The World Of Digimon

Written by Sailor Stella

Chapter One: New Digimon
It was after school and the air around the school was filled with a strange feeling. Kids were leaving, headed home for the weekend. All but three girls. One was in a computer lab. Another was cleaning out a locker. And the last was in a band room.
In the computer room sat a girl with red/brown hair with brown eyes finishing a paper for a class. The one at the locker had a lighter red color hair but had blue/smoky green eyes. Her locker really needed to be clean. And the last one looked somewhat the same as the other two but was different. She had brown hair and brown eyes. She was cleaning a huge instrument that was almost as big as she was.
The girl in the band room finished what she was doing and headed toward her locker, which was across the hall from the girl cleaning her locker.
“Hey you all done in the band room?” asked the girl from deep within her locker. Trash was covering the floor around her.
“Think you had enough stuff in there Shannon?” the brown hair girl asked opening her locker. It was not real clean but real dirty either.
“Most of it’s the girl who shares the locker with me.” Shannon said sticking her head out and looking across the hall, “Besides it looks like your friend is a person who collects things.”
“Yep.” The girl answered. She was digging through the bottom of the locker looking for some thing.
“Katriena! Look ou…” Shannon started to say but was too late to stop a huge book from falling out of the locker and landing on Katriena’s head.
“Ouch!” Katriena said sitting down hard. The book in her lap. She sat looking down at the book for a few minutes.
“You okay?” Shannon asked from across the hall.
“Yeah. I think so. Man why does she have to be so messy with her half of the locker?” Katriena asked herself as she got to her feet holding the book. She pushed the book back on the top, grabbed her stuff and closed the locker.
“I’m going to go see if Jessi is done.” Katriena said walking away down the hall toward the computer lab.
“Hey Jessi! You done yet?” Katriena said coming up behind Jessi.
“Nope. It will be awhile.” Jessi said still typing away.
Katriena looked over Jessi’s shoulder.
“Okay. Than can I have the keys?” Katriena said still standing behind Jessi.
“Sure. They’re in my backpack.” Jessi said. She pointed to a purple backpack on the chair next to her.
“Thanks. Just call and I’ll come back and pick you up. Okay?” Katriena said getting the keys out.
“Sure.” Jessi said as Katriena left.
Mean while out side the school. The weather had turned nasty. Dark clouds were forming. Rain started to fall. Lighting flashed. One hit the school.
Jessi was still typing away when the computer screen got all bright. She leapt to her feet. The screen glowed even more. Something fall to the ground while two other things fly by her and out the door. The glow did not go away right away. Jessi bent down and picked up the objet. It looked like a little computer. She was holding it when the computer screen got really bright again. Jessi looked at it. And as she did it started to pull her toward it.
“What? Help!” Jessi yelled as she was pulled in. Colors flashed around her.
Next thing Jessi knew was that she had landed in a bush and on top of someone.
“Ahh!” Jessi yelled.
“Get off of me!” Someone yelled from under her. Jessi climbed to her feet in a flash. It was a boy. He had what looked like blue hair. And thick glasses. He was tall. Much taller than Jessi.
“Oh I’m so sorry.” Jessi said blushing. She looked around. As she did something ran out of the bushes around her. It was white with purple strips on it’s back. It walked like it had flippers for feet.
“Joe are you all right? I heard yelling and a crash.” It said.
Jessi watched it for a moment and than screamed. She took off running. Not caring where she went as long as she was away from it. She could her them following her.
“Wait! Come back!” The boy said. Jessi looked back over her shoulder and saw that he was catching up to her. She was still looking over her shoulder when she fell into a hole.
“Yipe!” She said as she went down. She landed hard. She looked up. She didn’t fall far but it would be a problem to climb out of. She was wiping the dust off her self when someone else fell beside her. After the dust cleared she saw that it was the boy and the thing with him. She stepped back as he stood up.
“Ouch. Are you okay?” He asked as he spotted Jessi.
“I guess so.” Jessi said as she still was stepping back wards.
She came to a stop. Jessi had backed into a wall.
Meanwhile back at the school Shannon and Katriena were running toward the computer lab when something flew into their hands. All they did was keep a tight hold on them and kept on running.
“Jessi!” Katriena yelled as they reached the computer lab. No one was there. They ran over to the computer that Jessi had been using. She was gone.
“Where did she go?” Shannon said looking around.
“I wish I knew.” Katriena said. And as she said that the computer got really bright. It started to pull Shannon and Katriena toward it.
“Help!” they both yelled together as they were pulled in.
Shannon fall toward what looked like a desert. She was about to hit the ground when something caught her. It sat her down gently. Shannon looked around. She saw a boy with a blue shirt on and some brown shorts. His hair was a messy, but in a cute way.
“Are you all right?” he asked Shannon.
“I think so.’ She said still looking around. She had her back turned to the boy when something walked up to him.
“What’s your name?” she heard the boy ask.
“Shannon.” She said as she turned back to face him. She let out a huge scream. And took a step back but something grabbed her leg. She toppled over what ever it was and fell on her butt. What ever had grabbed her was now sitting on her stomach hugging her.
“Take it easy there little guy.” The boy said as he picked up the thing.
“I’m sorry. It’s just that I’m so happy.” It said. Shannon took another look at it and than fainted.
Katriena had fallen into a river and was being pulled toward a huge waterfall.
“Help! Someone help me!” she tried to scream but got a mouth full of water instead.
“Hold on! We’re coming!” someone on shore yelled out to her. A boy was standing on the bank. And something huge was with him. It was white and it had purple stripes running along its back. The boy climbed up on it and it dove into the water. It reached Katriena in about a minute.
“Quick give me your hand!” the boy said as he leaned over to reach for her. Katriena knew she had no choice but to do so. She grabbed his hand he pulled her up and on to the back on the monster. They reached the shore in no time flat. Katriena fall off the monster, landed on her knees and started to cough. The boy landed beside her.
“Are you all right?” he said as Katriena stopped coughing.
“I think so.” She said as she sat back. The huge monster looking wolf thing was gone and in its place was something that was small. It had a horn on the top of its head. And it wore its fur like it was a coat. She than looked at the boy. He had light brown hair that stuck up all over the place. He was tall.
“I’m Matt.” He said.
“Katriena.” Katriena said right before she passed out.
Meanwhile Jessi was walking inside a cave with the boy, Joe, and the monster, or Gomamon as Joe called him.
“Where are we? And I don’t mean that we are in a cave either.” She said as she walked.
“You are in the Digital World.” Joe said.
“The what?” Jessi asked puzzled.
“The Digital World. And this is one of its population.” Joe said pointing at Gomamon.
“I’m a digimon.” He said proudly.
“A digi what?” Jessi asked looking down at it.
“A digimon. A Digital Monster.” Gomamon said as he ran forward ahead of Jessi and Joe.
“How did you get here anyway Jessi?” Joe asked.
“I was typing on a school computer when the screen got really bright and this fall out of it.” Jessi said as she reached inside her pocket and pulled out the device.
“That’s a digivice.” Joe said, “A newer kind though.”
“And two others flew out too. But I don’t know where thouse went though.” Jessi said as she put in back in her pocket.
“Joe! Come here!” Gomamon yelled from up ahead.
“Come on.” Joe said as he grabbed Jessi’s hand and pulled her behind him. They found Gomamon. He was standing over something that was lying on the ground. Joe rushed over to it. Jessi followed behind him.
“What is it?” Jessi asked as she watched over his shoulder. She watched the little thing in Joe’s arms. It was green and had what Jessi thought looked like wings. A light started to glow around it. The glow also came from Jessi’s pocket. The little thing woke up. It looked at Joe than over his shoulder at Jessi.
“Hi!” it said as it jumped out of Joe’s arms and into Jessi’s.
“Um..Hi.” Jessi said looking down at it. In a way it was kind of cute.
“I’m Balamon.” It said grinning like crazy.
“I’m Jessi.” Jessi said as she watched it.
“I’m your Digimon.” Balamon said happily.

Chapter 2: More new Digimon.
Shannon was slowly waking up when she heard a voice say, “Oh no. Did I kill her?”
“No. She just fainted. She’ll be okay.” Another voice said.
Shannon opened her eyes to find the face of the boy and the thing looking down at her.
“Are you okay?” the boy asked. Worry was written all over his face.
“I think so. But what is that and that?” she asked as she sat up and pointed at two things by her. One was a little orange dinosaur and the other was a little ball of fur with a tail and two feet.
“I’m Agumon.” The dinosaur said.
“And I’m Poomon. And I finally found you.” The other thing said.
“I’m Tai.” The boy said finally saying his name.
Poomon jumped into Shannon’s lap. It looked up at her.
“Where am I?” Shannon asked.
Matt was trying to catch a fish when Katriena woke up. She was lying on some huge leaves. A small fire was blazing near her.
“Ah you are awake.” Matt’s little monster friend said when it saw that Katriena was awake.
“I must have shalowed more water than I thought.” Katriena said, “I thought I just heard you talk.”
“You did.” It said.
Katriena screamed. She tried to get to her feet but fall backwards. Matt caught her before she could fall.
“You just sit here. Gabumon won’t hurt you.” Matt said, as he set Katriena back on the leaves were she had been lying.
“I’m a good Digimon.” Gabumon said as he added more sticks to the fire.
“Digimon?” Katriena asked looking at Matt for some help understanding.
“Balamon are you a girl or guy?” Jessi asked as Balamon bounced along her side as she walked.
“I’m a girl.” Balamon said. It was having a hard time. Jessi picked her up.
“Here I’ll carry you.” Jessi said as Balamon settled in her arms. Jessi and Joe were still walking in the cave. A light was at the end.
“Good we found a way out.” Gomamon said running forward. Balamon jumped down out of Jessi’s arms bouncing after Gomamon.
“Wait for me!” Balamon yelled. Jessi laughed. She and Joe rushed after them. Jessi put an arm up to her eyes to block the sun. She took a step out into the sunlight. But her feet touched nothing but air.
“Ah!” Jessi heard herself scream as she fell. She heard Joe scream too. They fell into a cold river.
“Marching Fishe!” Gomamon yelled. Fish rose up under Jessi and Joe.
“The only way to travel.” Joe said as the fish swam under him.
“But where’s Balamon?” Jessi said looking around. She couldn’t find her little friend.
“Help!” someone screamed from up ahead of them.
“Balamon!” Jessi screamed when she saw that it was her Digimon.
Katriena was eating some cooked fish when she heard a scream. She looked out over the river. Something green was floating down the river and a whole mob of fish were swimming after it. Two people and a digimon were raiding on top of them. The digimon hopped back into the water and swam after the little green thing. The fish swam over the bank letting the people get off. A guy and a girl. The girl ran along the bank running after the things in the water. The digimon that had jumped in the water was swimming to shore with the little green thing in its mouth.
“Hey Matt. Look what I found.” The boy said to Matt as he walked up to them. He was pointing at the girl who was now holding the green thing in her arms.
“I found someone too Joe.” Matt said looking down at Katriena. Katriena was still watching the girl. She turned around toward them.
“Jessi!” Katriena shouted. She jumped to her feet and ran over to Jessi.
“Katriena!” Jessi said surprised. Something jumped out of the bushes and landed between the two girls. It looked at Katriena. It started to jump. Katriena and Jessi screamed. The little green thing in Jessi’s arms tried to get down out of her arms. Matt and Joe ran over to them.
“I found her! I found her!” the thing was yelling as it jumped around Katriena. It looked like a frog except it was blue instead of green. It hopped around Katriena once more than jumped into her arms.
“I’m Oggiemon and I’ve been waiting for you.” It said as it grinned. Matt and Joe were watching it.
“I’m Katriena and do I know you?” Katriena asked the little thing in her arms.
“I’m your Digimon.” Oggiemon said.
Shannon was following behind Tai carrying Poomon. Agumon was talking to him. Shannon was trying to understand to what they were talking about when something growled.
“Was that my stomach? Or something else?” Shannon asked.
“It was something else. Look!” Tai said pointing behind them. Shannon saw a huge monster that looked like another dinosaur. Only this one had a long neck.
“What’s that?” Shannon asked.
“That’s Dinomon and watch out she gets mad for no reason at all.” Agumon said. Shannon took a step back. She fell in something. It was full of eggs.
“It’s her nest. And watch out there is a little one in there.” Tai said. A little green Dinomon was looking at Shannon hungrily. It opened its mouth to show rows of teeth.
“Help!” Shannon yelled. Poomon ran over to help, but the little Dinomon swatted him away.
“Poomon!” Shannon yelled. A glow came out of her pocket. It went around Poomon.
“Poomon Digivolves to…” he shouted as he span around in a circle, “Pintomon!” Poomon had changed into a horse like digimon, Pintomon.
“Crystal Hoof!” Pintomon shouted bring a hoof down near the little Dinomon. The ground around it turned to crystal. The Dinomon fall and slid away from Shannon. While this was happing Tai was taking care of the big Dinomon. Shannon climbed out of the nest and ran. She found some rocks to hind behind. Tai and Agumon joined her a minute later.
“Let’s get out of here before she thinks about coming after us.” Tai said. Shannon nodded. She ran toward the end of the desert. She saw some trees that she could hind behind. Tai and Agumon followed her.
“So I take it your not Poomon anymore are you?” Shannon asked her digimon.
“Nope I’m Pintomon now.” He said gazing up at her with brown eyes, “are you sad?”
“Nope. I think you’re cute just the way you are.” Shannon said bending down and hugging him. He was orange with light brown on his face and hind legs. His mane was a pale gray. His head came to about Shannon’s waist. As they were talking Tai was walking toward the sound of water.
“Look Agumon! It’s Matt and Joe.” He said sounding happy. As he was waving and calling to them something popped up out of the water in the middle of the river. It had a shell and the front half of it was pink.
“Shellmon!” Tai yelled.