Security Manager
Old SOP 1 which went into effect5-24-94. It was revised on 5-14-03.
Revised SOP 1 R2 deals with Security Manager responsibilities/duties and term.
Security Manager Duties & Responsibilities:
1. Develop and manage the JTF Board-approved Security Plan in concert with the Deputy Security Manager and the SOP and Technical Committees.
2. Establish and continually update, as required, the security procedures for the use and operation of SLERS, in concert with the SOP Committee.
3. Develop and manage the SLERS encryption key system as well as manage all Common (Interagency) encryption keys. Individual Agency encryption keys will be developed and managed by individual Agency representatives.
4. Conduct an annual review of each agency’s SLERS operations to determine compliance with the Security Plan.
5. Maintain the Facilities Access List in accordance with JTF SOP's as well as the Security Plan. At a minimum, annually review the information contained in the Facilities Access List to determine that all personnel on the list:
a. have their security level designated on the list;
b. have passed a background check;
c. have signed a non-disclosure agreement; and
d. have a verified continuing need for access.
6. Verify that agencies are adhering to password change interval requirements.
7. Manage the Electronic System Key (ESK) as outlined below as well as within (and not to supersede) the requirements of the Security Plan.
A. Issue ESK cards to the JTF-approved agency members and private vendors.
B. Control all blank ESK cards and maintain an inventory of those ESK cards issued to JTF-approved agency member(s) and private vendors.
C. Provide requirements for reporting lost or stolen ESK cards.
8. Verify that agency radio programming templates/personalities in use comply with the Interagency Communications Plans (SOP 2A) and do not contain unauthorized talk-groups or encryption keys from another agency.
9. The Security Manager is authorized to initiate an audit of any state or partner agency radios to ensure radio programming is compliant with FCC rules, state policies, SOP’s, and partner agreement.
10. Verify that the DMS has conducted quarterly CSD subscriber list audits and any necessary corrections have been initiated. Particular attention should be given to disposition of lost or missing radios.
Terms of Office:
- Security Manager and Deputy Security Manager will serve a term for a period not to exceed two (2) years beginning July 1 of their term. The Deputy Security Manager terms will be staggered.
- The Security Manager will not serve consecutive terms.
3. Upon the departure of the Security Manager, the Deputy Security Manager will
automatically become the new Security Manager. A new Deputy Security
Manager will then be nominated and elected to serve a two (2) year term.
JTF State Law Enforcement Radio System - 2 -
Standard Operating Procedures Revised SOP 2. 6-30-13