WSSSC Commission Meeting
May 2, 2014
Introduce Joe Holliday
State Board Update
Transition courses designed for those who do not pass the Smarter Balance test. Money is available from College Spark for us to work with high school students for precollege courses to assist them if they do not pass classes in junior year. Working with HS districts to design courses. May need volunteers to assist with putting courses together.
Coding International Students
Discussion and policy in place from State Board as to preference for us to code students as state supported. Policy manual whether can move back and forth regarding coding.
Coding students with multiple funding sources
DOL grants need consistency surrounding statutes and rules and what they say around state support. If spending the same amount of money on enrollments can claim as state if not then should pro-rate the FTE amount on spending. Simple version for coding students shared with campuses if not following the principle for the past time will not go back and recode. However, this practice begins summer quarter. Still in draft format. Went to BAC. Data governance committee liaison from State Board was also involved.
Action: ARC needs to see the document and provide feedback.
President’s Report
2015-2017 Budget request
Operating Budget request was discussed and the areas of focus for the request noted. Enrollments going down and will not have a general request but may have a high demand and request. The focus will be on enhancements not enrollment. Things that provide increased support for enhancements. List of all things went to BAC and President’s and asked to vote in survey format and rank them. Campuses need to decide how to rank faculty salaries, increase funding for MESA programs and expand to other institutions, Bellevue Gear Up partnership, etc. Will be looked at by WACTC.
The survey is due on May 5th. It came out on Wed.
Allocation Taskforce
Three ways to distribute money
Base Plus
Performance funding
Creating an allocation formula
Recommendation meeting in June to determine next steps with the allocation process.
Base amount each college should receive and SAI funding as well as strengthening the funding formula have all been discussed.
Competency Based Learning
Recommendations occurred at the winter meeting and were endorsed by WACTC. CBC is the central base consortium for implementation. One district is interested and all must decide by May 1st.
Connie Broughton has accepted a position for the Competency Based director and Mark Jenkins will fill her roll. Meeting with GATES on partnership. Misunderstanding around FTEs and tuition collection. CBC is the fiscal agent and the idea is to use Washington online to pool enrollments. Put courses on schedule and transcript students and claim to the College but more complications for the mechanics for this process because the faculty on the payroll will be hired by CBC but not paid by them. A complex faculty contract to teach in a six month contract is the challenge to figure out how to may.
Financial Aid issues next week will be addressed with complications that are significant logistically to solve. Federal department has determined ways to do this for non-term degrees. We are still term based and cannot blend standard and non-standard terms and cannot have students enroll in concurrent terms. Student Completion coaches and one FTE for FA should be considered on each campus. Colleges must designate one person for every college that implements this process. ctcLink cannot support this so it will all be by hand for FA staff.
Budget 1.4 million and includes costs for instructors, financial aid, and completion coaches. Nine funders will be included for the 8 campuses and the State Board meeting.
Green River
Accessible Taskforce Report
DSSC Report Letter of Concerns federal law and legal issue
Policy for entire system
Jan, Scott, Mark J, and Warren put a system-wide taskforce together. Draft of what was being worked on related to costs and other issues. Addressed the issues in the most current report voted on unanimously. Colleges individually will need to determine support needs and difficult to determine a cost needs. The State had a reserve pool for accommodations and in 2010 the pool was eliminated.
Policy statement drafted for disability accommodation for visitors as well as employees and students.
EEOC disability for non-discrimination and policy for services accommodations are the only policies currently in place for disability.
Commission will vote and then BAC and Instruction also weigh in on recommendations and policy before it goes to Ed Services/WACTC. Representatives from Commission meetings are on the Taskforce. Need to make sure campuses have reviewed the recommendation and show policy changes and make sure we’re able to address the issues on campuses.
Action Item: Commission will vote in summer on Taskforce recommendations.
Data Governance
Coding for Prior Learning out at Commission
Data Alert System-Communication system for changes in coding and alerts who will receive the information. ctcLink could sign-up to get alerts so more information is being shared.
Inter-local agreements-all signed for public organization
Using the wrong Tax ID number
Review Contract for balls (all campuses have discount for balls)
Code Proposals
Add Utah to the NWAACC (Idaho already added) recruit to Utah
First Contact-Ata motions and Tricia second all favors no oppose
10/40 rule-increase retention for athletes, 10 credits during the season participating in without issue. Concerns about athletes not performing in the classroom because engage in other behaviors. Athletes on campus without a lot to do. Out of season need to increase course loads in other credits. If fail, FA ineligible will be an issue and cannot participate. Data for in-season full-course load and implications such as persistence and completion. Receive partial FA for part-time student or full-time student. Retention if we are going to lose a student for grades reduces the course load for success. Creates an opportunity for more students to participate. During the season most are in academic trouble at some campuses so it does provide some flexibility for students.
Action: Commission will consider an endorsement for code proposals to WACTC.
Smarter Balance
Concerns regarding data have not been evaluated yet for portions of the curriculum considerations.
Timing of approval questioned
General consensus-all support
Real Hope Act-1079
Lots of State activity around implementation
LEAP community forums bringing together K-12 and Higher ED
System-wide strategy to address the issues and concerns and focus on the students. Dreamer Training days ½ day event regionally. Technical training around the WAFSA for advisors, TRIO.
Implications: committing space and food-sponsored event
Timeline deadlines of June 1st for FA
Summer training possibilities
Conference 2014
Congratulations to Deb and Dave on a successful conference!
Budget may need to be backfilled by Commission dollars. Placeholder is for $3000 it may be slightly more than the $3000.
Location-Tacoma location 5% no higher increase. After student of color conference and lock in budget.
Conference timing-fall, winter, spring
Size of Hotel for serving delegates a concern
Is this a three and six-year consideration? Dinner was low and band numbers were low.
Evaluation will be open for one week.
Service was outstanding! People in this group a pleasure to serve.
Motion approved for coverage of the conference.
Unanimous vote
Meetings Commission Meeting
July 23-24 Peninsula
October 9-10th Tacoma
Feb 5-6th Skagit
April 30-May 1 Spokane
Liaison Council Meeting
June 26th Clover Park
Officer Vote and Approved
Marci Myer Treasurer
Damon Bell Secretary
Deb Casey President Elect
Lisa Matye-Edwards President
Bill Belden Past President
Dennis Moved Election of officers
Arlene Second
All approved
Arlene and Trish
Congratulations to Warren Brown in his new role as President
Bill Belden congratulations on WSSSC Presidency!
Dennis new historian.