Завдання з англійської мови 10 клас.

квітень 2013 р.

Автор: Журавель Л.В.


  1. Аудіювання.

Listen to the biography of Elizabeth Blackwell, America's first woman doctor of medicine. Find out if your predictions were right.

On January, 23,1849, the Geneva School of Medicine in the state ofNew Yorkheld a graduation ceremony that made history. Normally only close friends and family used to come to the graduation ceremony. But on this occasion the hall where ceremonies took place was crowded with spectators, because everybody wanted to see Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman ever to receive a medical degree.

Elizabeth was born in 1821. Her father was a businessman who believed that his daughters should have as good education as his sons. When the girl was 13 she already made her decision to become a doctor. But all her requests to teach her medicine were rejected. Then Elizabeth convinced several doctors to teach her privately.

When their family moved to the state of New York she was allowed to attend classes at the small medical college in Geneva.

Those were difficult years. Two years later, nevertheless, Elizabeth Blackwell graduated at the head of her class. She wanted to become a surgeon and she sailed for Paris. She hoped to study there. But no French school or doctor would agree to teach a woman.

She applied to work at a hospital for women outside of Paris. She cleaned the hospitals and cared for patients. She couldn't become a surgeon.

After Paris she went to London and there she was able to further her medical studies. In 1851, she returned to the USA to set up practice in New York City. In 1858, Doctor Elizabeth Blackwell opened her own hospital, the New York Infirmary for women and children. In 1866, the first MedicalSchoolfor women in New YorkState was established at the hospital.

Post-listening Mark the following sentences True (T) or False (F).

  1. The graduation ceremony of 1849 in the medical school in New Yorkmade a history.
  2. Elizabeth's father paid a great deal of attention to his children's education.
  3. When the child said that she wanted to become a doctor everybody
    encouraged her.
  4. Elizabeth took private medical classes.
  5. In New York she entered MedicalUniversity.
  6. Elizabeth was a weak student.
  7. Elizabeth went to Paris to work there.

8.She went to London to get her medical education.

2. Читання.


After H. A. Smith

The Greggs were coming back from their first trip to Europe. On board the "Queen Elizabeth" they got acquainted with a Frenchman. The Frenchman told the Greggs that he was an artist and his name was Lautisse. Then they talked to the ship's librarian and found out that their new friend wasthe world's famous artist whose pictures were very valuable and expensive. Lautisse was going to spend a month in New York. Mrs. Gregg invited him to come to their place for the weekend. At the appointed time Lautisse arrived at the Greggs' and they were happy to see him.

The next morning Mr. Gregg got up very early as he wanted to paint the fence around the vegetable garden. He took a brush and was about to begin painting when Lautisse approached him. As soon as he saw the brush, he seized it from Mr. Gregg and began painting the fence.

The fence turned out to be a valuable thing. It was sold for a big sum of money, and taken to a museum.


/. Choose the right answer.

1.The Greggs were coming from...



c)New York.

2.They got acquainted with ...

a)an Englishman;

b)a Frenchman;

c)an Irishman.

3.Lautisse said that he was ...

a)an artist;

b)an actor;

c)an architect.

4.Before the trip the Greggs...

a)knew this artist;

b)didn't know any artists;

c)didn't know any artist whose name was Lautisse.

5.The Greggs found out that...

a)Lautisse's pictures were very valuable;

b)Lautisse's pictures were not so expensive;

c)Lautisse's pictures were very valuable and expensive.

6.Lautisse was invited to come ...

a)to visit New Zealand;

b)to visit London;

c)to visit New York.

7.The next morning Mr. Gregg decided.,.

a) to paint their house and buy some vegetables;

b)to paint the fence around the vegetable garden;

c)to paint the fence around the house.

8.The Greggs sold ... for a big sum of money.

a)their house;

b)the fence;

c)the picture.

//. Put the sentences in the correct order.

a)The next morning Mr. Gregg got up very early, as he wanted to paint
the fence around the vegetable garden.

b)The Greggs found out that their new friend was the world's famous

c)At the appointed time, Lautisse arrived at the Greggs'.

d)The Greggs didn't know any artist whose name was Lautisse.

e)Lautisse was going to spend some time in New York.

f)The fence turned out to be a valuable thing.

Read a magazine article about nutrients and kinds of food you should eat to look good and feel wonderful. Some words are missing from the text. Choose the most appropriate word from the list (a-o) for each gap (1-14) in the text. There is one extra word that you do not need to use. Write your answers in the boxes after the list of words.


Many teenagers worry about their weight. They think they're too fat or too ... (1), so they go on popular diets. Other teenagers live on ... (2) food - potato chips, pop, and candy. They don't understand that if you eat a variety of... (3) foods, you'll look better and feel better.

All foods ... (4) nutrients. Nutrients are the things that are needed by the body to grow and to work ... (5). There are six important kinds of nutrients - carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water.

Carbohydrates and fats ... (6) energy. There are carbohydrates in potatoes, bread, rice, beans, and peas. Fats are contained in butter, oil, salad dressing, nuts, milk, and cheese.

Protein builds and maintains the body. It's ... (7) in meat, fish, dried peas and beans, cheese, and eggs.

Vitamins and minerals make the hair, teeth, and skin ... (8), and keep us well. Fruits and vegetables are important in a ... (9) because they provide vitamins and minerals.

All living things ... (10) water every day. There's water in milk, soup, juices, and some fruits and vegetables.

What foods does the body need? There are four ... (11) food groups. A teenager needs these foods every day:

1)Bread/Cereal Group - four servings of bread, rice, cereal, or noodles;

2)Meat Group - two servings of meat or fish, or substitute nuts, cheese, eggs, peanut butter, or dried beans or peas;

3)Milk Group - four servings of milk, cheese, or ice cream;

4)Vegetable/Fruit Group - four servings, including one citrus fruit andone dark green vegetable.

If you eat these foods every day, you'll look good and feel wonderful. If you want to ... (12) weight, eat larger servings. If you want to ... (13) weight, eat smaller servings. Just don't skip any of the foods that are ... (14) for good nutrition.

a)correctlyf) containk) need

b)skinnyg) number1) provide

c)healthfulh) healthym) needed

d)losei)junkn) diet

e)basicj) foundo) gain

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14

3. Письмо.

1. Writing

Your English-speaking friend has won acomposition contest. Write a congratulation card to him/her.

2. Writing

Your best friend has won a sports competition. You've decided to organise a surprise party for him/her. Writes notes including the following information:

•whom you would invite;

•necessary decorations (who is to buy them);

•kinds of food and entertainment you are going to prepare.

3. Writing

Your English-speaking friend is ill and in hospital. Write an encouragement card to him/her. Include the following:

•say you were sorry to hear the news;

•say that everything is going to be better soon;

•suggest your help.


1. Speaking

Music influences different people in different ways.

•What type of music influences you the most? How?

•Which musician has had the greatest impact on you? Why?

•How is the music of your generation different from the music your parentslistened to?

2. Speaking

You would like to invite your English-speaking friend to visit Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine.

•Tell your friend a few facts from the history of Kyiv.

•What places would you like to visit?

•How would you travel around the city?

3. Speaking

Ukraine is a big country with many different geographical features, climates and traditions. What do you like about your country?

•What can you say about the weather and climate of Ukraine?

•What are the biggest rivers (lakes, mountains, etc.)?

•What are the biggest cities? Give short information about one of it.