with a Theory of Rights?" " paper delivered at the American Political Science Association Convention, Atlanta, Ga.
"The Impasse of Liberal Discourse," paper presented the 10th Annual Temple U. Conference on Discourse Analysis, Philadelphia, March 17, 1989
"The Anti-Politics of Hannah Arendt," paper presented at the Sept. 1987 APSA Convention, Chicago, Illinois.
"The Radical Thrust to Transcend Politics: A Problem for Radical Democratic Theory", paper delivered at a Conference Group on Political Economy roundtable on "Radical Democratic Theory,” with James Scott, Joel Rogers, and Jean Bethke Elshtain.
"Marx, Weber and Lenin on the Relationship between Politics and Bureaucracy: A Critical Defense of Weber," paper presented at the Conference on Critical Perspectives on Organizational Theory, Baruch College, NY, Sept. 1985
“Why Obama is not a Socialist, and BTW, What is Socialism?” presentation to the Department of Political Science, Wooster College, Wooster, OH, February 2010
“Being Postmodern While Modernity Burned,” round-table on Joseph Schwartz’s, The Future of Democratic Equality, with Prof. Lewis Gordon, Dept. of Philosophy, Temple U. and Prof. David Waldstreicher, Dept. of History, Temple U., at Temple U. Center for the Humanities, April 29, 2009.
Author Meets Critic panel on Joseph Schwartz’s The Future of Democratic Equality, with Prof. Gayatri Spivak, Columbia University, Prof. Corey D.B. Walker, Brown University, and Prof. Geoffrey Kurtz, Borough of Manhattan Community College, at “Left Forum,” April 18, 2009, Pace University, NY, NY.
“Post-Capitalist Alternatives,” forum sponsored by M.I.T. Student Programming
Board, with Prof. David Schweikart, U. Illinois, Chicago Circle, and Prof.Gar Alperovitz, University of Maryland, at Masschusetts Institute of Techology, April 26, 2007.
“Teaching Morally and Politically Controversial Issues in the Classroom,” presentation
at the Temple University Teaching and Learning Center, February, 2007.
"Racism, Racial Politics, and the Construction of Contemporary Republican Political Hegemony,” presentation at the Center for Humanities at Temple University, Nov. 30, 2006.
“Globalization and Solidarity,” presentation to the Gordon College Sociology Dept.,
Waltham, MA, Oct. 30, 2006
“Does Globalization Necessitate Greater Economic Inequality in the United States,”
presentation to Department of Government and Bowdoin Democratic Left, Bowdoin
College, Brunswick, ME, Oct. 9, 2006.
“Understanding Global Terrorism: Cultural Reductionism versus Political Analysis,” public forum on “Rationality and Cultural Conflict,” with Judith Butler, Shibley
Telhmai, and Joseph Margolies, Ethical Cultural Society, Philadelphia, PA., Dec. 7, 2002
“The ‘Iraqi Threat to U.S. Security’: Does it Merit a Unilateral United States Response?” presentation at Temple Issues teach-in on the Conflict with Iraq, November 2002.
“If we fought Sweatshops in the U.S., Why Not Support Sweatshop Workers fighting for Justice in the Developing World?” Temple University Honors Forum on Globalization, October 2002.
“Building an Effective Response to Global Terrorism: Why International Police Efforts are more Crucial than a “War”, Temple Issues Forum teach-in on 9/11; Sept. 16, 2001
“Overcoming the Impasse in Israel-Palestine: Two States for Two Peoples,” Temple Issues Forum, April 2002.
participant, panel on "Author Meets the Critic: Leo Panitch's The End of Parliamentary Socialism," March 1998, Socialist Scholars Conference, New York.
"Liberalism, Postmodernism, and the Crisis of the Left," talk to Department of Political Science, Brown Bag Research Seminar, Temple University, October 1997.
"Identity Politics and Power: Bringing Class Back In," roundtable on "Inequality, Class and the Politics of Identity," at the American Political Science Association Convention, Sept. 1996, San Francisco, Ca.
Author meets Critics panel on Joseph Schwartz’s, The Permanence of the Political, with Prof. Michael Walzer, Institute for Advanced Study, Prof. Todd Gitlin, Dept. of Sociology, Columbia U. and journalist Joanne Barkan, Socialist Scholars conference, April 1996.