Grades 9-10
CONTENT STANDARD: Students recognize the different economic systems of the world with emphasis on the U.S. economy.Big Ideas and Essential Questions
The student understands that . . .
All economic systems face similar problems.
Ø How are the characteristics of the U.S. economy different from other economies in the world?
Ø How does the basic economic problem affect the citizens of our country?
Ø Why are there so many wants in American society? Why aren’t people content with just meeting their basic needs?
Numerous tools can be used to measure the health of an economic system.
Ø How does historical economic data lead to a better understanding of a country?
Ø What part of the business cycle is the U.S. economy in at the present time? How do you know?
Ø What role does the stock market play in our economic system?
All people perform the economic roles of consumer, worker, and citizen.
Ø How do you participate in the U.S. economy?
Ø Why do you think people make careless and uninformed decisions?
Ø Why is it important to be able to distinguish between standard of living and quality of life?
Government agencies are established to protect and regulate economic activity.
Ø Why are consumers and businesses expected to pay taxes to the government?
Ø How have “white-collar” crimes affected our state? Our nation?
Grade Level Expectations
The student is able to . . .
a. identify the differences among traditional, command, and market economies.
b. analyze economic data used to measure economic growth/decline.
c. define their economic roles in society and explain standard of living and quality of life.
d. interpret what is happening during each phase of the business cycle in the United States.
Key Vocabulary: scarcity, factors of production, gross domestic product, inflation, deflation, productivity, prosperity, recession, depression, recovery, supply, demand, economic resources, economics
Instructional Strategies: See Appendix – Circular Flow of Economic Activity Game, Stock Market Game (UCONN – online), Productivity Demonstration, Rules Influence Economic Systems Activity
Grades 9-10
CONTENT STANDARD: Students recognize the role entrepreneurs play in the U.S. economy and examine the reasons that businesses succeed or fail.Big Ideas and Essential Questions
The student understands that . . .
Successful entrepreneurs possess a unique set of characteristics.
Ø Could you be an entrepreneur? Explain why or why not.
Ø What qualities do successful entrepreneurs possess?
Ø What are your strengths and weaknesses?
There are both rewards and challenges involved in entrepreneurship.
Ø Why do people become entrepreneurs?
Ø What are the benefits/disadvantages of being your own boss?
Ø How does telecommuting impact the business world?
The U.S. economy includes thousands of small businesses.
Ø How do small businesses impact employment in our country?
Ø How have the businesses in the Killingly Commons impacted our community?
Grade Level Expectations
The student is able to . . .
a. compare individual strengths and weaknesses with aptitudes and interests.
b. identify the rewards and challenges of being an entrepreneur.
c. discuss why entrepreneurs are important to the American economy.
d. compare and contrast service and retail businesses within our local community.
e. explain the pros and cons of telecommuting.
Key Vocabulary: entrepreneur, thinking “outside the box,” initiative, telecommuting, profit, aptitudes, attributes, perseverance, retail, merchandise, niche, franchise
Instructional Strategies: See Appendix – Could You Be An Entrepreneur?, Alka-Seltzer Demo, Famous Entrepreneur Report and Poster Presentation, Entrepreneur Magazine “Young Millionaires”
Grades 9-10
CONTENT STANDARD: Students recognize the importance of marketing in business and in their personal lives.Big Ideas and Essential Questions
The student understands that . . .
Businesses use marketing strategies to improve their sales.
Ø What types of marketing gimmicks do businesses use to grab your attention?
Advertising can impact buying decisions.
Ø What are your favorite commercials? Why?
Ø What commercials, radio spots, or print advertisements really “bug” you?
Marketing strategies can be applied to your personal life when you are trying to
“sell yourself” to a prospective employer.
Ø What qualities make you unique?
Ø How can you “sell yourself” to a potential employer?
Grade Level Expectations
The student is able to . . .
a. plan a marketing strategy for a business.
b. identify a target market for a particular product/service.
c. utilize the four elements of the marketing mix.
d. analyze the benefits of marketing.
e. apply marketing strategies to their resume and cover letter.
f. create a marketing campaign for a new product.
Key Vocabulary: marketing mix, channel of distribution, target market, resume
Instructional Strategies: See Appendix – Cereal Box Project, Adverteasing Game, Commercials
Grades 9-10
Banking/Personal Finance
CONTENT STANDARD: Students recognize the importance of financial institutions in our society.Big Ideas and Essential Questions
The student understands that . . .
The mission of the Federal Reserve System is to foster a healthy economy.
Ø Why was the Federal Reserve System established?
Ø How does the Fed help to keep our economy going?
Banks and credit unions provide vital services to consumers.
Ø How is the money deposited in a bank used by the bank?
Ø How would you go about getting a car loan?
Checking and savings accounts are important tools for the future.
Ø What might you need a checking account for?
Fluctuations in the stock market serve as a basis for economic change.
Ø How do you buy and sell securities in the U.S.?
Ø How do you know which companies are performing well and which are not?
Grade Level Expectations
The student is able to . . .
a. identify the mission and functions of the Federal Reserve.
b. write checks and maintain a check register.
c. complete a deposit slip and endorse a check.
d. reconcile a bank statement.
e. buy and sell common stock through an online stock market game.
f. record stock data and make informed decisions about company performance
Key Vocabulary: Federal Reserve System, liquidity, decentralized, monetary policy, securities
Instructional Strategies: See Appendix – Stock Market Game, Federal Reserve System videos and booklet, check-writing packet provided by Charter Oak Credit Union, Catch Me If You Can forensic accounting game
Grades 9-10
Communication/Team Building Skills
CONTENT STANDARD: Students recognize the importance of communication and team building skills in today’s world of work.Big Ideas and Essential Questions
The student understands that . . .
Communication skills are vital to successful employment.
Ø What skills are most desirable by employers today?
Ø How can lack of clear communication skills disrupt a company?
Communication occurs in spoken words, gestures, writing and listening.
Ø What percentage of your day is spent listening?
Ø What advantages does writing have over speaking?
Working as a part of a team is necessary in the world of work.
Ø Why is teamwork so important?
Ø What are the pros and cons of working in a group?
Ø How can groups interact more effectively?
Grade Level Expectations
The student is able to . . .
a. identify the habits of highly effective teens.
b. compare different types of communication.
c. prepare an oral presentation using technology.
d. write a business letter using proper format.
e. identify the characteristics of an effective team.
f. evaluate their participation in a group through reflection and questioning.
Key Vocabulary: non-verbal communication, articulate, enunciate, corporate culture, synergize
Instructional Strategies: See Appendix – The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens book, Biz Buzz activities, Pursuit of Happiness video, Who Moved My Cheese?
Grades 9-10
Ethics and Decision Making
CONTENT STANDARD: Students recognize the importance of business ethics and social responsibilities.Big Ideas and Essential Questions
The student understands that . . .
Organizations shape ethical behavior.
Ø Why do organizations adopt codes of conduct?
Ø What factors influence the ethical environment of a business?
Ethical decision making skills are critical in society.
Ø What are honesty and integrity and how do they differ?
Decision making is a process.
Ø Why do some people make careless and uninformed decisions?
Ø What kind of attitude is best to have toward a decision once it is made?
Grade Level Expectations
The student is able to . . .
a. explain the purpose of a company code of conduct.
b. solve common ethical dilemmas in the workplace.
c. critique how businesses’ social responsibility is measured.
d. apply the decision-making process to both personal and business situations.
Key Vocabulary: ethics, ethical behavior, code of conduct, integrity, social responsibility
Instructional Strategies: See Appendix – Case Studies, decision-making practice cases