It is easy to see the faults of others, but difficult to see one’s own faults. One shows the faults of others like chaff winnowed in the wind, but one conceals one’s own faults as a cunning gambler conceals his dice. (Buddha, the Dhammapada)

Why do you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? ....You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor’s eye. (Matthew 7:3-5)

Bazerman --- Basically, humans are biased to selectively see evidence supportive of the conclusion they would like to reach, while ignoring evidence that goes against their preferences or subjecting it to special scrutiny See No Evil: Why We Overlook Other People's Unethical Behaviour

The environmental groups and the governmental agencies charged with protecting the environment ask people to change many habits, to take shorter showers, to drive less, to purchase smaller cars etc. Why are they afraid to ask people to change the way that they eat to save the environment despite the fact that animal agriculture is, at the very least, one of the leading causes of environmental degredation?

Why is it so hard for people to change the way that they eat?

Examples of the bias toward normalcy?

Some people suffer from what the psychologists call Normalcy Bias. When they find themselves in some unsettling circumstance, they shut down and pretend everything is normal.

"normalcy bias" which results in underestimating the probability or extent of expected disruption.

Some jews left and some Jews who could have left stayed.

Bias towards normalcy

Methane as a green house gas

Deforestation – clear cutting rain forests

91% of deforestation caused by animal a

Animal defecation

Fracking v animal agriculture

How much water a person use a day

Water to create a pound of egetable protein vs.

Personal water saving vs. not eatin meat

What would happen in drought if animal agriculture cut if half

Behavior change –

Is there a real conspiracy

1/3rd all freshwater

species extinction

ocean dead zones –

Why don’t’ environmental orgs want to address this issue

Effect of methane emissions - will go down

Land use - how much land already deoted to animal agriculture;

Impact of factory fish farming on water quality

Impact of fishing ¾ fishieries over exployment – fishless oceans

By-kill in sustainable fishing

10,000 years ago -- Free living animals 99% of biomass – humans 1%; – now Human and our animals 98% of biomass – free living 2%

Role of environmental factors in destablizing communities;

Largest mass extinction of species in 65 million years

Don’t confuse people with compliex arguments

Large environmental orgs as membership and fundraising organizations

116,000 lbs of farm animal excrement per second in the u.s.

Nitrogen flooded dead zones

Pacific Gyre

Why are rain forests the planets lungs

If the oceans die, we die

What to do with all the cows

Palm oil

Why are they hiding the role of animal agricultural in environmental degradation.

Drivers to deforestation:

Is grass fed cattle an alternative to factory farming –

Carbon footprint –

Impact of population on environment

Sustainability of milk

Wild horses

Wild buurows

Land management

Externalized or hidden costs – if required to internalize

Ag-Gag law

Animal rights terrorists at the top of FBI domestic terrorists

Want to keep us in the dark about what happens –

Huma over population 1812 1912 2012 7 billion

70 bill farm animals;

energy conversion rate

backyard farming

You can’t be an environmentalist and eat animal products

Is a vegetarian diet

Purpose of cow’s milk is to turn a 65 lb calf to a 400 pound stter asap

Baby calf growth fluid; secretion of a large bovine mammal who just had a baby

Animal manure to growth health food


Feeling better

You can change the world

You must change the world.