Space & Geometry Program 2D Space - Stage 3 - Yr - 6 Term 2 -

Week / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
Outcomes / 3D Space
SGS3.1 / 2D Space
SGS3.2a / 2D Space
SGS3.2b / Position
Identifies 3D objects including particular prisms & pyramids on the basis of their properties; visualizes, sketches and constructs them given drawings of different views / Manipulates, classifies and draws 2D shapes and describes side & angle properties / Identifies, compares and describes angles in practical situations / Uses a variety of mapping skills
Working Mathematically
Processes / Questioning / Applying Strategies / Communicating / Reasoning / Reflecting
Outcomes / NS3.4 Compares, orders and calculates with decimals, simple fractions and simple percentages
Orientation. Focus:Using written, diagram and mental strategies to subtract a unit fraction from 1
Adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator
Whole-class Modelling. Focus: Measuring with a protractor; rotational symmetry; adding and subtracting fractions
Learning Experiences: / Indicators: (Related syllabus content on p 128)
A mixture of individual, pair and group work
  • Giant Discussion Book p.10,11
Comparing and classifying shapes
  • Activity 1 (Dio Unit Pelican)
Right-angled, scalene, isosceles and equilateral triangles – describing features
  • Activity 2 (Dio Unit Pelican)
Measuring angles with a protractor
  • Activity 7 (Dio Unit Pelican)
The parts of a circle
  • Activity 8 (Dio Unit Pelican)
Rotational Symmetry
  • (BOS Units p.128)
Add and subtract fractions
  • Targtting Maths
Drawing 2D shapes p.117
  • Nelson Maths Resource Book 6
Angle Tangle p.41 Using computer to construct angles /
  • compares and describes the properties of isosceles, equilateral and scalene triangles
  • draws regular and irregular two-dimensional shapes given a description of their side and angle properties
  • uses a ruler, set square, protractor or template to draw regular and irregular two-dimensional shapes
  • identifies and names the centre, radius, diameter and circumference of a circle
  • identifies and names shapes that have rotational symmetry
  • enlarges or reduces a graphic or photograph using a computer program
Foundation Statements
Construct and classify 2D shapes and compare and describe their properties
Ask questions & select appropriate problem solving strategies, including technology to undertake investigations.
Use mathematical terminology and some conventions and give a valid reason when comparing and selecting from possible solutions and make connections with existing knowledge and understanding
Planned Assessment:
Prepare an A4 poster - “Introducing Triangles”. Use drawings, labels, and short sentences to compare and provide information about different types of triangles. NB construct one triangle accurately / Differentiation/Adjustments
A and B will require extra assistance (choose partners carefully)
C working on IEP
Language: circle, circumference, a pair of compasses, radius, diameter, centre, triangles, equilateral, scalene, isosceles, right-angled triangle, rotation, polygons, angle, degree, symmetry, names of shapes, square, regular, irregular, diagonal, enlarge, reduce, side, angle, enlargement, reduction, turning symmetry, rotational symmetry, tracing, matching / Evaluation